Is it normal to feel nauseous?


New Member
Nov 22, 2010
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:sick: Hey ladies,

I'm new to this forum and just wanted to ask is it normal to feel nauseous/vomit after a miscarriage. I lost mine at 6+3 and today I would have been 7+2, but I just feel so sick. Tried to go into work today (first time following miscarriage) but I've come home as I feel so ill. Just wanted to ask if this is normal?

Also would like to add, that I'm so sorry for all you ladies that are going through this or have been through a miscarriage and whatever stage of your pregnancy, my heart goes out to all of you! :hug:
Hey hon

Firstly so sorry to hear about your MC :hugs:I had some nausea after my mc, although this was after I'd had a D&C so I wondered if it was the antibiotics I was given that made me feel sick. Did you MC naturally? Could be all the change in hormones that's making you feel sick. If you're worried though might be worth giving the doc a quick ring x x
Hi hunny,
sorry about you mc, massive :hugs:
Sorry i havnt experiance this but i have experianced some other pregnancy symptoms. Hope your feeling better soon but if it gets worse go and double check with you gp. Take care x x

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I'm so sorry for your loss. I did have some nausea after my mmc, but I think mine was from the morphine I had after the erpc. Could it be your hormones settling down? Big :hugs:
I felt sick for a while after I miscarried - felt the same as when I was pg. If you are vomiting a lot and have a temperature you should go to gp. I'm so sorry for your loss - lots of love and take care of yourself xxx
So sorry for your loss. I was really sick after my last MC but as someone else said I had a D&C so assumed it was linked to that. It could be your hormone levels changing too, or just the fact that you've been through something horrible. People deal with grief in different ways so maybe it's your body's way of coping.xx
Sorry for your loss hun. Yes I felt very sick after my miscarriage - I had sickness, temperature and flu like symptoms for several days and it took about 2 weeks before I could eat without feeling sick (and this was a pure physical sickness not grief turning me off my food). I ended up seeing my doctor who prescribed me antibiotics just incase I had a slight womb infection which was causing my symptoms. Hope you feel better soon xx

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