Do you think we apologise too much on this forum??

You should read the Saga forum then (OHs mum goes on it) my god they sure dont hold back on there! then why should they? in their 50s+ I think life experience makes them feel they can speak their mind.

My god they do :rotfl:
Not been on long and it feels like people pussyfoot around others :think: Just my opinion, sorry. :lol: :wink:
Tasha20 said:
You should read the Saga forum then (OHs mum goes on it) my god they sure dont hold back on there! then why should they? in their 50s+ I think life experience makes them feel they can speak their mind.

My god they do :rotfl:

LOL..i can only imagine! My mum and dad dont tend to hold back with their views to the point i have to shut them up in public! May have to take a look!

Claire x
from now on I am not going to fear backlashes and say my opinion - i don't know why but I struggle with debating because I sit on the fence and see both sides :lol:
Tasha20 said:
You should read the Saga forum then (OHs mum goes on it) my god they sure dont hold back on there! then why should they? in their 50s+ I think life experience makes them feel they can speak their mind.

My god they do :rotfl:

I can't wait to be one of those mad old outspoken women (like Nan from Catherine Tate show)
beanie said:
TBH I think that if you feel that you can't post your views or opinions because you feel they will cause contreversy or upset then you have to examine your views. And it really winds me up when people get upset because someone dares questions their views.

I usually post what I mean, I don't make a point of apologising for it. There are threads I tend to not bother posting in but thats not because I am unwilling to post my view, but more that it has already been debated and I can't be arsed.

This is one of the tamest forums, (I am a forum whore sogo on a fair few) and to say people feel they have toleave because of their opinion is a tad over the top. I think that's more their perception.

Andf i completly agree with this. :clap: :clap: :clap:
Sometimes I think certain people on this forum will type something and only want people to reply with a response that they want to hear.... then when you disagree with them.. or give your opinion, others will jump on you and say 'if you dont have anything constructive to say then dont say anything at all'... I mean wtf is that all about.. just cos I dont agree with their original thread!!

So in answer to your Q MM I voted 'yes' :)

And I make no apologies for what I just wrote!!! :shakehead:
Foxxi said:
Sometimes I think certain people on this forum will type something and only want people to reply with a response that they want to hear.... then when you disagree with them.. or give your opinion, others will jump on you and say 'if you dont have anything constructive to say then dont say anything at all'... I mean wtf is that all about.. just cos I dont agree with their original thread!!

So in answer to your Q MM I voted 'yes' :)

And I make no apologies for what I just wrote!!! :shakehead:

I totally agree with this and a certain someone came to mind - I just steer clear of anything written by them as I know I'll end up posting something, they won't like it and throw their toys out of the pram. I guess you can't be friends with everyone like in real life and you have to accept it
HappyAlice said:
Foxxi said:
Sometimes I think certain people on this forum will type something and only want people to reply with a response that they want to hear.... then when you disagree with them.. or give your opinion, others will jump on you and say 'if you dont have anything constructive to say then dont say anything at all'... I mean wtf is that all about.. just cos I dont agree with their original thread!!

So in answer to your Q MM I voted 'yes' :)

And I make no apologies for what I just wrote!!! :shakehead:

I totally agree with this and a certain someone came to mind - I just steer clear of anything written by them as I know I'll end up posting something, they won't like it and throw their toys out of the pram. I guess you can't be friends with everyone like in real life and you have to accept it

Ditto... However, I was trying to be diplomatic in saying 'certain people' :rotfl: :wink:
I am a bit :? with this as I think some people jump too quick.... trouble with reading peoples words rather than hearing their words.
Melanie said:
Minxy said:
I sometimes can't be arsed to post on debates just cause I don't have time to go into enormous detail about why I feel the way I do. But I don't fear a backlash. That's a bit extreme IMO.

I don't think we apologise to much. I actually think the majority of us hold back from typing everything we think, JUST LIKE IN REAL LIFE.

I'm with Minxy on this, i don't fear backlash and i don't often feel i have to justify my opinions either because in all honesty i cant say i actually care that much if I'm agreed with. :lol:
I do hold back sometimes but its mainly because if i always typed whatever i thought id be a bitch! I don't always say what I'm thinking when I'm talking to someone face to face either for the same reason, just because i think it doesn't mean i should actually say it!
What i find really annoying on forums is the habit some people have of using the phrase " I don't mean any offence but....." as a prefix to something they know is absolutely offensive. We had a member who doesn't post anymore who did that all the time and it drove me up the wall.
I think in life we will always find people who make us feel automatically apologetic because we know they are more/overly sensitive than we are, its not necessarily a bad thing to worry about whether you are going hurt someone when you speak/type.

Agree with that, I post my views and if people have opposing views I will happily debate them,because it is something I enjoy doing. If they don't agree with me, it's all the more fun.

I think it's deeply immature that some people can't take crticism.
i'll come clean now and admit that i was a bit worried starting this thread that people would think i was purposefully stirring things up, looking for an argument.

But looking through all the replies what strikes me is that we're all seeing the same thing but all interpret it differently. Nothings black and white on here, it's all a bit grey really, but not in the boring sense! :lol:
I do and Im sick of it and dont see why i have too. Its my own opinion and my life, what right does anyone on here have to critise it.

I really like coming on here and agree with all the above. Why do we apologise so much, why cant we express ourselves as adults do!

Great thread MM by the way. Nice to know so many of us are in unison for a change :D
YES we do apologise too much and NO we shouldnt have to...iv never said sorry for havin an opinion the same way I wouldnt expect someone to apologise cos they pierced their kids ears/grew wings/drank bubble bath etc

mummykay said:
YES we do apologise too much and NO we shouldnt have to...iv never said sorry for havin an opinion the same way I wouldnt expect someone to apologise cos they pierced their kids ears/grew wings/drank bubble bath etc


Drank bubble bath??? :rotfl: Can i have some of whatever you are on Kay :wink: :lol:
Melanie said:
mummykay said:
YES we do apologise too much and NO we shouldnt have to...iv never said sorry for havin an opinion the same way I wouldnt expect someone to apologise cos they pierced their kids ears/grew wings/drank bubble bath etc


Drank bubble bath??? :rotfl: Can i have some of whatever you are on Kay :wink: :lol:[/quote

it might have been bubble bath...I was querying the grew wings bit, I missed that debate :rotfl:
Melanie said:
mummykay said:
YES we do apologise too much and NO we shouldnt have to...iv never said sorry for havin an opinion the same way I wouldnt expect someone to apologise cos they pierced their kids ears/grew wings/drank bubble bath etc


Drank bubble bath??? :rotfl: Can i have some of whatever you are on Kay :wink: :lol:

this is what an 8hour shift on a sainsburys till does to u haha :oops: :lol:
mummykay said:
YES we do apologise too much and NO we shouldnt have to...iv never said sorry for havin an opinion the same way I wouldnt expect someone to apologise cos they pierced their kids ears/grew wings/drank bubble bath etc


:rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl:

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