People's reactions, grrr


Well-Known Member
Feb 12, 2011
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Honestly some people!!! How do they get through everyday life without getting punched in the face.

I was just on msn with one of husbands friends. OH hadn't told him yet so I text and asked if I could, he said yes. So I told him via msn and his reaction, oh I was going to guess that, (no you feckin weren't, there was no reason he wuold think that as we haven't seen him for 2 years) Then he just started talking about his girlfriends sisters brother or something. I didn't say anything then his next question. Is *** the father?

I called him a dick and had to come offline. Just texted OH apologising for calling his pal a dick but honestly to ask if he was the father. I know he was joking but a congratulations would have gone down a lot better. RANT RANT RANT.

Breathe :) Think happy calm thoughts of bump bouncing around in your tummy happily content! xxx
total knob asshole like, I'm absolutely raging.
How rude! Must admit I haven't had much excitement or congratulations from many men either!
Men are weirdos :) They have a completely different sense of humour to us dolls. And they don't understand that pregnany = hormonal = you WILL get that dig in the chops ;) x
What a Knob!!! Lol, Just laugh it off if you can. Don't let him get to you mate xx
Men! They can be nobs sometimes. I always remember DH telling his mate that I was pregnant and he said "it wasn't me that did it" Prick.
thanks girls. All other guys I've told have said congrats and been excited about it. This guy is just an immature dick, certainly wasn't my hormones raging, I would have been angry even if I wasn't preg and he said it about someone else. Anyway I've deleted him from msn now, don't really want to speak to him again. Much calmer now thanks. Feel like I could do with a cocktail rightabout now, have made do with a yoghurt!! :) xx
Best thing for people like him is - Block & Delete!! x

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