Okay!! Let's Move The 'New Mummies!' Section Up a Gear !!!


Well-Known Member
Jan 9, 2005
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Hi Ladies :D

It has been suggested to me that we need to expand the 'New Mummies!' category halfway down the front page. I totally agree 8)

You've been with us all through your pregnancy and I know that many of you want to stay on this site as you've made lots of new friends, and that's wonderful to hear! I must say, the PMs that I have had recently on the subject of expanding the 'New Mummies!' side of things have been lovely to read, and I'm very happy to do what I can to make the site a more useful resource for all of you, including those of you who are no longer pregnant because you have now had your baby!

Current sub-categories (forums) within the 'New Mummies!' category are 'Announce Your New Arrival', 'Your Baby Pictures' and 'First Year With Your New Baby', but there is LOADS of room there for a whole host of new sub-categories!

First of all, I could set up a new website altogether (ie, a different web address to www.pregnancyforum.co.uk) but then you would need to re-register. Personally speaking, I do think that keeping the 'New Mummies!' category within this site would be much more beneficial in terms of creating a more supportive, close-knit community, rather than being spread across two separate sites. This also simplifies matters for if/when you use the chat room (yes, I know it's not working at the moment :oops: I upgraded the forum software last week but still need to tweak the chat room back to life. I should be able to do that this weekend, all being well).

So, I need your help! It's been nearly 10 years since I had my first child so I'm a bit rusty on the sorts of things that new mums like to talk about :D

Please reply below with a list of sub-categories that you think may be useful. Be as bold as you like - write as many as you like! Even if somebody else has already suggested one that you were going to put down, tell me anyway as I need to get an idea of how popular each sub-category would be. The better the input, the more useful the site will become for you. I will then take a look at all of your suggestions, and post a preliminary list which of course will be open to further consideration by you all.

Once we have all agreed on the list of sub-categories, I will then create a forum for each of those sub-categories, which will be located within the existing 'New Mummies!' category.

I'm thinking of between 10 and 15 new sub-categories, chosen by you, within the 'New Mummies!' category. I realise that this will make the front page quite long, but I'm sure that won't be a problem. Just scroll down until you find the 'New Mummies!' category, and then you will find all of the new sub-categories within that category - once we have decided what those sub-categories are going to be called!

So please get your thinking caps on ladies, if you will - your input is very much appreciated and will ensure that the new and improved, all-singing, all-dancing 'New Mummies!' forums are correctly geared towards your requirements in your role as a new mum!

Best wishes,
Laura B
I think this is a great idea, how about a forum for 1yr plus because I know alot of mums babies are approaching 1yr and it means we can stay here for longer :) although we will be anyway.

Also another idea is baby development, like first smiles, sitting up crawling ect and its somewhere where we can discuss ways to help our children develop with toys ect and parents can say which toys they found good/bad
what about feeding section - breastfeedign and bottle feeding support. weaning, sleep issues.
Cool :)

Do you mean subsections like:-


I think these would be good sub sections:

breast/bottle feeding
the first 6 weeks
baby blues
expanding your family (ttc after a baby)

Brilliant idea to make more categories for new mummies cos we will all end up here at some point hopefully :D
I think it's a great idea to expand, but I wouldn't want to too many sections to be honest.

How about:

general baby questions

keeping it simple would make it easier to find posts and have more of a friendly chatting atomosphere like we've made in just this one category.
Hi Ladies,

Wow, thanks for the quick responses! Some great suggestions so far :D

I understand what you're saying, urchin - it sounds like quite a good idea to maybe have less sub-categories to start with, and then we can see how it goes. If we need to add more at a later stage, then we can always do that.

What does everyone else think about this? How many sub-categories do you think we should start with?
Hey Laura...

Great job with the forum, I haven't had a chance to thank you until now! It's been a great source of support to me throughout what has been a very anxious pregnancy.

As for the "new Mummies" section, I think that's brilliant. Categories I would like to see include:

General Nutrition
Developmental milestones
Niggly worries
Good/bad baby products - though that one could be a difficult one, since all sorts of brands are likely to be disparaged etc.
Funny moments
Comments forum - eg comments on public services etc
Handy tips

Just a few! :lol:

brill idea!!!

this is such a nice forum, everyone is very suportive, its great that we dont have to leave after a year :D
I agree with urchin about not having to many sections, its to much to search through.

we already have the babies first year, maybe just have one for a year + where mums can talk about walking, eating, health issues etc

Great idea!!
Same ideas with the sub categories really. Baby blues, breast feeding, routines, sleeping, worries, etc
Thanks Laura for a fab friendly site!
Im all in favour of being able to stay on a bit longer. Despite being pg just now I have a toddler and there are things I have to go onto other sites to ask and dont like jumping between too many. I agree that too many sub headings might be too much. Im not sure how to split them though.
Thanks, we really enjoy the site
Great idea and I agree that fewer categories would be better to start with.

The categories I would find useful would be: -
- Feeding
- Development (toys etc)
- General Health

LB xx
Great Idea ;)

I agree not too many categories as it's too much and we have survived for a while on one section for first year with new babies.

How about three or so sections;

Routines (as that can cover sleep, feeding all sorts)
Products Review
Great idea! I think everyone has come up with some fab idea's for topic sections - maybe you should set up a poll Laura to see which are the most popular (I would do it but I don't wanna steal your job!!) :lol:

I think there should only be 3 or 4 new sections though - to keep things 'simpler'.
wow this is great as u may be aware i joined here when pregnant with Dior and she will be 1 in a week, this place has been a god send to me, if i was not preg again i would be gutted now the thought of having no right to be here, so i would prob lie and go to the ttc section lol...

but im really looking forward to the section being updated.

:D :D :D
1.Your Birth Story
2. Breastfeeding
3. Baby Blues

Thanks for the suggestions everyone - I'll keep it up for another day or two and then I'll do a shortlist for you all to consider.

Meanwhile, it's really lovely to see all of your great feedback comments! :D
looks ok but i think new arrivals shud still have its own section, as we all look there for updates and now its all confused and mixed with other stuff
I think the new arrivals are in the birth section cos it says "Introduce your new little bundle of joy in here"

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