My experience:
TENS: Took me through the first 24 hours of labour at home, I must admit though when i was approaching 4cm the TENS didnt really do anything for me. It was a strange sensation, I didnt like it at first but after a few contractions it really helped. Will be using one next time.
Entinox: Ahhhhh that is good sh*t. I think thats what I said when I first used it

I tried the gas and air with the TENS at first but it was horrrible, it was all confusing. I did get a bit attached to my entinox, the MW had to stop me from using it and I got quite mardy when I wasnt allowed it, arguing with her that I needed it because it hurt, her saying it was just pressure

Will DEFINATELY be using it next time.
Diamorphine: I dont think it really did much for the pain, but made me feel out of it for about 20 minutes. I think I'll try without next time.
Epidural: I asked for the epidural when I couldnt take the pain anymore, I had to wait for the anaetnatist for about 30 minutes and the pain felt even worse-I cannot describe how painful it was. It seemed like it wasnt just me that was in pain, but the whole room was pain itself- sounds profound, but I dont know how else to describe it. Baby was back-to-back so I dont know if I would have been able to cope with a normal labour any better. I didnt really feel the needle go in, I think I was in too much pain to care. It didnt work the first time they tried. I remember coming out of a contraction that seemed to last an age and just shouted at the top of my lungs
"WHY ISNT IT WORKING?????????!!!!!!!" I think I made everyone in the room jump

The anaetnetist (sorry, cant spell that word lol) came back straight away and tried again. I was smiling in no time. I do remember shivering uncontroably, it wasnt very nice, but better than the pain I suppose. I had a mobile epidural so could feel when to push and everything, which I was grateful for. I would consider an epidural in the future, depending if they were back-to-back and how I coped with it.