OMG is ANYONE sleeping as badly as me???

Yeah restless legs is basically just the most annoying thing ever - it's not painful or anything but you just cannot relax your legs and keep them still, you constantly feel the need to move them cause they are tingling and well...restless!! I mentioned it to my midwife but she said there isn't much you can do....she said it's a circulatory condition. There is medication available but I don't think it's suitable for pregnancy. I have been thinking of going to GP but guess I assume there is nothing I can take anyway!! Thanks all xx
well just think when your baby is here you will get less sleep and at mad times when they sleeping....

I actually seriously think I will sleep better when baby is here! Yes it will be disrupted and at mad times, but hopefully the restless legs will go, I'll be more comfortable in bed and I won't be needing to wee all the time! So at least when baby is sleeping I might actually have a chance of getting some decent sleep here and there, which I am not even getting right now. xx
well just think when your baby is here you will get less sleep and at mad times when they sleeping....

I actually seriously think I will sleep better when baby is here! Yes it will be disrupted and at mad times, but hopefully the restless legs will go, I'll be more comfortable in bed and I won't be needing to wee all the time! So at least when baby is sleeping I might actually have a chance of getting some decent sleep here and there, which I am not even getting right now. xx

I think so too hun, :)
well just think when your baby is here you will get less sleep and at mad times when they sleeping....

I actually seriously think I will sleep better when baby is here! Yes it will be disrupted and at mad times, but hopefully the restless legs will go, I'll be more comfortable in bed and I won't be needing to wee all the time! So at least when baby is sleeping I might actually have a chance of getting some decent sleep here and there, which I am not even getting right now. xx

I think so too hun, :)

Thanks hun :) And at least being kept awake by my little baby is alot better than being kept awake by restless bleedin legs!! Ha ha xx
well just think when your baby is here you will get less sleep and at mad times when they sleeping....

I actually seriously think I will sleep better when baby is here! Yes it will be disrupted and at mad times, but hopefully the restless legs will go, I'll be more comfortable in bed and I won't be needing to wee all the time! So at least when baby is sleeping I might actually have a chance of getting some decent sleep here and there, which I am not even getting right now. xx

I think so too hun, :)

Thanks hun :) And at least being kept awake by my little baby is alot better than being kept awake by restless bleedin legs!! Ha ha xx

ha thats very true chick! At least it'll be for a good reason!

x x x x
Amanda I had trouble sleeping when pregnant and I definitely get more sleep now he's here! At least I'm sound out between feeds even if it is every 3 hours
Amanda I had trouble sleeping when pregnant and I definitely get more sleep now he's here! At least I'm sound out between feeds even if it is every 3 hours

Thanks, that's so good to hear!!! At least I'll be well trained for sleep deprivation and broken sleep by the time he's here! xxx
Can I join this thread. I haven't slept.well for the last 2 nights. I knackered.
Nothing is helping and I get a blocked nose as soon as I lay down not all day just at night then I want to sit up but thats so uncomfortable its.untrue.
It's a cycle I fear I may not get out of oh that and baby decided to have hiccups last night.too lol. X x

I sleep for england when OH looks after LO but still feel like rubbish :(

I just feel so un prepared for my son :( struggling with his feeds to keep them constant
Well after trying to give advice on this thread i got 3 hours sleep last night! and im working today :( sooooo exhausted
Well after trying to give advice on this thread i got 3 hours sleep last night! and im working today :( sooooo exhausted

Awwww sorry Cherelle - I think I must have stolen your sleep! I had the best night's sleep I've had in weeks - didn't get off till after 3am cause of terrible acid indigestion but didn't have restless legs for once and eventually managed to get hours of proper sleep! :dance: xx
Dont even get me started on acid reflux! I went to bed the night before last.....shattered! Fell asleep really well then shot upright about an hour later with my throat burning and heaving cos of the dirty acid build up! I was actually choking. I had to sleep bolt upright for a few hours after that! It's amazing how as SOON as you've given birth, most of these things just disappear!
Dont even get me started on acid reflux! I went to bed the night before last.....shattered! Fell asleep really well then shot upright about an hour later with my throat burning and heaving cos of the dirty acid build up! I was actually choking. I had to sleep bolt upright for a few hours after that! It's amazing how as SOON as you've given birth, most of these things just disappear!

I know - I ate too much bread yesterday and the day before and my God has the acid been bad - had it all the night before last, was so bad I threw up in the morning, then it settled a bit, but ate too much at lunch and it started all over again! Yes I had to sit up bolt upright until about 3am last night because every time I layed down the slightest burp would flood me with acid, it really is awful :-( Definitely can't wait for that symptom to go!! xxx
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Have you try.those tablets I posted about anacids.
They are my livesaver x x
Oh hun sainsburys own.anacids £1.78 spearmint try.them total life saver x x

No it didn't for me. Good luck hun x x

Try going to your GP, I got given tablets (not sure what their name is) and a bottle of peptus something, really helpful, and free ! Just say you need something for heartburn, they can't really say no x

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