How many CM did you get to before you asked for pain relief?

Kas said:
I got to 8cm dilated then wanted pain relif but the MW said i was too to get it, i never had any, but ive got a high pain tolerance XkelX

Not even gas and air??
well at the very start of the labour the MF ask me to take a few puffs so she go see the other that way i knew how to use it, but i gave my oh so much abuse i didnt touch it again LOL xkelx
My MW told me that taking prescibed drugs etc can make things worse for u whilst in labour, not in a bad way but she said our bodys have a natural pain release, i think she said endorphins get released, but if u get an epidural or pethadine it prevents the natural pain relief bein recepted by ur brain, im not sure if this is correct, but it seemed to work for me, i found not chattin alot to my OH helped, but i kinda went into a mini trance like meditation, and it helped me through it. XkelX
samrbtson said:
the wire came off the pad though and was shocking me in the bum for ages until i had the guts to ask someone why my bum was stinging :oops:

:rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl:

(Sorry - I had a TENS machine without suffering the same unfortunate incident but the thought of this cracked me up!!!!!)

I used a tens machine from the beginning of my labour and rang the labour ward after 6 hours and they told me to take 2 paracetamol..I think they were having a laugh :shock:

I got to the hospital and was 5cm and asked for gas and air (wonderful stuff) but I had to take off the tens as I couldnt concentrate on both. Had pethadine when I was about 8cm dilated and it caused my contractions to slow down so was given a drug to increase them so I then had a half dose extra of pethadine which sent me totally out of control...I lost about 6 hours of my labour, totally spaced out and ended up with a spinal block for an emergency C-Section after pushing for 2 hours with no pain relief as it had all worn off and they took the gas and air off me!!!!
I really dont like the sound of the pethadine, hardly hear any good reports!
well, i didnt have anything (unless paracetamol count) because i was too busy sleeping. :wall: When i woke up i was ready to push so it was a bit late for pethadine i tired gas and air with one contraction, and my expectations of it were killed when nothing happened (maybe i didnt give it a chance), so i threw that as far as i could in a mood, and then tried begging for a c section (that didnt work!) so i tried holding damon in and it was clear that wasnt going to work either :shakehead: :shakehead:
I was 3 cms for most of the labour, after 6 hours I had meptid & gas and air, then an hour later pethidine and 3 hours later an epidural :? which didnt work cuz it was too late :x
I was only about 1cm when I had diamorphine to help me sleep as I had been induced and was really quite uncomfortable by then. The next pain relief I had was about 12 hours later when I went to the central delivery suite where I had gas and air, then diamorphine and then an epidural. I gave birth 5 1/2 hours after arriving at the central delivery suite.
To be honest with ya hun i cant remeber was in labour for nearly 36 hrs, i can tell u what i had but i cant tell ya at what time, I had everything :rotfl: :rotfl:

Ended up having a section :(
sophie27 said:
To be honest with ya hun i cant remeber was in labour for nearly 36 hrs, i can tell u what i had but i cant tell ya at what time, I had everything :rotfl: :rotfl:

Ended up having a section :(

:shock: 36hrs christ i thought 17 hrs was bad enough
Tasha20 said:
sophie27 said:
To be honest with ya hun i cant remeber was in labour for nearly 36 hrs, i can tell u what i had but i cant tell ya at what time, I had everything :rotfl: :rotfl:

Ended up having a section :(

:shock: 36hrs christ i thought 17 hrs was bad enough

honestly like i said i hardly rember anything about the day :rotfl: too much gas and air :rotfl:

but was so worh it in the end, she came out on her daddys birthday :D
sophie27 said:
Tasha20 said:
sophie27 said:
To be honest with ya hun i cant remeber was in labour for nearly 36 hrs, i can tell u what i had but i cant tell ya at what time, I had everything :rotfl: :rotfl:

Ended up having a section :(

:shock: 36hrs christ i thought 17 hrs was bad enough

honestly like i said i hardly rember anything about the day :rotfl: too much gas and air :rotfl:

but was so worh it in the end, she came out on her daddys birthday :D

I ended up having a section too (failed forceps and prolonged 2nd stage) and my baby came the day after his dad's birthday! :rotfl:
With my first I had everything....was in labour 20 hours though and induced but with my second i had gas and air for 3 1/2 hours then asked for pethidine, they gave me it 20 minutes before my little baby made her entry into the world which considering it takes 20 mins to kick did more after I'd given birth.....I quite like pethidine but I know alot of people who don't like it at can make you feel quite sick etc but I found it worked wonders...worked more the first time than the didn't like the epidural though - which i had with my first but felt i needed it....go with what you feel hunnie...everyone has different pain friend was asking for an epidural at 1cm!!!
I had gas and air at 4 cm but I was induced and wasnt dilating so even though I was only 4 cms I was having an ongoing contraction so in the end I had pethadine,then an epidural. Which was the best thing I did!!Especially as he didnt want to come out!

I was stuck at what she called not even half a cm for 6 hours then 1-2 cm for another 4 hours and that was on a drip....i had tens, gas and air and after about 6 hours an epidural..
Had nothing till I was 8cm then gas and air few min later I deliverd

I was absolutely petrified of giving birth, when my waters broke my contractions started being two and a half to three minutes apart lasting for thirty seconds (I had to go straight to hospital as baby opened bowels inside me) my waters broke at 1am I got there at 2 and I was 2cm dilated, they gave me a meptid at 5cm and then a epidural at 8cm (I was in labur for 15 hours) and I also had some gas and air although I argued with midwife I didnt want it but she wasnt taking no for a answer :evil: in the end I had to have a vetouse after pushing for two and a half hours :( now that hurt too! I remember thinking I am too knackered to push anymore, I really hope they give me something to help like forceps but when they did the ventouse I was screaming at them to stop!

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