Period pains?


Well-Known Member
Nov 11, 2010
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Ive been getting period type pains today all day constantly, what does that mean? Does it mean the babys head is moving down?x
It's likely to be Braxton Hicks at this stage hun. Labour pains feel like really really strong period pains. Braxton Hicks come & go lasting around a minute or so & then going off & coming back. It's your body practising for labour x

Sunnyb xxx
It's likely to be Braxton Hicks at this stage hun. Labour pains feel like really really strong period pains. Braxton Hicks come & go lasting around a minute or so & then going off & coming back. It's your body practising for labour x

Sunnyb xxx

My tummy doesnt get tighter though? Or does that not always happen with BHs?x
I get period cramps a lot too. My stomach doesn't tighten. I didn't even think it could be braxton hicks x
I've been getting them for nearly 2 weeks, but they don't come and go they're constant. Midwife said it was normal but didn't say what it was.

My stomach has been tightening with the braxton hicks. They didn't really hurt until yesterday though. Its strange to watch - the top of my bump kind of rises and bunches up and goes rock hard and I get this squeezing feeling across the sides and my lower abdomen. On the monitor, the trace looked like the Himalayas! Lol!

Call the MW if you are concerned.

Yeah thats it just constant :( it feels like how u feel when uve got a case of diarrhea & ur tummy hurts all the time lol x
I had these a few week ago and then i went to the midwife and the baby was engaged so i am assuming that was why i had been getting them. Let your Midwife know though. xxx
Got MW tmo morning hope she doesnt want a glance up my miff to check lol x
Doubt she will lol! I have to see a doctor now instead of my Midwife :( hes useless. xxx
I am not sure, he said she was worried about my BP but she said to me i was going to have 1 appointment with him to chat about my worries. Like my BP going up when in labour and stuff. I was just kinda starting to like my Midwife as i have had weekly appointments since from aslong as i can remember. Now i am seeing a doctor i have never met in my life and to me seems a waste of space! Seeing him tomorrow dinner time! Just looked on my notes, hes a consultant... xxx
lol waste of space! Im seeing mine monday but im lucky hes great. see mw once a week too x
I much prefer my consultant to the MW at the GPs. I don't have the MW anymore - they are just keeping me under the consultant. They did have a look 'up there' when I was in hospital last night. But I don't think it was because of the pain, it was to check for blood on my cervix. They had a whacking great flashlight! Lol! And to my shame, it had been nearly a week since I had -ahem- tided up down there. Be prepared just in case!

I don't even know what consultants do lol! Ah well not long anyways eh :) xxx
I much prefer my consultant to the MW at the GPs. I don't have the MW anymore - they are just keeping me under the consultant. They did have a look 'up there' when I was in hospital last night. But I don't think it was because of the pain, it was to check for blood on my cervix. They had a whacking great flashlight! Lol! And to my shame, it had been nearly a week since I had -ahem- tided up down there. Be prepared just in case!

:rofl: !!!!!!!

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