questions re: braxton hicks/contractions


Well-Known Member
May 17, 2008
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Hi Girls,
since last night Ive frequently had what I think are braxton hicks, they seem quite regular but are not painful. They are uncomfortable, and Im finding it hard to breath properly. Last night my mother and gran reckoned that they didnt think I was going to last until my due date the way Im going.
Anyway after more this afternoon I finally decided that I would see if I could find any info on the difference between braxtons and proper contractions. Found this site ... ons_156.bc and it says to be checked if you have more than four in an hour. I would try to time them but I can feel them coming on (from the breathing issues they are giving me) but I cant feel them easing off as such.

Any idea whats going on or what I should do? Im only 33 weeks!

Also, just as a panic, what would happen if they did turn to labour ones? Would the baby be ok?
I'm sorry I can't really help you - I don't think i've had any Braxton hicks, but I'm sure someone else will be able to.

Try not to worry - I'm sure I've read about lots of ladies on here getting quite a lot of them.

If you are worried though speak to your MW. Do you have an appointment coming up?
Ive got an appointment with a consultant on Monday and then seeing the midwife on Tuesday. Typically, I had an appointment yesterday morning.
i had the same the other night, think they were braxon hicks

They never got any stronger so i just left it, been ok since :dance:
Ive had a bath and had nothing whatsoever (or I dont think I did as I dozed off in there) but Ive had another one in the past 20 or so minutes since getting out. Wish I knew what was going on in there.
My BH are definately painful - they can last a couple of hours - I try and drink lots of water and will have a bath and some paracetamol then they stop...... They do feel very much like the very early labour contractions I remember but I think its just our bodies getting into practice.... Try not to worry :hug:

Jane x
valleygirl24 said:
Hi Girls,
since last night Ive frequently had what I think are braxton hicks, they seem quite regular but are not painful. They are uncomfortable, and Im finding it hard to breath properly. Last night my mother and gran reckoned that they didnt think I was going to last until my due date the way Im going.
Anyway after more this afternoon I finally decided that I would see if I could find any info on the difference between braxtons and proper contractions. Found this site ... ons_156.bc and it says to be checked if you have more than four in an hour. I would try to time them but I can feel them coming on (from the breathing issues they are giving me) but I cant feel them easing off as such.

Any idea whats going on or what I should do? Im only 33 weeks!

Also, just as a panic, what would happen if they did turn to labour ones? Would the baby be ok?

This happened to me too, and everyone said I wouldn't make my due date... well, Connie was born bang on time!

Anyway, things I found out from here or the internet are:

* EVERYONE has BH from 6 weeks' pregnant but you only start to feel them much later on.
* Some women never feel BH.
* Some women (like you and me) feel them really strongly.

Mine were absolutely hideous. They woke me up at night and they were on/off all day every day. The kids I taught could see my belly go tight and used to take great pleasure in pointing it out! Towards the end (35 weeks plus) I could barely sleep at night for them and during the day they were making me very uncomfy. I had one day (about 38 weeks?) where I had BH every 10 minutes for about 4 hours and I was convinced it was going to turn into labour.... but it didn't.

However, when I did (eventually!) go into labour I was 6 cm dilated within an hour so they will be doing you some good, I promise :hug:

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