OMG ... SERIOUS & very regular braxton hicks.. what does this mean...


Well-Known Member
May 18, 2011
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Hi ladies .,
as the title says.
This is serious BH, i have difficulty standing up.

Just practice or does it mean anything?

Please share any knowledge or stories.,

Hormonal wreck as well today!!! xxx
I would keep a little eye on the timing....just in case! x
If you're concerned I would ring your Midwife hun, this far along they won't think your being silly x
Keep mobile see if that makes them stronger, keep an eye on any show/waters. Bounce on ball start timing and ring MW/hospital if waters go, baby's movements change or they get closer together and you are not coping. Warm bath and paracetamol if you need them. Good Luck.
omg hun my post is similar to this...ever since mw was a bit rough with me today im getting loads of braxtons hicks...and also feeling like I cood burst into tears with hormones (haven't really been hormonal all pregnancy)....hips killing as well

If they're regular surely they're not BH? Possible they are real I would suggest?! Good luck hun xxx
good luck hun! if ur getting pain with them and it seems to feel like its building up and increasing... i doubt its BHs and its contractions! :)

keep us updated if u can and id start timing them ona app or just take note xx
Sounds exciting, hope things are progressing for u. cant wait for updates...good luck!! xx
I am stalking this thread ;) loads of luck, hope you get to meet your little lady soon x
Right there with ya. Tons of braxton hicks right now. Makes it difficult to be very mobile. So far not too painful but very often and super tight and hard. Makes doing just normal thing or even sitting not so great.
Hi girls,
Well I had a nice long relaxing bath and they seemed to ease , was so exhausted went to bed and they have stopped.

Def BH not contractions as wasnt wave like or painful, just really tight and really uncomfortable, and i was finding it difficult to walk around.

But all stopped now!! Guess my body just having a little practise!!

Thanks for all your support!! xx
Right there with ya. Tons of braxton hicks right now. Makes it difficult to be very mobile. So far not too painful but very often and super tight and hard. Makes doing just normal thing or even sitting not so great.

Yes this is what I had big time last night!! xx
omg hun my post is similar to this...ever since mw was a bit rough with me today im getting loads of braxtons hicks...and also feeling like I cood burst into tears with hormones (haven't really been hormonal all pregnancy)....hips killing as well


this was me exactly and I did actually start crying and kept trying to fight the tears back, but not really sure what over!!
My hips were killing me too!!!
And i felt sooo exhausted!
Had a goods night sleep and feel better now, and BH have stopped.
How you feeling Bella? xx
Awe hun i honestly thought this was it for both of us but mine eased off aswell...atleast wel b ready and prepared wen real.thing happens tho lol

I actaully quite glad Bella!
I want another week!!!!
wrote a post in you journal too, same thing really!!

Yep our bodies getting ready for the real thing!! eek!! xx
Right there with ya. Tons of braxton hicks right now. Makes it difficult to be very mobile. So far not too painful but very often and super tight and hard. Makes doing just normal thing or even sitting not so great.

Yes this is what I had big time last night!! xx

Ya, made it hard for me to sleep the one night. I was shifting from one side and then the other but laying on my back to seemed to calm them down, and then I went back to sleep on my side.
Lol wrote in ur journal too!!!

Ah im ready for him to arrive now iv got everythin ready just need him lol plus i want him to b here to actually witness a bit of british sunshine as sods law itl start rainin wen i hav him and wont b able to take him for nice walks (ulterior mitive of walks to try shift baby weight lol)

Keep us updated if ur bhs start up again hun xxx

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