Organ donation?

I don't know about mandatory, because some people have religious beliefs that mean they really don't feel they could do it.

But they could make it so it happened automatically if possible, so people have to 'opt out' rather than opt in.
This is where I am going to be shot down for being morbid but I don't care its the way I feel...

I would want all my organs donated, my daughters too... For won't be using them anymore... Your dead, the brains not working, a machine is breathing for you. Your organs are just going to rot in the ground eaten by maggots, or be burned to ash, so why not give them to someone else...they would probably appreciate them... plus you get the sense that the person you loved is still living somewhere...

I can't understand why people wouldn't want to donate them.... you gain so much sense out of a pointless death by giving life back...

Donating to science is different, plus the medical world is only really interested in unique specimens usually. I can understand why people wouldn't do that.

Also I just hope that if my daughter ever needed a transplant that there was someone out there who could help her....

Spain has an opt out system... at the time of death... But they won't mention it to you.... They automatically assume that if you don't say anything off your own back, then you know that's what they are going to do. Its a good idea...But Spain still has a shortage of organs... So I can only imagine how bad it is in the UK and other countries that choose to opt in. At the end of the day, not enough people die in comparison to how many people need transplants.
If you want your body donated to research (cadavers for medical training), rather than your organs, you MUST get it in writing and witnessed before you die. Because of the timescales on organ donation, lots of people who wanted to donate their organs can't.

Mum wanted to donate her entire body, but because she didn't have it in writing and witnessed, her wishes weren't considered. Whatever your wishes, make sure it's possible BEFORE you die. We knew mums wishes, and it's made it very hard on us not being able to carry them out.

We're all the the organ register, dad and stuart are now registered for medical research. If their organs can't be donated, they'll be going to a teaching hospital to help our next generation of doctors.
Im sure I read somewhere recently that it was becoming donation by default and you had to opt out if you didnt want it, or was it about something else....thats gonna bug me now :lol:

I think thats a good idea, aslong as all religious communities are made aware of this. I do not believe atall in any kind of religion, but I do believe in everyones right to believe and there are many religions where donation just isnt an option. Id hate to see a family in distress because thier son or daughter has died and they are told "well he didnt opt out of donation so we're taking his organs for donation" and it totally goes against their religious beliefs, and they didnt know about the opt out thing. That would be awful.

So I agree with the opt out idea, aslong as EVERYONE is made aware of it!

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