do you tell other people the names you chose?

We didn't tell anyone our names. We had a list, with favourites selected and the rest as backup in case she didn't look like the names we'd chosen. It drove lots of friends and family mad that we wouldn't tell them our names, but it made it really nice for us that we could announce her name with her birth. If you haven't told anyone your names you can't be upset if someone else names there baby the same name, can't be accused of pinching someone else's idea, can't be influenced by other people's opinions of your chosen names, can't be upset if they don't look like your chosen names - so many advantages.

If we had listened to my mum and MIL our baby would have been called Wilhelmina Cordelia :shock: . She's not! :lol:
We've told people our choices but because no one I know will have their baby before me!!!
Girl: Rosalie
Boy: Finlay
I think if you tell people the names you have chosen before the birth they feel it is OK for them to comment and be rude about the name because they are not thinking about your baby, they are just thinking about a name. Once the baby is here they are thinking about the baby and so will be less crtitical about the name and certainly not to your face :D
For this reason, my partner and I will tell anyone that asks that we have chosen Zelda for a girl and Sephiroth for a boy :rotfl:
Once the baby is born we will suddenly realise that we don't want to name our child after a computer game character and announce the name that we have chosen. I only have a girls name at the moment. Lots of time to work out a boys name though.
I think your doin the right thing by keeping the name secret. Its like you said you want to keep some of it a surprise.
For ages my baby was going to be phoebe Rose, but then everyone knows and i got sick of it after a while - now look at her name!

Keep it secret

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