OMG When Do You Start To Feel Normal Again?


Well-Known Member
Jan 31, 2011
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:wave: Ladies...

As the title says...when do you start to feel normal again and able to do things like you used to?

My muscles and bones are aching all over...I assume that's from labour and giving birth after twisting into all shapes like a woman possessed :lol:

It hurts to sit too long as my nether regions feel brusied and swollen. And I can't walk the length of myself never mind push a pram!

Its really getting to me as I'm used to being out and about, walking my dogs etc And I was pretty active during my pregnancy.

Now I feel like an old woman :brat:

I know its only just over a week since I gave birth to Avery but I'm getting bored with being restricted physically. Guess I stupidly didn't realise that I'd still be this sore after a week!

How long did it take you Ladies to recover? x
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A while. Atleast 3 weeks until I felt ok, but 6 month until I felt.good x
It does take a while. Just think it took your body 9 months to change and so it's not gonna change back overnight.

I had oscar on 29 december and then my first proper period started on 8 march and that's when I felt like 'me' again. I just felt like I'd come full circle, and was so happy lol xxxxx
Yeah agree , can take a while so be patient with your body, eat well, try to get some slepep and don't set unrealistic expectations of yourself for a bit, just relax and enjoy baby Avery, one morning you will wake up and feel fantastic......

Congratulations by the way, and I love the name
if you want to get back to normal again... try to walk about the house and dont sit for too long try to do some house heal but if you sit then will take longer.. also take your baby out and wake a bit.. for bit of fresh air.. am not indoor person as well.. get bored restricted myself
Hey - pop to Boots and buy some Arnica - these tablets help you heal from the inside. Def. worked for me.

You do start to feel better about 3 weeks but as for normal again isn't that usually when ur child is 16 lol
I literally felt like i'd been hit by a bus after giving birth! Every bone and muscle in my body ached, when I stood up I couldn't breathe preoperly because i'd pulled all of my neck muscles trying to push Jack out! I also had a big briuse on my forehead from straining so hard! After about 3 weeks I was feeling right as rain and enjoying being 'back to normal' then I got pancreatitus and gall stones so was back in hospital feeling lousy!

Jack's 6 weeks old today and I still have days when I feel like crap and days when i'm feeling fit as a fiddle! My gall stones don't help matters and i've now caught Jack's cough and cold! lol

Everybody 'heals' differently but i'm sure you'll feel more human in a few weeks time! Just take it hour by hour at first and then day by day! x
Soon you'll feel fit and normal.. takes time.. After having baby my iron level went low since I lost alot of blood still could feel bit of tiredness..slowly recovering so time will tell when you back to normal baby..enjoy having fun with your baby and dont be too worried.. you'll be fine!!
Tbh im still feeling rubbish now my bleeding not settled yet and this hot weather is terrible!! Roll on the feeling better stage! Everything is taking longer this 2nd time round x
i had emma on the 12th july and still don't feel 'me' yet but everyday gets better. one thing that really helped my stitches (not sure if you have any) was a shallow bath in tea tree oil and lavender oil and a handful of salt. sounds minging but did work!!
I feel poop too. Has Owen on 11 July after a nightmare delivery Inc forceps which tore me internally and a c section which if course leaves a painful scar behind. I wanna exercise and will start soon but still sore but still dont feel quite Right . Bleeding has stopped although got a little white discharge so took 5 weeks. I start my new job in 3 weeks where I need smart clothes so gotta go buy new one but I dread to think about it with the baby belly!!:( inside stitches r sore and c section is healing and im driving etc but sore!

In going out with some mates next fri up London so I can dress up and have a drink so hoping that will boost my confidence zx

Dexter is 2 weeks and a day and I'd say I'm just about feeling human again ;)
I still feel a little bit bruised and me back hurts after a bit of walking but other than that I'm good :)

My top tip is to have a bed day, just stay in bed, sleep and relax, it made me feel so much better, plus at least one bath a day, helps to relax you and heal things while keeping stitches clean :)
Well I'm still feeling pretty tender from the stitches but I walked into town today (bout half hour walk) and I feel great other than a little tired :) I must be super woman or something :rofl: xx
Well I'm still feeling pretty tender from the stitches but I walked into town today (bout half hour walk) and I feel great other than a little tired :) I must be super woman or something :rofl: xx

Lol :)

Ive been out for a walk everyday since he was 2 days, first few days I was quite slow and sore but it got easier quickly :) I think trying to get out and about a little bit really does help.....if nothing else it stops you going insane in the house lol
Thanks a million ladies for your replies! And I really mean that! I'm starting to feel normal-ish again but just not quite right or back to feeling 100% myself iykwim.

I have been out and about nearly everyday from about 2 days after Avery was born but its been a struggle as I'm sure y'all can understand. My energy was completely zapped. Thought my insides were gona pop out :lol: and they also felt sore, as did my stitches.

But it does do you good to get out and about, even if its only a wee drive somewhere for a 5 minute walk or less!

Whilst I wouldn't wish these physcial or emotional feelings on anyone, its actually a great support knowing that you ladies have been feeling cack too ;)

Hope y'all start feeling back to "normal" asap and the dolls who are feeling better, continue to do so. Massive :hug: so y'all. x

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