P@@sed off with boots!

No it's true, I always felt like I was judged for ff but then that's not the stores that are doing it. They can't offer reward or anything because government decide on what they can and can't do.

I find it's just other people who randomly judge that are the worst.
I ain't bothered about points etc I just think it is wrong ur made to feel like a failure if u have to ff

I totally agree. We all know that breast is best but some women can't or rightly choose not to, I feel the government dictate that you MUST breastfeed and then mum's are left feeling guilty and like a failure. Being a parent is stressful enough, and you spend much of your time asking did I do that wrong? Was that my fault? Without being made to feel like a failure for ensuring that your baby is fed well!!

gggrrrrrr it makes me so cross!!!
Haven't read through the whole thread, but it's not Boots' fault, or tescos or anywhere.

It's the governments policy. They like to pretend that 1st milk doesn't exist because they only promote breastfeeding.

You can't get points or use points for 1st milk anywhere because of the government xxx
I'm Not sure not giving points on formula means anyone is judging you? or did I misunderstand your post?

And to be fair, I think it's fair Enough the government do this. Of course noone who tries to bf and moves to formal
Should be made to feel guilty, but I think rightly the gorcvernmwnt want to promote breastfeeding - don't think anyone would argue with this? And withe the amount of money you'd be spending on formula you'd gain so many points!
But breast feeding is free do we r spending more anyway through no fault of my own!!!

But breast feeding is free do we r spending more anyway through no fault of my own!!!

Lol I still wouldn't mind point tho! I pay in the fact that I can't leave him or get more than 2 hours sleep (bar last night!)

I think we should get something for actually LOOKING AFTER our children! Some people neglect kids etc but we love and look after out LOs I think that's worth a few boots points don't you??

It never bothered me not being able to earn or spend points on 1st milk. I used to use the points on other bits for AJ anyway.
It does state in the terms and conditions about not gaining or being able to spend points on milk, its the same for Boots and Tesco (clubcard vouchers).

I didnt bf, I couldnt hold AJ for hours after a traumatic birth and I chose to give formula. He was happy and fed. I had to take painkillers for months to be able to function, I wouldnt have been able to take them if I was bf. I do still feel guilty I didnt bf and AJ is 3 now.
I dont think its their choice really.Annoying, yes, but nothing you can do.Stick to supermarkets I guess.

sent from my Galaxy s2
But breast feeding is free do we r spending more anyway through no fault of my own!!!

Lol I still wouldn't mind point tho! I pay in the fact that I can't leave him or get more than 2 hours sleep (bar last night!)

I think we should get something for actually LOOKING AFTER our children! Some people neglect kids etc but we love and look after out LOs I think that's worth a few boots points don't you??

Lol that would be nice and I agree

It does feel a bit like getting judged, I dont know why but it does. I know obviously ppl who breastfeed dont get points, but they dont spend money, we should be treated as equally as ppl who chose pampers over huggies! Its like they're saying...you are not getting rewarded for buying this product because you are formula feeding. I duno it is one of those things that sub-consiously makes formula mums feel a little bit low.

The government have to do as much as they can to make formula a less attractive choice - to those who choose. Yes, some people try to bf and can't, but a lot of people choose to formula feed straight away. The government is puahing and campaigning to make breastfeeding the first and popular choice, just like they say you can feed (ie get your breasts out if you need to) anywhere and everywhere.
Have to say I think it's right that the government don't allow rewards/offers on first milk.

The bf rates in this country are shockingly low. And while I totally agree that everyone should have the right to choose, and you shouldn't be made to feel guilty, if the price of milk convinces just one mother to TRY bf, in my eyes it's worth it. Xxx
The government have to do as much as they can to make formula a less attractive choice - to those who choose. Yes, some people try to bf and can't, but a lot of people choose to formula feed straight away. The government is puahing and campaigning to make breastfeeding the first and popular choice, just like they say you can feed (ie get your breasts out if you need to) anywhere and everywhere.

The problem I'm finding is the getting the boobs out and the issue is with my OH!! Whenever we go out he's like rush rush to get baby gone for a feed and I keep telling him to chill we'll go to a cafe and feed him! He likes to pretend its because Tyler crys!

Have to say I think it's right that the government don't allow rewards/offers on first milk.

The bf rates in this country are shockingly low. And while I totally agree that everyone should have the right to choose, and you shouldn't be made to feel guilty, if the price of milk convinces just one mother to TRY bf, in my eyes it's worth it. Xxx

I think it's all a bit 'nanny state' to be honest! I think the government stance and rules on it are completely patronising! Xx
Have to say I think it's right that the government don't allow rewards/offers on first milk.

The bf rates in this country are shockingly low. And while I totally agree that everyone should have the right to choose, and you shouldn't be made to feel guilty, if the price of milk convinces just one mother to TRY bf, in my eyes it's worth it. Xxx

Totally agree xx
The government have to do as much as they can to make formula a less attractive choice - to those who choose. Yes, some people try to bf and can't, but a lot of people choose to formula feed straight away. The government is puahing and campaigning to make breastfeeding the first and popular choice, just like they say you can feed (ie get your breasts out if you need to) anywhere and everywhere.

The problem I'm finding is the getting the boobs out and the issue is with my OH!! Whenever we go out he's like rush rush to get baby gone for a feed and I keep telling him to chill we'll go to a cafe and feed him! He likes to pretend its because Tyler crys!
Hehe...I can manage now without flashing any skin, but I also have a cover if my clothes aren't suitable - I hate not being able to wear dresses!! I actually quite like feeding in public now - I think the more people see bf around the more normal or will seem. But it doesn't need to be that common to feed in public - I always get smiles!!
I dont get why people have a problem with feeding in public. Once my feeding covrr wss on the wash and i was BFing without it(very discreetly still) and a woman came up to me to talk about hooter hiders. My DH wasnt impressed
Re formula, i think the government is right, they need to change the attitude mainly with young mums and they cant be thinking about individual cases
I dont see a problem with not getting points for buying formula.

sent from my Galaxy s2

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