does it upset you when people swear?

I don't mind it tbh as long as it's not infront of kids, My mummy hates it and my daddy always swears lol he found it so hard to stop when the grandkids came along but he did do it x
Depends who I'm talking to :oooo: Inbredlaws - yes lots of swear words :lol: at them, about them etc :lol:

I tend not to swear in public unless its a good mate

It's all about tone isn't it :)
How do you tell tone from the internet? xx

I think you've got to go to the context of the rest of the conversation....

Like I personally don't find the words themselves offensive but depends on the context.

Like I went to an all girls school and when having a nice day out last time L was home, saw one of my old friends who instead of going 'OMG LU! not see you inforever!' went'OI HOOKER- Since when did you get a new pimp.' Took a little while to explain I'm not nor have I ever been a hooker to L's cousin lol!

But if that had been someone I didn't know or someone I'd had a tiff with calling me hooker/slag/whore/anything else you can think of(and if anyone on heres seen most of my FB status/comments- it's pretty varied haha!) it's a different story.
I swear ALOT!! But I don't direct swear words at people unless it is in jest. I also don't like it when people swear around old people, I think we should respect them more than that. Xx
I swear ALOT!! But I don't direct swear words at people unless it is in jest. I also don't like it when people swear around old people, I think we should respect them more than that. Xx

Definately!! I get embarassed when cusses are said infront of the elderly even if it's not me thats said it!
I don't swear much in my own language but when I got with my ex, him being English n iearned most my English from him. He was swearing a lot so o think that's just the way I learned it. It's mainly "fuck/fucking".

My brother is awful for swearing and SIL learnt a lot of her English from him so sometimes she comes out with the worst things without being aware of how bad she sounds! It's quite funny sometimes though :)
I swear all the time and tbh i dont even notice i do it half the time lol but in a scoially nice way rather than angry nasty way, I do find people get offended and take it out of context at times especialy where I live at the moment, Im from Ireland and live on the Isle of Man ( where they are very anal anyway lol) They dont get the casual swearing bit and do think im fighting wiht my hubby if they hear me say "ah fuck off ya dop" or something silly on the phone

Makes me laugh to be honest, some people have too much time on their hands to worry about stupit things like that, To me things like the cu&t word are offensive allrite but you can usually witha bit of cop on tell if someone means it as a insult or not.

I also have to hold my hands up to the grammer too lol

I spend so much time worrying aobut emails and letters in work that im not bothered checking spelling and grammer for Facebook or forums , Pure fucking lazy hahaha
I wrote a poem for them and posted it on a culprits facebook... they didnt like it

It only took me five minutes so its not fantastic but i will share it with you lot anyway

i call it 'FUCKERS'

dont worry if your commas reversed
i dont care if you swear or curse
i couldnt give a monkeys some may say

i've no time to look down from lofty hieght
those whose education i deam not right
to converse with me or have a point of view

Everyone can have a say
its irrelavant as long as they
can make their feelings known to you and I
so if your feeling uppity
about someone use of an aphostraphy
then perhaps you should wonder what your missing
and what purpose there really is in kissing
your old English teachers arse

They've probably retired,
or dead by now
so whats the point?
for while you are complaining
others are re-arranging
and discussing things that you could join in with too

If your finding someones manner
drives you to distress or clamour
then perhaps look at it from a different point of view
some folk express things differently
some wrong, some right
but frequently
we have to learn to love more than a few

But dont be worried or distressed
This isn't some obsucre behest
just suggesting in an honest way
that you get your head out of your arse
and sniff the air and have a laugh

trust me... lifes better that way ;)
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i swear like a trooper, plus i am a northern girl with a broad accent at times so people always find me aggresive hehehe i am like 5 foot fuck all..........ooops that swear slipped out lol
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That's actually beyond ridiculous. What the hell has the word fuck got to do with racism?? I have a potty mouth sometimes I'm bloody awful, but as long as you know there's a time and place for it I don't see the problem. I don't swear in public, in front of elderly people or children. Ocassionally the odd word might slip out but we taught my nieces and nephews from the get go that it's wrong, so my niece tells me off and grounds me when I do it lol. But rightly so, we'd tell her off if she said it so she's well within her rights to do the same IMO. But on facebook what the hell does it matter? If they're offended by a word on a social networking site, just delete it no-one will actually care.
In the wise words of Eric Cartman: "What? It's just a word, it's not hurting anybody! Fuck, fuckity, fuck, fuck, fuck!!!" lol x
I swear its a habit lol its mostley (fuckin) i tend to use more than any other swear word. Although i have been known to use every swear word going when i am fuming PMSL!!! xx
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I use to hate anyone that swears! However, over the last couple of weeks, I've found myself swearing more often about work! Im no longer quick to judge others!
i never swear inappropriatley, only in the comfort of my house or woth friends lol where the air turns quite blue at times lol
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