Ok, so don't laugh...

Thanks Applecidar :)

Well the book i'm reading (assuming they all say the same) is a translation of the oldest book about acupuncture and there is some emperor called Huang Di asking his minster called Bo Di (i think) about the variations in health and lifespan from one person to the next and it is explained in terms of energy flow and lifestyle and seasons. This would have been thousands of years ago, i'm thinking about 3000BC so 5000 years ago? :eh:

I've not got to needles yet.

I make myself laugh though because they keep on referring to Qi and i was bashing my brain trying to think how that might be pronounced because i literally read out loud in my head and "Q-i" is pronounced "Ch-ee" and everyone has heard of chee lol

I know what you mean about the £9000 :shock: The government said that was the new maximum fee and that is what the uni charge... not very considerate. I won't be entitled to a grant or anything but i could get a student loan. I already went to uni once and still haven't paid off my last one lol

Yes, still having sessions :) She was supposed to help my uterus to accept a fertilised egg in the last session (even though there won't be one) but i'm going to the toilet regularly and am very wet in my knickers which is unusual so maybe it's doing something? :oooo:
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I didn't think it would go back that far!! So it something people have believed in for years why stop now! Is your husband still going too? I've heard good things if you can actually get the guy to relax!! Hmmm I'm sure there is some way around paying £9000! Ask the CAB or other advice because you will start your own business after I'm sure there are grant schemes in place! I know they do something in Wales as my friend had money off training and grant funding for his tools.
I have to admit it sounds so interesting! People are great believers of this. Interesting you have seen a change in your body, keep a diary of it? Be good for your practice, maybe one day you will have written a book yourself?! You have made me think of doing another profession! Xx

Ps. Sorry for the essay I'm just interested! Xx
I don't mind essays :)

That guy is called Qi Bo and not Bo Di btw :blush:

I'm onto a bit about Yin and Yang now and the seasons and organs and my head was struggling. I'm going to have to buy my own copy so i can make notes as i go as there is too much to take in!

I'm only on chapter 5 of about 80 lol

Yeah my husband is still going too :) I've only got about 4 session until treatment starts but he'll have about 14. He actually came out of his session today and said that he felt very relaxed :shock: His acu lady keep burning him though lol

It might be a good idea to keeps notes of my body somewhere :)

My sister is doing a degree in nursing and she gets paid about £9000 to study it! Lucky sod.

I will title my book "The Sceptical Master of Acupuncture" ;)

What kind of career change are you thinking?

Honestly i'm feeling better that i have in ages just thinking that i will have a new career xx
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I have no idea, I love the thought of psychology but you have to have a masters to get most jobs these days! I've already got one degree I'm not sure I can do another quite yet! I will find something like you have hopefully without trying. I love teaching but my written Welsh needs to be stronger!

I like the title of your book already! Will you do it as a general thing or just specialise in fertility? Glad he was relaxed after it will there be any more testing to see if it has done anything? I seem to remember someone on here with good results!

I'm pretty excited for you having a goal makes life a bit more focused?! Xx
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I went to Aberystwyth Uni first time around and i was shocked the welsh had their own language lol

My brother did psychology and he absolutely loves it. He is doing a masters though this year :)

What do you do now?

Do all schools in Wales require teachers with a strong welsh ability?

I am really excited - just got to get my application sent off asap. Need FIL to write me up a reference because he's my boss ;)
Just catching up Lou, very interesting and I have to admit kinda funny cos you have never been much of a fan of acu! But think its good you're looking into it and doing your research. Good luck wif it all hun! I'm waiting on the next groupon acu deal and will snap it up x
I went to Aberystwyth Uni first time around and i was shocked the welsh had their own language lol

Do all schools in Wales require teachers with a strong welsh ability?

Hey hun Im welsh and a teacher....most welsh schools dont require you to be able to speak welsh, tho it sometimes goes in your favour (depends what age group u teach tho i think)....i dont speak welsh tho and i teach

oh and i dont think acu is a silly profession :)
Haha lots of people say that! I met lots of people travelling and they didn't even know where Wales was! I live in the north and all our schools are small local and require you to teach through medium of Welsh! I love it just wish I was better!

I'm working for local council at the moment! I like it.

Your brother is doing a masters? Wow! That's great! What does he want to do after?

What do you do now? Great you have done the application bring on the career change! Xx

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