I wrote a poem for them and posted it on a culprits facebook... they didnt like it
It only took me five minutes so its not fantastic but i will share it with you lot anyway
i call it 'FUCKERS'
dont worry if your commas reversed
i dont care if you swear or curse
i couldnt give a monkeys some may say
i've no time to look down from lofty hieght
those whose education i deam not right
to converse with me or have a point of view
Everyone can have a say
its irrelavant as long as they
can make their feelings known to you and I
so if your feeling uppity
about someone use of an aphostraphy
then perhaps you should wonder what your missing
and what purpose there really is in kissing
your old English teachers arse
They've probably retired,
or dead by now
so whats the point?
for while you are complaining
others are re-arranging
and discussing things that you could join in with too
If your finding someones manner
drives you to distress or clamour
then perhaps look at it from a different point of view
some folk express things differently
some wrong, some right
but frequently
we have to learn to love more than a few
But dont be worried or distressed
This isn't some obsucre behest
just suggesting in an honest way
that you get your head out of your arse
and sniff the air and have a laugh
trust me... lifes better that way