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Pain relief in labour


Well-Known Member
Mar 31, 2010
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What pain relief would you recommend in labour...

Does the gas and air help? How does it make you feel?


and whatever else there is lol!

I will probably need an Epidural but want to see if i can go without! Just want to know what pain relief is effective xxx
I had in order and would do again paracetmol lol tens was.really good until it.didn't work gas.and air good too until a certain point and pethadine bloody brilliant. But.once i got nearer to 10 cm the.contractions came.thick and.fast and.by.the.time I asked.for a epidural it was time to push :) x x

people say when your pushing you don't feel the contractions much as your too focused on pushing, was it true with you? Sorry for all the questions i am just preparing myself lol :) xxx
I had a water birth and it was fantastic pain relief! i had gas and air for 1.5 hours and it did help xx
To be honest you dont it iced.you more to focus on. You kinda need to the pain to push through it its a different pain. You can't.help but.push and its a release to push as well x x

I used tens machine which was quite good.
Had pethidine which made me feel reall sick and i hated it.

Had gas and air and hated it.

Then had an epidural which didnt work lol

So I really dont know what im going to do this time as i hated all the pain relief last time :S
Pethedine is horrible it took the edge off my contractions but after my DS was born i was violently sick which the midwife said was normal after pethedine.
Gas and air drys your mouth and is a bit disoriantating but it works and wears off quickly.
It may seem impossible at the time but if you relax and do what your body tells you its alot easier, screaming makes it worse.
I LOVED gas&air!!Up to a point, it helps you deal with the contractions rather than takes the pain away.... up to a certain point!

By then though it is usually to late for anything else, or it was in my case. With my 1st I had an epidural during a painfully botched induction. Twas a great relief. But in a weird way, if you have the natural birth, the Euphoria after you deliver is overwhelmingly wonderful, which I didn't have after the epi.
Hiya. Hope you don't mind me joining in. I had to be induced so labour didn't really go the way I would have chosen but in terms of pain relief I used tens for early contractions and it was great. Once my waters were broken I used gas and air which at first made me feel quite ill but then I grew to love it. When I needed more pain relief I was given diamorphine which I hadn't been keen on but it was really good. Unfortunately my labour didn't progress, baby got distressed and I had to have emergency c section with a spinal block. That also wasn't the worst and I recovered quickly. Baby was a bit sleepy the day after born and slow to feed which was prob due to effect of drugs. Good luck for when the time comes and sorry for the epic post!
gas and air great once you get in a good routine with it
pethadine good but made me sick as a dog
diamorphine i highly recommend like pethadine but i didnt feel sick once

its kinda true you dont tend to notice the pain as much as your pushing on my 3rd i only had the gas and air and for the pushing part i couldnt suck and push at the same time so basically whilst pushing i had nothing and it wasnt that bad
I agree with midnight, a lot of people say "gas and air doesn't work" espec on OBEM, but they are taking 2 little sucks and then taking it out.. You have to do all of your breathing through it, best to start doing it about 20-30 seconds before a contraction because it will have started working by the time it comes.. I done majority of my labour with my TENS machine and I loved it, most of my contractions were in my back so the TENS was amazing for them, I only had gas and air after that, and although it does not take the pain away, your head is in a total different place, I've said before on here, when I was on the G&A I wasn't on that bed I was in my own little world counting my breathing and concentrating through each contraction, once I got into that zone I was 100% in control and I loved it, the main thing I can say is to be relaxed, breathe deeply and slowly, each contraction is around 30seconds, in reality that is such a short amount of time, so get your breathing technique going and count them out :) and always remember there is everything available for you there if you want it! xx
Gas n air was brill first time round, made me feel drunk though.
2nd time I didn't feel in control with it so had afew puffs on gas n air and that was it! Oh and it made me throw up both times!
I hate the pushing stage, would rather have contractions although everyone I talk too thinks I'm crazy cos they find pushing easier!!
Oh I meant to add I wasn't sick, I seem to be lucky though because a lot of people said they were when they used the G&A, and Chaz you are bonkers :lol: I thought pushing was so relieving! Getting rid of all of that pressure x
Lol I know! I don't know why but I can deal with the contractions, but I can't handle pushing! I get really scared when I start pushing! God knows why :/
I was desperate to push but had to hold off. It felt to me like pushing would have been a great relief. I had been sick with contractions when they got strong even before I had gas and air. Made the whole process even more exhausting. I love to hear other peoples labour/birth stories. Even though I didn't get to push my baby out it was still the most fantastic day of my life. X
I would have taken anything and everything during labour! The contractions were managable but the pushing was horrific (for me who didn't intend doing it all with no pain relief!) and so while I don't know how the pain relief feels I'd say if you ate struggling be clear and vocal about what you want as if you are too polite and quiet like I was you get nothing -I found out the hard way!

Having said all that, every woman is of course different and you may feel you don't need any. X
In 27 hours all I was given wad paracetamol (paracetamol!!! Wtf!) then in the last ten hours I had gas and air for a while which didn't really help me with the pain just made me feel drunk and giggly. Then I had an epidural and it was bliss!!! I personally wouldn't have been able to do it without it as I was so tired I just wanted to give up but that really helped cos I managed to get some sleep and then felt loads better!!
I had gas and air and then pethadine. I also had an anti sickness jab so the pethadine didn't make me sick during labour. I was sick after I had him though, two of those little grey hat things full!! After that I was fine!! I may enquire about this diamorphine business this time tho xx
I had pethidine with my 1st which made me and baby drowsy so didn't have it with the other births,had gas and air with all of them but u do need to start breathing it as soon as u feel a contraction start. U can't overdose on it so it doesn't matter how much u puff lol,my teeth hurt for a few days after tho which was from biting on the mouthpiece. I did the pushing with no pain relief this time cos I found I couldn't focus...every1 was telling me to have it which really annoyed me! I was sick after my1st and 4th baby xx

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