With my youngest I was only 17 and a complete wuss when it came to pain! My labour was only 4 hours and I dont remember much about it but I do remember asking for pethadine and they only gave it to me at the last minute (too late in and it can effect the baby apparantly) but I had been on gas and air until then.
With my 2nd I was 2 weeks + 4 days overdue so I went in to be induced, having what I thought was braxton hicks, but when they examined me prior to inducing me I was already 4cm so just had gas and air and 2 hours later out she popped!
With my 3rd (who sadly only survived 3 hours) he was 9/10 weeks prem so was quite small and I didnt have any pethadine just gas and air, labour was only about 4 hours again then.
Yes you can all hate me and my easy labours now lol