EX's partner and mum...


Well-Known Member
Aug 9, 2010
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I had my ex add me then blocked me as I spoke the truth about him on his wall haha, then his ex added me to chat about HIM fgs.

Now his mum has added me. Who's going to be next arrr. I only accept them to see why the hell they adding me. I need entertainment. Has anyopne else had this crap? WHat did you do?

Wouldn't mind but he beat me up before I left him and his dad tried it on with me to the point his mum never believed me and I ended up getting shifted to buxtons safe house where I panicked and broke down so I asked my parents to come home.

I've been happpy since and started my family, why what they let me forget x >.<

Picture 170.jpg First day after.
Picture 173.jpg When it got worse.
This is the bruise I got after he punched me in my arms and everywhere else I did get the police out as I had a split my gums and they were bleeding as well. That bruise took over 2 months to go off my arm, was even there on christmas F**king day :(

Sorry needed to rant! x Love you all ladies on here your all so friendly x
The thing is men like that can't stand the fact that women move on. Block them all and forget about them, have your fun knowing that they are left to their sad little lives whilst yours is going from strength to strength xxxxxxxxxx
I can understand why heather added me because my ex is a tit and uses women I told her to run as fast as she can but noone listens haha oh well. Just can't think why his mum is at it now? x
Either guilt or being nosey. I wonder if his dad has tried it on with someone else and she realises you were right.

Even so, I would still block her. It's a chapter of your life that led you to where you are now but it's over and that's that. You have so much to look forward to, no point in looking backwards xxxxxxxxxxx
What a pig ur ex is block him and move on! That bruise is horrendous? Hugs xxxx
Thanks hun glad it was 2009 seems like a distant memory now, I've had ups and down with current partner but I've never ended up like that again x
Oh god run for the hills. Your ex and his mum have no place in your life after all that. As for your exes new girlfriends, don't feel you need to warn them off him because you know it wont work :/ Live your life enjoy your life :)

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