people who insult the names you like


Well-Known Member
Mar 16, 2008
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I know you're all going to tell me not to tell people the names I like because people always try to put you off them :oops: But someone just really insulted me and I don't know if it's the hormones but I am so ticked off!!! :twisted:

Some guy on another forum where I have been a member of for years took it upon himself to attack my choice of names (someone had asked out of curiosity, so I told them). Anywho this guy butted in and totally insulted the name 'Imogen' which is one of my favourites, coming out with intelligent remarks such as 'sounds like Immodium!' and 'I bet your child grows up to be really anally retentive' and 'that's the WORST name I've ever heard' :x

I am soooooooooooo annoyed, I know it's not worth responding but seriously :talkhand: I am reaaaaaaaaaally fed up :( I hate it when people give their opinions even when they're not welcome, and particularly when they're rude. When will people ever learn not to wind up pregnant women - hormones dammit!!!!! :twisted:

*end rant*

C xxx
Just ignore them - we're telling people our choice of name and if they don't like it it's their problem! :hug:
Why do they allow people who make remarks like that on a forum? Have you reported it to the admin there?

I think Imogen's a lovely name, its the name of my cousins daughter and she is beautiful. :)
it's your right to choose the name you want, i thought Imogen for our short list but changed my mind. but that is me it should have no beraing whatsoever on what you choose to do in your life.

How dare he insult the name and by extension you saying thigs liek tht. He might have thought was joking, but you can't tell tone of voice when someone is typing.

Sounds like he has a chip on his shoulder :roll: I'd take no notice. He may have thought he was being funny and you would be laughing. Alas not.

But be prepared for some people to be negative about names if you tell them. Not everyone is going to like what you like, but also not everyone is going to be tactful and considerate in their reply.

We've not told people the names we have chosen as we just can't be bothered. We like them, love them, and put in a lot of consideration about them before choosing them. Don't feel the need to have to explain or justify our choices to others.
Thanks for the comments :hug: :hug: :hug:

I'm just stressed and emotional. It really pissed me off :lol:

I'm glad you like the name Imogen :eek: I'm actually leaning towards Zoe Elizabeth at the moment, but Imogen is defo on our shortlist.

I was always taught to get along with people, and that if you don't like someone or something, to get along with it and be polite...or not say anything at all because it's not your place. It just bugs me when other people overstep the mark like that...:roll:

C xxx
I keep telling people I want to call our kid Merlin and although it was a bit of a joke at first - I now really like it! Shame OH won't let me :roll:

It just goes to show that people have wide ranging tastes. I will not normally say if I don't like someone's choice of name unless it is OH and we are talking about our kid!

That guy was a bit rude though. I read somewhere that when you name a child you find out how mean a person you are, as you often reject names based on people in your life that you have encountered and didn't like for one reason or another. This guy on your forum obviously knew a girl called Imogen who was really anally retentive and disliked her. Although why people in his past (or even film/book characters) that he has disliked should make any bearing on what you name your child is anyone's guess :roll:
That person sounds like a real a$$holes claireyfairey, never mind him or anyone else, its your baby and you will give them a beautiful name :hug: :hug: :hug:
That said, we didn't tell anyone Isaac's name until he was born, and we won't with this baby either, its nice to have some surprises, and no-one dislikes the name once baby is here anyways :lol:
He probably just went out with someone with that name who ditched him coz he was a tosser.

Its a gorgeous name. :D
:hug: :hug: :hug:
I'm a teacher so after an experience with friends at the beginning of my pregnancy I have stopped telling everyone the names we have chosen. The friend who had been so rude actually asked me about our name choices the other day and I said I wasn't saying - she tried to cajole me into saying so I explained that the reason I don't say is because she slagged off my names early on and she didn't seem that bothered to be honest! She was still cheerful and not bothered about it :wall:

I would suggest you don't tell anyone your name choices until after baby is here for a number of reasons.
1) Everyone has different views on different names so there's no point asking others for their point of view - their opinions don't count.
2) You are thinking of your wonderful, special baby and are emotionally involved (obviously!) whereas others are thinking of names as words and are often dense when it comes to the emotion bit of it for you.
3) When OH's sister had a boy, her family thought they knew the name she had chosen. When they announced the baby's name a few days later it took everyone a while to adjust because they had one name in their heads and it turned out to be given another.

Number 2 is my main reason.

Oh, and ignore the idiot. He has poor rhyming skills, social skills and ability at telling jokes. Maybe pity him for being such a tosser.

Imogen is beautiful :D (and doesn't sound like immodium :? )
GGGRRRR! I hate this, he is a very rude bloke an your name is very pretty so dont listen!

My son told my Mother our chosen names when she called, he was really proud and very excited that he got to announce them......
She told him to tell me to think of some sensible names and hung up the phone!!

I told my son that his Gran is an evil witch and the new baby is only to be called Jellyfish-Stardust in her presence as she doent deserve to know its real name :rotfl:
aramintalovegrove said:
I told my son that his Gran is an evil witch and the new baby is only to be called Jellyfish-Stardust in her presence as she doent deserve to know its real name :rotfl:

lol, I love it :rotfl: I hope your son announced that with pride too :D
Well I'm not going to tell you that you shouldn't tell people the names you like! People will think good/bad of them whether baby is named in your tummy or when it comes out!

It's THEIR problem, not yours, so you shouldn't have to not tell people the names you like. I would NEVER tell someone I don't like their name, ever. I think it's so damn rude and ignorant.

Grrrrr :wall:

Bless you hun, I genuinely like the name a lot. If I don't like it, I won't comment ("if you can't say anything nice, don't say anything at all" and all that jazz!)

Don't worry though sweetie, Imogen is a gorgeous name :hug: xxx
Hon, he probably has a tiny willy and sits at his pc all day trying to make friends.

Don;t take it onboard.

I tell ppl our name choices are Bob and Hilda and i think they get the message...



P.s I think Imogen is a lovely name but its what YOU think that counts not anyone else. also remember its you that is giving birth and carrying it for 9mths so remember YOU DA BOSS!!!

When I told my friend the name we have chosen for our baby she said that I should seriously consider changing it as it is a working class name in Ireland!!! :x

Hmmm... I'm not quite sure that our daughter will ever live in Ireland, and I didn't really think that there would still be names linked to any particular class... Maybe I am wrong... :think:
i try not to tell people my names anymore. I told my mum (as you do) and asked her to keep it a secret....she told EVERYONE. i was sooooooooo angry.

Its just i know exactly what my family are like. My aunties particularly are really harsh and will rip peoples baby names to bits just cos theyre bitter old witches. If anyone asks me now what names we've picked i just say we havent settled on anything yet cos i makes me too angry when i see from their expression if they dont like it.

Also we told MIL and FIL we were thinking of the name 'Isabelle' and they've gone into one about 'isabella" being much prettier and thats what she should be called and blah blah blah :roll: :wall: :x wish id kept my gob shut :rotfl:
i did a post exactly the same a couple of months ago, a girls name picked and someone said its like something u call a dog! i was so angry so i never tell ppl now.. people think they can put it down because u havnt had the baby yet, most of the people who commented on my name had really common names for their kids to i just laugh to myself! my parents called me Stevie! i still get to this day " thats a boys name", still pisses me off too...
BabyMagic said:
When I told my friend the name we have chosen for our baby she said that I should seriously consider changing it as it is a working class name in Ireland!!! :x

Hmmm... I'm not quite sure that our daughter will ever live in Ireland, and I didn't really think that there would still be names linked to any particular class... Maybe I am wrong... :think:

tell her to leave ireland alone! im from n.ireland lol...
I told my mum's friend the name I like and she went 'That's horrible' and really did seem truly disgusted, I was quite shocked really, but then I just thought 'Fuck you it's not your baby and I don't care whyat you think'.

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