Opinions on new BF Doll!!!

Oh there would have been blood shed in our house over that one DP ;)
Ha ha, I was secretly and quietly pissed off all day ha ha ha x

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I never actually had dolls when I was younger lol! My sister had loads, I used to run them over with my toy cars :s
I was never a girly girl, but I still managed to breastfeed and know what boobs are for without even pretending with a doll! Lol
Also :offtopic: but I used to have a Michael Jackson doll... He was a right stud muffin with all my barbie and spice girl dolls :whistle:

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Ohhh I had a baby born that peed, pooed and if you squeezed her arm she cried :shock: She had nappies and bowl and spoon and sachets of food that needed mixed up (for the poo to be created) and I used to go into meltdown when she ran out of nappies or food :lol: Good times eh?

As for the breastfeeding doll, last time we discussed it I think the flowers put me off a bit.. I totally agree that if a baby doll comes with a bottle then why shouldn't breast feeding be an option for playtime.. A child lifting any toy and copying their mum doing it will do the same as the one that is linked minus the flowery nipple apron x
The one thing I will say is it's not like an apron it looks like a bra/bikini top with flowers on it - wouldn't a tshirt have worked just the same? That's the only thing I feel "weird" about - I will find a link ...
I was never allowed a baby born :cry: my mum knew I'd just waste all the food and stuff :lol: I did how ever play with my mums old tiny tears that is about 40 years old and now gets dragged around by liv. Haha! The pee function no longer works though. :( it's sad times x

Personally I think the dolls horrible as are most dolls but I was never into dolls and neither is my daughter. We prefer books lol.

I did have a Bionic woman one though ! that was pretty cool
i didnt know about BF young and i think i turned out ok, i think children are children for a short enough time without teaching them about adult things, they have time enough to learn the gory details! :lol: xxx
ooh i had a baby born and loads of outfits and nappies! i thot i was the bees knees !! :D xxx
Oooh I'm not totally sure what I think about this doll - Well perhaps babys should be sold without milk bottles , and that way it's not encouraging either way.

I do think that there is a decline in people wanting to try BF over the years but rather aim it at tiny kids,who will play it out anyway, it would help more to give all pregnant mums the chance to have a FREE short course specially in BF/expressing if wanted during pregnancy instead , in the same way like antenatel ones, but in more details, free goodies like breastpads, expressing bags, feeding bras, other incentives may all help as extra to get bums on seats where ladies may be at first oooh no not for me at first glance. This should all be laid on by the goverment, along with publicly annoucing BF being acceptable in public.. (sorry I digressed !!)

I had a tiny tears, my sister had a pink one , I had the blue one - I still played with mine at 13 with my mate and it's a shame now that my daughter when she gets to 13 would prob rather be out clubbing in lycra catsuit that playing with a doll!! (OMG stay at 9 Briony).
am i mad in thinking that letting kids imitate breastfeeding wont encourage them to do it 15-30 years later? i do think its ok if they copy their mummy etc tho, but i think bottles is ok as even BF babies can drink bottles of water etc. xx
Oooh I'm not totally sure what I think about this doll - Well perhaps babys should be sold without milk bottles , and that way it's not encouraging either way.

I do think that there is a decline in people wanting to try BF over the years but rather aim it at tiny kids,who will play it out anyway, it would help more to give all pregnant mums the chance to have a FREE short course specially in BF/expressing if wanted during pregnancy instead , in the same way like antenatel ones, but in more details, free goodies like breastpads, expressing bags, feeding bras, other incentives may all help as extra to get bums on seats where ladies may be at first oooh no not for me at first glance. This should all be laid on by the goverment, along with publicly annoucing BF being acceptable in public.. (sorry I digressed !!) QUOTE]

Totally agree!
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