It's likely to be Braxton Hicks at this stage hun. Labour pains feel like really really strong period pains. Braxton Hicks come & go lasting around a minute or so & then going off & coming back. It's your body practising for labour x
Sunnyb xxx
How come? cos of BP? Im under consultant but only see him every few wks xDoubt she will lol! I have to see a doctor now instead of my Midwife hes useless. xxx
!!!!!!!I much prefer my consultant to the MW at the GPs. I don't have the MW anymore - they are just keeping me under the consultant. They did have a look 'up there' when I was in hospital last night. But I don't think it was because of the pain, it was to check for blood on my cervix. They had a whacking great flashlight! Lol! And to my shame, it had been nearly a week since I had -ahem- tided up down there. Be prepared just in case!