Old Wives Tales..


Well-Known Member
Feb 19, 2012
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Some of these really made me laugh! :)

Sleep Position
Pay attention to which way you lay down in bed tonight. If you prefer sleeping on your left side, you’ll have a boy. Right side? You're pregnant with a girl.

Upset Stomach
Little girls aren’t always sweet. Extreme nausea means you are having a daughter.

Soft or Dry Hands
If your hands are dry during pregnancy, you are having a boy; soft—expect a girl.

Food Cravings
Your favorite pregnancy foods may tell you what sex the baby is. If you’re craving citrus while pregnant, you’re having a girl.

Adult Acne
If altering hormones makes your skin break out, expect a girl.

Graceful or Clumsy Pregnancy
If you feel as though you’re gliding through they day, you’ll have a girl. Stumbling? It’s a boy.

Face Weight Gain
If your face gets fuller, it means you’re having a girl.

Sugar and Spice Food Cravings
Craving salt during pregnancy? Potato chips, pretzels, and popcorn means a boy is on the way. Need a little something sweet? Ice cream, chocolate, and candy means you’re having a girl.

Mood Changes
If you’re experiencing pregnant mood swings, expect a baby girl to arrive soon.

High or Low Pregnant Belly
If you’re carrying the baby low on your stomach, expect a boy. If it’s high, you’re having a girl.

Baby Weight
If you’re carrying the baby in front, it’s a boy. Is the baby weight spaced all around your middle? It’s a girl.

Pendulum Test
Dangle a chain with a charm over your palm. It swings back and forth: boy. In a circle: girl.

Model Your Hands
“Show me your hands.” If you would hold your hands palms up, it’s a girl. Down? You’re having a boy.

Toddler Advice
Get baby advice from a nephew or from a friend’s little boy. If a toddler boy shows interest in your belly, you’ll have a girl. If he ignores you, it’s a boy.

Eat Garlic
Guess the baby’s sex by eating garlic. If the smell seeps out of your pores, it’s a boy. If there’s no scent, it’s a little girl.

Key to Pregnancy
If you pick up a key by the round end, you’re having a boy. If you pick it up by the long end? A girl.

Even and Odd Numbers
If your age and year of conception are both even or odd, it’s girl. One even and one odd means a boy.

Baby’s Heartbeat
If the baby’s heart beats more than 150 times per minute, you’re pregnant with a girl. Less than 150, it’s a boy.

Stress Test
A child tends to be of the same sex as the parent who is less stressed at the time of conception.

Dream Meanings
If you dream about having a girl while pregnant, you will wind up having a boy and vice versa.

Breast Size
If your right breast is larger than the left while pregnant, you are having a girl. If the left is larger, it’s a baby boy.

Only ten of these related to me.. 6 said girl and 4 said boy!
We shall see :eh:
a few of the girls ones relate to me and I am having a girl :D
I think it's ALL rubbish personally :p
I was told I was having a girl by the midwife. Wrong! :p
11 were relevant to me and 9 girl and 2 boy... we shall see!
The stress test is the funniest!
I dont think ANYONE is stressed at the time of conception...
I think its all a load of bollocks! Pardon my language!

Gender has no influence on HB, how much weight you carry and where you carry the weight etc.

Nonsence! x
I think its all a load of bollocks! Pardon my language!

Gender has no influence on HB, how much weight you carry and where you carry the weight etc.

Nonsence! x

Haha I know!
I guess this is just what women thought about before gender scans were possible.
Holy shit! My baby is a hermaphrodite!! Im craving broccoli and galaxy ripples! Not together mind...
Out of the 21 only 4 were correct for me (I know I'm having a girl) lol xxxx
a few apply to me & Im having a girl.....but I don't believe any of them!!! What amazes me is how people seem to really use old wives tales as a predictor of gender, I got asked was I having a boy coz I was carrying high!! (even though I think carrying high is meant to be for a girl!)lol
8 of them were right for me - having a girl.

But to be fair, they are all going to be right 50% of the time anyway aren't they?! Lol x

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Either I'm having twins-boy and a girl or it's a load of crap! But I totally loved reading it! Haha! Xx
I cant tell if Im carrying high or low - I just look down and its there! xxx
All these tests I try workout to be 50/50 ,well I could have guessed that without the tests .Nevermind I will have to wait and see .xx
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I done this for fun as Im not a believer until its proved lol

11 applied to me and it was all the boys ones but we will see today in like just over an hour :dance: i had convinced myself it was a boy and now Im not so sure

Only 6 of them were right for me - having a boy xx

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