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Pain relief in labour

Pain relief is the only thing i'm 'worried' about when I go into labour. I think it's the thought of being sick as well as everything else that goes with labour. That thought alone is enough to put me off even trying gas & air! I know if I am sick i'll completley freak out and panic whereas I think I could probably work my way through the contraction pains. I know i've never laboured before so I have know idea how i'll be but I can seriously see me telling the MW's not to give me anything for fear of being sick and panicing!

Typical example - last night I had quite bad indigestion at the in-laws and driving home I felt sick, I started panicing because I thought I was going to throw up which made me feel faint which made me panic even more!!

Labours going to be a very interesting experience!! lol x
Oh I don't know if anyone else experienced this but for about 3 days after giving birth I had pins and needles in my NOSE!!! apparently it was from the G&A.
being sick is the least of my worries...ha ha...doesnt bother me being sick.....i must be odd :-s....lol xx
i had pethidine with my first and was given an anti sickness jab at the same time. it didn't really stop the pain but it made me mega drowsy and i didn't care about the pain. It can make babies very drowsy for the first few days and she came out purple!
The second time round i had nothing due to lack of time.. i think i had shouted give me the drugs at one point.. and it was sorta manageable till the pushing when the midwife told me i had to push now and i said no! lol
gas and air made me feel horrible.. like my head was swimming.
Pain relief is the only thing i'm 'worried' about when I go into labour. I think it's the thought of being sick as well as everything else that goes with labour. That thought alone is enough to put me off even trying gas & air! I know if I am sick i'll completley freak out and panic whereas I think I could probably work my way through the contraction pains. I know i've never laboured before so I have know idea how i'll be but I can seriously see me telling the MW's not to give me anything for fear of being sick and panicing!

Typical example - last night I had quite bad indigestion at the in-laws and driving home I felt sick, I started panicing because I thought I was going to throw up which made me feel faint which made me panic even more!!

Labours going to be a very interesting experience!! lol x

This worries me so much too, I'm already worrying now with 7 months to go! I'd rather be in agony than throw up! I've lost a stone from not eatng as I'm so scared of being sick with all the nausea at this stage! Plan to get by with a tens machine or have some sort relaxing home birth with a doula and birthing pool! I'm probably living in labour fairy land though!
Im sooo worried about the pain of labour. I have such a low pain threshold and i know its going to be very difficult. I dont fancy pethedine because it doesnt take the pain away - whats the point in that!!!? lol

I dont really want an epi but i think it might be the only way for me :-s
Thinkin about it, Reshaun didn't cry for 4 hours after being born. He was breathing ok and very alert as he was just staring at me the whole time but I wonder if that was to do with the Pethadine? I think it might have made him a bit high and docile.

I think I might just try to soldier it on gas and air this time. I figure if I can stay at home as long as possible with contractions then by the time I get to hospital the g&a may be very appealing! We'll see how it goes tho!
diamorphine isnt suppose to make you or baby drowsy i asked my mw about it the other day
not too sure ask your midwife she should know, i asked for pethadine and teh sickness jab on my ds and they said do you want diamorphine does the same thing only doesnt make you feel drowsy or sick it was bliss they actually tried taking the gas and air away from me because i couldnt feel the contractions at all lol i soon did when they took it off me though so i demanded it back and promised not to go mad on it hahaha
I'll tell you my experiences :)
I had pethidine which made me feel drunk and happy for maybe a half hour , I was probably contracting but was too spaced out to nitice . But I was suppose to go too sleep and instead sat up swaying and laughing because I was enjoying feeling like a space-head :shock:

Then I had the gas and air which made me talk crap and relax a bit until I got sick :wall2:

was then told to have an epi , which gave me two hours of peace until it stopped working :eh: which i'm told is strange , I had two top ups none of which worked

then I had a spinal black which numbed me totally , luckily as i had to have a forceps used :roll:and it worw off within two hours after and I was up and moving
I had gas & air which I loved, like FebMum2Be, I found it really helped me get into a zone and I was really happy and in my own little world. Poor DH, I didn't want to talk to him or anything so he ended up just sitting in a chair reading his book!! LOL. I had a really long drawn out labour though and progressed really slowly so the nurses suggested I have some diamorphine, which I did, to help me sleep and that was really nice and very relaxing!! LOL. I tried pushing by myself but Lennon had gone back to back so they decided I needed assistance (maybe a cs) so I got taken down to theatre, given a spinal (which felt amazing after getting the urge to push for so long and not being able to do anything) and Lennon was born using forceps.

I think I'm a bit strange as all the way though my pregnancy, I was so excited about giving birth and I would have done it again the day after I had Lennon!! I'm really excited about it again this time, I just can't wait!

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