Organ Donation


Well-Known Member
Apr 21, 2006
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Just curious if anyone here has signed up or has a donor card?
Me and OH have just signed up online, I was reading an article in the Closer magazine about a 20 month old boy who needs a donor, Ive always been a bit funny and said i'd never donate my organs when I die but this story made me think, thats the only chance this child has and one day I could save someones life and they'd make better use of my organs than I would lying in a coffin or scattered somewhere.
I won't judge people who don't think its for them, its a very personal choice and although you will be dead one day its still a big thing for you and family.
i sent off the form years ago but never got a card through the post so tonight i signed up online :)
i dont kno :think:
i suppose i dont mind what happens to my organs after im dead, i mean i wont need them will i- but i just dont like thinking about it nor hav ever bothered to look into it :oops:
When we signed with our GP there was a form to fill up and we signed up.
I just think, that that would be the right thing to do.
I am on the doner register, they are allowed everything but my eyes.

Anyway I absolutely hate the thought of what it means to become an organ doner but I put that to the back of my mind, if me dying helps other people live then thats a good thing.

I actually do get a bit bothered by people not signing up, I mean would they refuse a transplant from someone else if they needed it? Probably not. So why won't they do the same for someone else? You don't need organs in the place we go next.

I am a bit funny about thinking of Jack, no one likes to think they are ever going to see their child go before them but I would like to think if I was ever to go through that sort of tragedy that I would be strong enough to agree to that as well. Cos I know if Jack was lying on a hospital bed dying and needed a transplant i'd be desperate for someone to do the same

When I was little my mum taught me that the soul goes to heaven and your body is like a empty tin of beans.... :D

I don't mind them taking my organs but nothing above the shoulders please. I also wouldn't want to donate my whole body out of fear it would be used for science like left out side and poked about and stuff. [/b]
im on the register, i signed up when i was younger, and also when i got my driving license.
they can have everything but my eyes.
and if the worst ever did happen to my children, i would do the same. i know if any of them ever needed a transplant i would be praying one became available.
I have signed up and carry the donor card in my purse, they can take anything they want from me, well anything except my eyes. I want to see where im going!!!
I just signed up online. They can have any bits of me just not my sense of humour :D
They can have anything of mine after I'm gone :D
I often think about what if Isaac needed something, and there were no matches :cry: My best friend's brother at school also died as he never found a kidney donor that suited him, it is definitely a personal choice but at the same time I cannot understand why people wouldn't donate, sorry :hug: :hug: :hug:
I've been on it since I was a teenager. I think it's a waste for organs to be buried or cremated when they can be put to good use saving someones life.
My parents aren't very happy about it but I've told them repeatedly if they don't carry out my wishes I'll be very angry! They also moan at me for donating blood :roll:
i signed up a good year ago now, just before my cousin died. I signed up to give any organs.
After my cousin died, my auntie had to keep him on life support cos she decided to donate his organs...everything but his eyes.
Up unitl that point i didnt actually realise that they took your eyes too (well corneas) so i have changed to evrything but my eyes.
Yes I'm an organ donor. I think if you expect someone else to give an organ to you if you ever need it, it's a bit hypocritical to not put your name down to donote your own organs.
I haven't got a card but when I registered at my doctors I ticked the box on the form that says I'm willing to donate (except for my eyes). OH signed up when he got his driving licence, he says he doesn't care what happens to his body when he dies and wouldn't mind donating it to medical research. Don't think I would fancy a load of med students or scientists rummaging around in there though.
I've carried a donor card since i was a teenager, im registered on my driving license too. Im also on the bonemarrow register.
never thought about, im a bit icky about stuff like that so will have to read more into it i guess :think:
ive wanted to sign up for a while..but just keep forgetting...i will do it tonight...anyone got the link??

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