*****Olive's Super Exciting Labour Thread!!!!!*****

god love you......we're all willing you on....i know that doesnt help much!! xx
:hug: Laura def bounce I swear it worked for me I bounced from literally 10pm when OH left until about 2am an woke up at 4am contracting.

Thanks :hug:

Mrsmc were you dilated or anything? I don't think I even am! :( She could feel baby's head but said still really far back. She said walk about and bounce. I'll def bounce tonight then. Thanks for advice I appreciate it.

Just feel like everyone is getting somewhere except me iykwim.

Can imagine them telling me to just go home! Although maybe not with bp.

Day 3 tmrw do something's gotta happen. X

i dont think they will send you home....next time you walk throught your door it will be with your little man :) xx
I thought that once they started they couldn't then stop and send you home? All the waiting and anticipation probably isn't helping your bp either. Bless you hunny and hope something happens for you very soon xxxxxxxxxx
I can't really help! Just stay positive!! And breathe through the pain!

Oh bless ya x can see why your blood pressure would be high! X get bouncing and fx it starts tonight for you x
Bounce for Britain, Laura!!! Baby will get the hint.
They said if I get to 3cm with gel they can brake waters and put on oxytocin drip to start contractions. If not, will need a c sec which she said would prob be sat.

Was feeling frustrated earlier but ok now. Am on ball til 10! Lol.

Thanks for your support ladies and lou X
oh hun its not going very quickly for you is it! i feel your frustration but i suppose at least i am able to be at home while i wait, i will keep everything crossed that things move along quickly tonight and by the morning lo will be here xxx
Keep bouncing!! Hope your getting somewhere, :)
Good luck, hope things progress soon for you! Keep up the bouncing!
Has your oh been with you all day and they send him home at night? X
He has to go at 8 but visiting is 7-8 so my mum came and I told him to go early.

Thing is now all teary! When my mum left i started crying and now I'm like a leaking tap lol. The 3 other women in my room are all in labour so have their partners with them.

Am ok just emotional I think. X
Omg don't you get your own room when your in labour?

Your hormones are every where don't blame you for being teary :hugs: xx

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