Opinions on new BF Doll!!!

I think it's fantastic! :D my daughter always puts her doll to her "boob" top up!! Of all things the nutter and says it's ok mummy baby is having her milk - she doesn't see them as sexual just milk and I think it's fantastic! :D it's not sexy or weird it's natural I love thy my daughter 3yrs old doesn't think of boobs as a sex thing first! :) if I get chance to order one I would my daughter would be so happy if the baby started making sucking noises like the one she has with a bottle - it's then also not forcing a bottle or breast opinion it's open for her to choose and it's not exactly nipple it's two flowers! Haha! It could quite easily be on a T-shirt and not be thought of - they just contain the sensors :) I can however understand why some people are weirded out but I love it infact I'm gonna look online see if I can buy one :D xxx
I don't see the problem. Girls are subjected to sexual images from such a young age, it horrifies me that young girls are being taught that boobs are only for sex, and that's it ok to get them out on display all the time, there are padded bikinis aimed at girls ffs.

Anything that promotes that the real reason we have breasts is as a way of feeding your baby can only be a good thing as far as I can tell. The only reason people are weirded out is because as a society we wrongly see breast feeding in a sexual light - totally totally wrong and a sad state for our society to be in!

Totally agree, and I find that this doll is a positive thing. x
This is crazy!!! Yes breastfeeding is good but children can learn this when they are older!! What are the little kiddies going to be doing next? lifting up their tops while out to breastfeed their dollys... hmmm. Sorry dont agree xxxx
Ha my daughter already does that! Lifting up her top that is lolol! Madness! Lol! I looked online thy are $89 not in the uk :-/
This is crazy!!! Yes breastfeeding is good but children can learn this when they are older!! What are the little kiddies going to be doing next? lifting up their tops while out to breastfeed their dollys... hmmm. Sorry dont agree xxxx

While feeding my 2nd DD while out and about DD1 used to take her baby with her, sit next to me and shove her baby under her top and say "look mummy i'm feeding my baby too"

She was doing it because she wanted to copy what I was doing. I thought it was cute :whistle:
What would be so wrong with little girls doing that?

These dolls are aimed at children about 4/5 (Im guessing there I actually have no idea how old children get into dolls :blush: ) and at that age theyll just run around in their pants for all they care. Theres nothing wierd about a girl running around on a beach in the nuddy at 4 years old (or at least I think this is fine, as I did it, lord Ive got the pictures to prove it! lol) so why is it so outrageous to think of them pretending to breast feed with their top up?
I agree the world was a much safer place and less sexual place when we were children and most women bf then too :D (although there is no link lol my mum bf and formula) now I wouldn't let a 4 yr old naked buy it's a shame because it's only coz the world is a more horrid place now! if it was back in the years of yesterday I wouldn't have thought twice about it.
It says that are aimed at 2yrs plus on the site I looked at

(I'm not agreeing or disagreeing with anyone btw just saying what I think) love you all xxxx
It does make me wonder though, is the world a more horrid place? Or are me much more paranois because of media hype?

I know...totally different thread needed for that discussion but yeah :)
I agree that promoting bf is a positive thing but I just don't see why people aren't satisfied with a naturally inquisitive child enquiring or copying her mother of their own accord rather than being 'encouraged' by a product that has been produced in order to make money...
Just been stood in the shower thinking about this! And thinking about the dolls that are on sale with bottles, I suppose there's no difference really. A child of that age shouldn't be encouraged either way, they should be encouraged to play and explore all options then when they are at an age where they have that choice to make, that decision is an informed one.

I do however doubt that either will encourage the child to make that choice with their own child, I had a doll with a bottle when my little brother was born... I fed my 'baby's with the bottle while my mom fed hers with her breast. I had my little one and there was no question about me breastfeeding, in my eyes that's what your boobs have been made for.

I suppose I'm kind of contradicting myself throughout this so will leave it here! Whichever kind Ella wants I'm sure she will get :)
My kids mimic me bf oscar but I don't think that's wrong. I still think that knowing what we grow up to do, whether we choose to or not, it stops boobs being rude or anything, just functional.
This is crazy!!! Yes breastfeeding is good but children can learn this when they are older!! What are the little kiddies going to be doing next? lifting up their tops while out to breastfeed their dollys... hmmm. Sorry dont agree xxxx

Can u just explain why they have to be older? I'm not arguing, I just don't understand.
Lol Amyjayne I was about to say the same thing.

Care to elaborate Tiffany? As Ive said in previous posts I don't see this doll as being anymore wierd than a doll provided by a bottle.
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Makers of The Breast Milk Baby claim that the doll, which simulates breastfeeding, allows children to experience the 'magic of motherhood'.

Dennis Lewis, U.S. spokesman for Berjuan Toys responded: 'The whole purpose of The Breast Milk Baby is to teach children the nurturing skills they’ll need to raise their own healthy babies in the future.

I'm sorry but why would you feel the need to teach your daughter about being a mother and feeding her child naturally when she is at such a young age? She doesn't need to know that! Not even I myself know how to breastfeed a baby yet and I'm 20 years old. When I was a child, I was playing with dolls and having fun, not learning the ins and outs of breastfeeding. xxx
Then why have dolls all together if not to play at being mummy?

I don't think it goes into all the in's and out's of latching on and so forth....lol
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