Birth Plan!!??

this was my birth plan

Birth Plan

Student Midwives are welcome
I want to be as active as possible during birth
I would ideally like to manage with gas & Air but should I not be managing will consider and epidural
If mobile epidurals are available that would be preferential for me
I do not want to be given pethadine.
I would like to be aware as would my husband as to what is going on all of the way through and unless extreme emergency would like to be talked through any intervention that takes place.
Whether c section or natural delivery, would like immediate skin to skin contact with my baby and an attempt to feed.
My husband does not wish to cut the cord
I would like medication to assist with the 3rd stage

The m/w read mine and did take not but checked out everything hadn't changed for me . The only thing i didn't get was an active birth but then was induced so knew that would be the case before i got to hosp. I also made sure my husband knew and understtod my birth plan so he could question if it was not been followed
kimheath said:
hi all,

i didnt have a birth plan with DD as it was my first and i was open to anything. however, one thing i did learn was that i dont want an epidural as the thought terrified me and still does.

i havent got a birth plan so far but i was thinking should i do one becus i do have expectations from this birth. i dont want any pain relief apart from gas and air and i dont want a spinal under any circumstances. should i write this somewhere? it wont be accessible becus hopefully i wil be on midwife led unit and epidurals arent available but if in an emergency they need to do a c-section can i choose to be put asleep and should i put this in my birth plan.

my question is really: do you think birth plans are worth it and do the mw's take any notice?

if you think i should do one, how do you do it? is there a certain layout etc?

sorry its a bit long. any help would be appreciated.


all i have ever put on my birth plans is

thanx alot guys this has helped me write mine :)

:cheer: :cheer: :cheer:

now i can goto bed and check it tomorrow and see if theres anything missed out :)
Mines a couple of small paragraphs that will take zilch time to read

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