Do you think we apologise too much on this forum??

Sorry, but I think this is a rubbish post. I'm really sorry for thinking this and I'm sorry incase I upset anyone for saying it.

SORRY! :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl:

I've spent all day feeling miserable and depressed and posting this has cheered me up. Sorry! I'll go back to my box now ;)
DebbieM said:
Sorry, but I think this is a rubbish post. I'm really sorry for thinking this and I'm sorry incase I upset anyone for saying it.

SORRY! :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl:

I've spent all day feeling miserable and depressed and posting this has cheered me up. Sorry! I'll go back to my box now ;)

:rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl:
my opinion is my opinion and if i feel i have to express it i will and i don't see why i should apologies for it. But there are situations where my opinion is not needed or might upset an already touchy area and i will keep it to myself unless asked. Im also happy to hear other peoples opinions as long as they do not force them as being 'the truth' on me - im willing to listen to others ideas, i just expect the same in return.

It can be hard to express things in text alone, esp when there are things like smilies or words that could be taken the wrong way ( :roll: or :talkhand: for example). By putting things like "in my opinion" etc it can make a statement less 'do it this way as its the only way' and more 'i would do it this way' (catch my drift?). i know i type statements that i wouldn't say that way because it comes across easier to interpret - you can add a lot to a statement with the tone of your voice etc (as SarahH put it "trouble with reading peoples words rather than hearing their words." - i may have to nick that line in the future, its a gooden :wink: ). You should hear me in real life, i can't pronounce half the words i type!! :rotfl:

But, I do not see the harm in writing things like 'in my opinion'/'i think' / etc, but things like 'sorry its my opinion' (which im sure im prob guilty to writing!) i don't think we should feel the need to write. But whats the harm at the end of the day! its different people and different writing styles and if someone wants to write like that who am i to stop them! there is no set way of responding to posts (as long as they follow the forum rules :wink: ).

The forum shouldn't be compared to a 'normal' conversation. Its far from it. It is almost like reading a day to day diary for a collective group of people and adding your 'bits' to it. Its a place to post ideas / events / opinions, to share them and to accept other peoples views on your post. If you don't want peoples opinions you maybe should double check if you really want to put it on a public forum.

today i am going to over use the following symbols:

either have an opinion or decision and stand by it because you wanted to do that... or don't mention it.

Many people I've noticed make decisions and then seem to feel the need to justify their decisions to others as if they are looking for some kind of pardon, or someone tells them that they were right. Well if you felt that it was the right decision stand by that... don't look for justification because not everyone agrees with you.

There have been many posts on here where I have disagreed with someones course of action or they have contradicted themselves and I've very much wanted to reply but I have chosen not to. Because I know that my comments might offend people and I am not willing to apologise for something I believe or know is true. Again... it would be apologising for myself or justifying my reasons, and after such a long winded post about other people doing it, it would be a tad hypocritical if I did it. :lol:

If I do feel the need to reply, I will try and remain as neutral as possible, obviously this isn't always easy and people do and have disagreed... but they are not me and have their own opinions which they are well entitled to express. As long as its done in an intelligent manner, without the need for mud slinging and personal attacks which also happens with alarming regularity... then there shouldn't be an issue with people disagreeing with each other.

Debates are a wonderful thing and we should be grateful that we live in a world where we are allowed to do this.. so debate away people :)
Yes i think we do. I only replied a few times to the BNP debate as i beleive what i beleive and couldnt be arsed to try and justify it. I like a good debate at times tho! But i think some peoples replies to certain topics make you feel guilty for expressing your opinions (maybe they dont mean it that way) sometimes. I am also not very good at typing things the way i want them to come out!
Personally I feel I hold back a bit but thats cos of being the admin and I think people sometimes see admin typing it and not me as a person. I used to be a lot more outspoken on here.
I dunno if thats a good thing or not, and I know I'm not really answering the question. :lol:

I guess I feel that if you want to type your opinion, don't apologise for it, but then also don't get narked when people disagree with it.... several debates on here in the past have made me reconsider my views, which is a healthy thing I think :)
Personally I've been quite impressed with this place, we do generally know how to have a good debate without taking things too far.

It does annoy me though when people moan at us mods for locking a thread or removing one. We always get it thrown back at us "no one is allowed to say anything on here" which is totally untrue. The point is, people can say what they like... but NOT GET PERSONAL. Thats the only time we would really get involved as mods.
On the main boards Urchin i think you hold back a lot and your admin personalities out.

But when you in adult, and ranting :lol: you really come into your own! The feisty brummy within comes out!

You should be yourself more!
Minxy said:
bhe101 said:
HappyAlice said:
I put yes, because I have had opinions before that I wouldn't dare write down and post for fear of the backlash

Same here

I sometimes can't be arsed to post on debates just cause I don't have time to go into enormous detail about why I feel the way I do. But I don't fear a backlash. That's a bit extreme IMO.

I don't think we apologise to much. I actually think the majority of us hold back from typing everything we think, JUST LIKE IN REAL LIFE.

I agree with Minxy, very rarely will I reply to a debate, I think the posts I made on the BNP thread are my first in a debate on this forum and the reason I dont get involved is that I simply dont have the time to waste typing out everything I want to say. I also think a lot of people hold back because they dont want to cause upset, which as Minxy said is similar to the way people probably behave outside of this forum.
I hold back a lot on here as I do in real life. Sometimes I can feel my hackles rising and I just don't post because I know I'd say something I might regret.

Generally this forum is lovely though :hug: :hug: :hug:

But I have to admit to sometimes lurking in threads just because certain posters fascinate me and I love to think to myself 'oh my gaaaaawwwwwdd' ! :oops: :oops: but without getting involved :lol: :lol:

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