peeeed off with maternity pay! anyone else?


Well-Known Member
Apr 9, 2010
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Hey guys I've been looking at my maternity pay and its rubbish!! 13 weeks at full pay and then something like £124 a week after! I've worked my arse off to get my job and to get £500 is not even 3x what I earn now a month!! I don't mean to sound rude or arrogant but I've worked soo hard for my mortgage, car etc and paid my tax and insurance and I only get 13 weeks off with my Bubba :( we physically can't afford to live on that! ( I must sound like a stuck up cow lol but I'm not I promise ) is anyone else dreading the maternity money and having to go back to work earlier than they wanted ?? Xxx
its a joke isnt it. OH is self employed and normally he is doing very well but due to the snow in december alot of buildingsites closed so we have lived on my 500 since before crimbo, wich means we have not paid all of the rent, phonebills, conciltax, debts this month. im used to 1200 a month and he twice that so to suddenly be on 500 is a joke.
do u av a link wwere you can look it up, its just £124 i presume is for full time which i was b4 lil boy i bet i get jack all now im only part time x
with you on that one!! i am on that now, and my outgoings are basically that (i dont have a mortgage or anything and i rent from my mum lol) but i am skint! and that isnt even with the baby yet! scary isnt it x
13 weeks at full pay??? Your company are being generous!

All I am getting is what my company have the pay me by law - 6 weeks at 90% pay and then 33 weeks at £124.

I to am used to alot more to live on per month to but I we were well aware what the maternity pay was before I got pregnant! x
Miss my darling I'm with you! I'd LOVE to get 13 weeks full pay...I get 6 weeks too!!! I am soooo full of anger about it I have the rage with my organisation...I've been here 8 years and feel like I have worked for more! I'm going to be screwed!!!

anybody know what you get part time??
i'm lucky here, i get 90% pay for 26 weeks then statutory after that... but i would still like longer to spend with my first child x
well just spoke to mi boss apparently i get 90% of my part time wages for first 6 weeks lol then 124.88 for the next 33 weeks??

i av no idea as when i ad my son i was full time and its only after my son ive gone part time but it dose make u worrie,
Wish! I thought you had left me!

I am pissed off about it too with my company tbh. I have given the company 5 years and worked my ass off to help it grow when my boss is not here (80% of time) I run the office and do his job, when his house got flooded I ran the business for weeks while he sorted out insuance and somewhere to live - then when he moved back in his house, I also ran the business while he was having major surgery and his recovery as no one else could do it! - just seems like such a kick in the teeth after everything I have done for the company.

Grrr rant off!!!!

Nadine - You will get 90% of earnings for first 6 weeks also and then 90% of earnings for 33 weeks or £124 which ever is less I think.....

To look into it go here hun
constantstar, sorry love, but what you get is VERY GOOD! I'd be thrilled with that. Like the other girlies above, I'm on Statutory, and like miss and wishuponastar, was aware what it was before I got pregnant. since we were trying we've been cutting down on little bits and bobs to get a bit more savings. I know it's going to be hard for everyone to go to maternity pay from a full wage, but think of the baby you will get. And also, be thankful that you get those 13 weeks full pay!

OH you had already asked! lol Sorry hun I shoudl have been quicker for you x
see im lucky im used to so little a month maternity pay will prob be more then what i earn :/
I get full pay for 2 weeks, 90% for a further 4 weeks, then half pay plus statutory for 12 weeks, I think Im pretty lucky to be honest, as managing to get 18wks on more than most.

Im more concerned with how much Nurseries charge per day, for when I return to work! Again I'm lucky as we both earn a good wage, but I really don't know how some couples afford it - prob costs more to work than not to!

For those who work part time...ul get 90% of ur wage for 6 weeks then 90% or 124.88 a week for 33 weeks-whichever is LEAST! xx
Lol - ok, you defo do the same job as me!

It came as a real shock to me as well - I would have thought that the organisation we work for, would have helped us when it came to stuff like this. Im having to carry over leave from this year, to take before I leave, then use next years leave for when I come back - this means I only have 6 months off, but will only have to manage one month on SMP - I cant survive on SMP, 500 a month wont even pay my mortgage. I also have my other debts, loans, and we still have to pay out for our pension (allbeit not as much, but still the same percentage).
Who said we did the job for money, eh!
Thankf for ur replies, as I said I don't mean to sound rude or anything and from what some of u r saying my maternity is a bit better than other people! Its just hard that's all! I would love 6 months off with my child but def aint gunna happen! Will be s months I think!! Sorry for the rant guys too!!! Xx
it's ok, at least you maybe feel a bit better about what you get now? imagine if you only had 6 weeks?! I am in Qatar for work at the moment and there is a girl who is 20 weeks pregnant and she was telling me the only maternity pay they get here is 50 days. that works out to 6 weeks after with the baby, as you have to take 14 days before!! how rubbish is that?
I work part time and been told I will have the first 6 weeks at 90% pay, then the following 12 weeks is 50% pay plus Statutory Maternity Pay(£124?) or if the 50% pay and SMP equals more than my weekly earning then I will get my full weekly earning instead.

Then the following 21 weeks I get the SMP. Any more time off is unpaid after that xxx

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