*****Olive's Super Exciting Labour Thread!!!!!*****

Hi Sweetie, logging on during late night feed to see if any further news. Thinking of you and hopefully you are sound asleep right now. xxx
Thanks :hug: How are you hun?

Feeling frustrated as don't think anythings happening :(

Just me and Mary now, who I've discovered snores lol.

My ankles and feet are so itchy I think I may have made them bleed scratching :roll:

Hope everyone is doing ok.

Hey Hun been thinking of u :hug: can a doc not give u something for the itching?? Hope it kicks off for u today. 12/1/12 would be a good birthday :) xx
Hey Hun been thinking of u :hug: can a doc not give u something for the itching?? Hope it kicks off for u today. 12/1/12 would be a good birthday :) xx

Thanks hun. Got cream, but not great. It's inbetween my fingers now.

I'd love it I be today but don't think it will be.

Don't speak too soon Olive it could still be today! Hope things get going for ya soon.
Fingers, toes, legs... everything crossed for you today hon. Hope your LO gets a wriggle on! xxxxx
Thanks ladies. Getting examined about 3. Feeling a lot of foof pressure when standing but I don't think much is happening :(

Hey Hun been thinking of u :hug: can a doc not give u something for the itching?? Hope it kicks off for u today. 12/1/12 would be a good birthday :) xx

Thanks hun. Got cream, but not great. It's inbetween my fingers now.

I'd love it I be today but don't think it will be.


Whether its today or tomorrow it doesnt matter, you will get through it and then you wont care. Its so great all our little boys being born within days of each other - every day feels like a milestone right now but in the future we will realise it is less than a week apart!

I was induced on a thursday (though already in 'unestablished' labour, and gave birth at exactly 1 pm on the Friday.

I have to say though that it was hideous until I got the epidural. The epi does mean you are bed bound and the indignity of cathetar for peeing (you stop caring after first time) but the relief from the pain was immense - I could still feel all my contractions, the build up in the tightening of the tummy and I could hear the babies heartbeating throughout, it was actually a really nice experience - Just lying there listening to him and feeling him getting ever closer to the outside world. I really do recommend it!

The gas and air was quite good for regulating my breathing (aparently i was being sick with the contractions because i was panting and distressing my body) but I have to say it was totally useless for pain relief! Mind you, I think it gave my husband some pain relief (of the mental kind) he had a few toots and said he felt high as a kite, lol!

Anyway, thinking of you, fingers crossed for this afternoon :hug: loads of love xxx
Fingers crossed for this afternoon, hopefully the little walk around will do you good. x
Hi ladies,

Am on a bit of a downer atm tbh.

Pessary did nothing so had gel put in. Next one about 10pm. She said doc will examine me in morning and decide what to do from there.

BP was 170 something over 104 :-/ ! Just dropped to 140 something over 94. Strapped up and lying down on monitor. Really uncomfy but need this gel to stay in. Also meed him to wake up before they take me off. Afterwards going for a walk and gonna spend the night bouncing I think.

Any advice? Xx
That sounds so frustrating, it is a long process isn't it. Hope everything starts moving soon.

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