one born every minute - will you scream that much!!!!


Well-Known Member
Jan 19, 2010
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OMG - me and my DH thought we would watch One oborn every minute cos we haven't before and thought it might get us ready for the big event. Felt so sorry for the poor girl who was 18 and 12 days overdue but the other lady - OMG:lol: Will I really have to scream that much! Don't think it happens all that often as all the staff were killing themselves laughing as was her hubby! Think I'll take a gag in with me just incase and some earplugs incase I'm in the room next to someone screaming that much!!!
it does really hurt on my first i did moan a lot but not that loud x
She was way ott I never heard anyone scream that much. Just seemed a lil played up. You just have to remember It's worth it! xXx
When I was in labour there was a woman in the next room who full on shouted/moaned with every cotraction. At first I thought she must be pushing, but, 3 hours later, she was still going. Poor thing lol. She sounded like cd on repeat :/
i got induced by tab up the hole lol on the first and i had contractions right away and i was in a room with a lady across from me lien down wiv her fell beside her, i was in so much pain i was moaning and they was laughing at me.. the funny thing was she was screaming later so just goes to show we dont know whats it like till we done it xx
NOOOOOOOOOO! Don't watch that show! It is full of drama queens! Granted, I have never been in a labour ward but am told by so many mums that it is not necessarily real life. I watched it twice and was disturbed for months after! Never again!
I always say it hurt me more getting my tattoo than giving birth, I never made a single sound and didnt need any drugs, I think i must have a good pain threshold lol
Lol It's quite embarrassing when I see some of the women on their screaming for Britain.
I admire the women who are calm and quiet. Midwives do tell you to push with your bottom not with your voice :p makes sense and I'll take that on board when I'm in labour. I definitely will complain, but I think women have every right to when they're in labour :p xxx
I know I was calm apart from an hour when I was moving on to the needing to push stage and my epi wore off and they didnt believe me for ages ( I was having back to back labour) I spent that entire hour shouting and getting scared as they kept bringing in peple to try to turn her which hurt . But I woulnt judge anyone who does scream during its frightening and painful .
I was a nightmare till they gave me an epidural.....probably just to keep the peace lol
OBEM is horrific, everyone behaves like a spoilt brat in there, and all the fathers are complete morons! xxx
You have to remember that it is TV show and the producers will naturally go for the more dramatic looking/sounding births just because seeing someone give birth with no fuss is "not interesting enough viewing".

I got a bit tired of the show after a while partly because of all the screaming but also because they rarely show a normal birth, heaps of women end up with emergency c-sections etc. to the point that you really get the impression that that ward must have the highest intervention rate in the country. I went through 3 consecutive episodes where every one of the women had a c-section or forceps and then I just stopped watching.

As for the shouting and screaming I think I'll pass. I find that making lots of noise actually makes me feel like I'm in more pain than I really am (so it IS possible to scare yourself lol). Also I have a good example at home: my mother has the lowest pain threshold of anyone I've ever met and she managed to give birth to me without screaming the ward down. She said that it was painful but not to the point that she felt that screaming would be appropriate, bless her.
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some are screamers some dont make a noise everyone is different in how they cope i personally wouldnt want to be next door to a screamer
I dont agree with them being "drama queens" etc.. Me personally when I gave birth to my beautiful girl, I screamed alot! I think it was because I was younger and I really wasnt very prepared for birth, I wasnt offered any talk with midwife etc before birth or classes. For me it was a huge shock giving birth, as everything was so unknown for me and I had the midwife explaining to me during the birth what happens.. I was really not prepared and the whole thing came as shock for me, it made me angry and I screamed so much and there was alot of anger lool.. But next time I think I will be more prepared and scream less.. I think its very helpful to have methodes etc like breathing technics during labour...I had nothing and screaming was only that helped me ...
I dont agree with them being "drama queens" etc.. Me personally when I gave birth to my beautiful girl, I screamed alot! I think it was because I was younger and I really wasnt very prepared for birth, I wasnt offered any talk with midwife etc before birth or classes. For me it was a huge shock giving birth, as everything was so unknown for me and I had the midwife explaining to me during the birth what happens.. I was really not prepared and the whole thing came as shock for me, it made me angry and I screamed so much and there was alot of anger lool.. But next time I think I will be more prepared and scream less.. I think its very helpful to have methodes etc like breathing technics during labour...I had nothing and screaming was only that helped me ...

I agree totally,

With my son I screamed moaned cried hahaha, but like u I had no idea untill it was happening or what to do,

I personally think the pain side of it is just luck on many factors n not just ur pain threashold

My son was brow position n I struggled on for 18 hours in full labor got to 9 cm then was told he was stuck (derr only 5% out of 100% brow babys are born normal) so I really had the odds stacked up against me...... N it was bloody painfull hoping this time babys in well flexed position n ready to go!! But my point is labor is so unpredictable n lots of things effect different individuals so on OBEM some may look like they sail it n others may look like they don't but every labors different x
I got addicted to this OBEM show... I have found it very helpful in understanding what I would want and not want.. There are some really nice stories in the show and some that are terrible but the thing it does show is that everyone is different.... My friend gave birth last week and she said she did not scream at all...

The important thing is to understand your options and what is available for you at your choosen place of birth.... :)

I was so for having an epodural but after seeing this I think I am going to try and go without (well at least try and go without) :) Not sure I want a tube going into my spine while also trying to give birth...
I watch OBEM on and off, sometimes it scares me and others I just find it wonderful to see them all get through it and have beautiful babies! .....I was talking to a mum2b today she was explaining that getting worked up and anxious doesn't help as it releases more adrenalin which can then counteract your oxytocin which is trying to make the uterus contract and get the baby out! So although it seems inevitable to be anxious about it if you can stay calm it must help. Having not been through labour myself of course I have no idea just how I will find it but I guess all any of us can do is try to be prepared, do the best that we can in whatever circumstances we are given and not be too hard on ourselves if we find it bloody difficult! lol xxxxxxxxx
It does actually make you feel better the louder they scream, the one women on there called her daughter a bitch before she was born. I was like OMG! but I love the show and watch it every time it's on and I just think ' Thanks, cuz I've seen what a embarassment you have made of yourself and I will NOT do the same' Tbh though, I say that now and when the time comes I'll be the biggest pain in the arse on the whole ward, if I'm in pain the whole country knows!!! Lol !! xx
This is actually my fav show right now. I screamed and really didn't care who heard and what they thought about it. LOL!! I think now we live in a world where woman who birth naturally are freaks. Moaning, panting, etc. is how some women get through it. Others have little to no pain. Everyone is different. I'm sure I'll be the form of entertainment when this baby is ready as well!

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