Pain relief and birth plans


Well-Known Member
Oct 24, 2012
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quick question -
I definately do not want an epidural - 100% do not want one (at this point) unless medical reason for one I.e an emergency

However.... what if I go mad when I'm in labour and start screaming for one when I don't really want one , can I ask the midwifes to not listen to me? Or are they obligated to give me what I ask for?

I really just want a water birth and don't want messing about with I just want to try and do it on my own well with my oh but without loads of medical interference if you get me?

I will make a birth plan but will they adhere to it?
just to add - I would scream for one out of sheer pain I can imagine I will get crazy and scream
For everything
I'm pretty much the same. I don't want an epidural. Mainly the thought of a needle in my spine, but also the thought of having to be told when to push and my cousin had to stay in hospital for a while after her epidural. But, I am also thinking if I get to the point where I'm literally yelling for one, then maybe I'm struggling and it may be what I need. It's tricky. I think you just have to be open to change.
I was adamant I didn't want diamorphine / pethadine or an EPI and had that on my scrap of paper AKA my birth plan lol.

I planned to be in the birthing centre and do things as naturally as possible.

I ended up getting stuck at 6cm's so having to go from the very calm and natural birthing suite to the horribly medical labour ward so I could be put on the drip to help me along. The Dr's that fitted the drip were all set to fit me and EPI too?? I told them no way and they just smirked and said 'you'll be begging for it soon'....

I never had the EPI but I did surprise myself by asking for a shot of diamorphine (which is from the heroin family). I was 40 hours + into labour, hadn't slept and was in horrific pain but I was lucid enough to consult my lovely MW from the birthing centre as she took us down to labour ward. She told me if I was going to have it to have it sooner rather than later and it would be out of my system by time baby was delivered. I decided to have it as I felt I needed a little time to rest....

I have to confess it did nothing to help me rest, I was as high as a kite but it was my fave half hour of my whole labour.

Sorry to waffle, my point is I am sure women are prone to changing their minds about pain relief and the MW's have ways of checking (they talk to you, see how lucid you are and how much you understand, they have ways of assessing how much pain you are in)

My MW spoke with the other MW's and explained that I'd been going for a long time, we'd had a chat and she was happy for me to have the diamorphine.

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I think they would remind you that you really didn't want one - I'm sure most midwives would prefer you not to have the epidural if you could manage without it because of the effects on you and the baby. But if you continued to insist on it they would have to give it to you I would imagine.xx
ohhh I hope I manage ok, I cannot even imagine the pain il be in but really hope to avoid the epidural :/
Midwives I think will always prefer you to go as natural as possible, and especially if you have this written in your birth plan. But I do agree, you need to be open to change, depending on how things are going and how you are coping - I think having too fixed ideas can leave you with real upset and guilt if things don't go to plan, when at the end of the day the only important thing is the health of mum and baby.
Birth plans are a guide for the mw. Don't be too rigid and they will deviate from it as things change. Nothing will be done to you without your consent. If you say you don't want something and end up having it you will instantly feel a failure. Why don't you want an epidural? It is great to do it naturally but doesn't always heppen so keep an open mind.
Pregnot - is this your first baby? If so, whilst it's a good idea to have in mind what you would like to do, when it comes to the crunch, you may find that what you thought you could cope with might go right out of the window especially if labour goes on for longer than you hoped and you are exhausted. I wanted to have a water birth but on the day, I found out, out of the blue that my baby was breech and that put a water birth straight out. At the end of the day, the midwife has to do what is best for you and your baby. They will try to adhere to your wishes but it's their job to deliver baby safely. Hope things go the way you hope but it's worthwhile having a backup plan. xxx
Tbh if you are screaming for an epi then u prob really want one, I would go in with an open mind and work your way up pain releif wise. So start with just gas and air then if u feel you need more you have your options of pethadine (or the like) or epi, I really didn't want one but in the situation I needed one and I am definitely having another this time! You don't win prizes for bravery so if you need pain relief then have it!
I had diamorphine and thought it was great , I would try all other options before an epidural . X
I want to do everything as naturally as possible too Pregnot, including no epi.

My mums advised me to exclude nothing, and to have everything drawn up incase I want it, because I don't know how it's gonna be.

I'm going to discuss my wishes with my mum, who will be one of my birth partners, and I've told her that when it comes to the time, she can make the decisions for me (or at least help me) as long as its best for the baby, I'm not *too* bothered in the end about how we get there - I just have very strong preferences!!!
If you get your water birth then it's very unlikely you'll be asking for an epidural.

Just play things by ear, like everyone has said you don't know what's going to happen, so be open minded.

baby giz born 6th Feb 2011
next one due 12th Aug 2013
I was certain I did t want an epi unless totally necessary. I told my oh that under no certain terms was I to get one unless I had to no matter how much I begged.
I ended up having diamorphine after giving up on gas and air because it was making me feel ill.

In the end I had to have an epi as I was taken to theatre for a ventouse and was prepped for c sec invade that failed.

Each to their own but I'm not ruling anything out. I've never done this before so don't know what level of pain to expect. I'm going in with an open mind and will see what happens. X

Talk to whoever you're taking with you when you have baby regarding your preferences. They will be able to talk to the staff on your behalf if you're out of it, but will also be able to talk to you and judge better than anyone else how you're feeling. My OH was good at telling how much pain I was in and was able to talk to staff on my behalf when I was trying to be a hero!

My advice would be not to get too hung up on what you want to happen and be flexible. My son's birth was nothing like I wanted or anticipated. I had to be induced after going 6 days over and having high blood pressure. I was terrified of having a c-section and was determined to go through anything other than a c-section! My son's heart rate dropped suddenly and I had doctors doing internals and tests on his blood oxygen levels while the midwife was getting me ready for surgery. The whole time I was crying that I didn't want a c-section, while my OH was ready to tell them all not to listen to me and get me into theatre! Thankfully at that stage he was ok, but I did end up having a section as I hadn't got past 8cm and with the earlier scare they just wanted to get him out.

For a long time I was very bitter about having the section and this led to PND on my part. As I've recovered from the op and settled into life with a baby I've come to see it doesn't matter as long as my son was ok, which he is. I've even decided if we have another I'd like a planned section at 37 weeks.
I'm glad I posted now because its good to hear what your all saying - you are right I am abit hung up on this no epi thing and I know il panic if I don't get a water birth maybe I should do as your all saying and tell myself to keep open mind

It's my first baby so I've no idea how it will go have I? I suppose I can say my ideal at this point is water with few drugs as possible and just see how the labour actually goes, id hate to be dissapointed with myself
deffo dont rule it out, i wanted one as i really didnt wanna be high or spacey and the epi dosent mess with your mind, i could handle my legs being dead but not being spaced. in the end i made them give up on the epi after 4 tries as at 9cm dialated i couldnt bend over or keep still enough and i went with gas and air and had a shot of diamorphine at the end. this time i'll just go with gas as the diamorph wasnt necessary imo and i felt it made no difference and i wont need the epi, if its necessary i'll ask for it but they really do try to put you off it and advise other things first. i say walk around as much as possible as i found that helped the most. i did 0-9cm on cocodamol and walking/bouncing
Don't rule anything out... The more you get hung up on stuff, the more disappointed you'll be if it doesn't work out

Why are you so against it? To me I made no birth plan, but went in thinking I'll start on gas and air and go from there

You have no idea how you'll deal with the pain, or what your body may do.

To me most women want the sane- start if with minimal pain relief and go from there.
In the end it's just about getting baby out safely and keeping you safe and calm
Agree be flexible. And remember you can see how you go as you go. If you need more pain relief. Say to mw and birth partner that you would like them to help with massage and breathing excersises and visualisationvto keep you calm you can use shower or bath at home to help aid pain relief and tens too before you even get as far as hospital. If no complications and pool is free you can use water at hospital/birth center if not remember you can use gas and air and use birth balls or bean bags and walking around to help pain too it's not just a case of no water epi on bed. Xxx

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