Ohhhh my word...


Well-Known Member
Jun 16, 2007
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Finally got round to watching the Blair Witch Project tonight...nobody is in the house but me and baby..

I'm not easily scared...but...eeeeek...I am now. it was because it wasn't gory: that's always so obviously fake. It was just al creepy with those little hand prints over the walls

I have all the lights on, and the TV, just for company.

I went to see it at the movies when it came out and I had to leave as it was making me dizzy - all that shaky camera movement on a big screen not good!
iv never seen it! ooh i love scarey films- especially foreign ones- theyre so much freakier! like the japanese hole movie, and that russian one forgot what its called dark night or something. oh and of course pans labyrinth, which i made the hideous mistake of watching while PREGNANT (doooooooont do it, seriously!)

whats blair witch about? all i kno is its like a doumentary pastiche?
I watched it in 2000 and even 8 years later feel edgy going in woods :?
It's so scary! Especially when one of them disappears.
I hate horror films - I get scared so easily - and any gore makes me flip out.....

but honestly I found blair witch so rubbish - wasn't scared at all!
I can't watch the ending in this movie... it's too creepy... it's the innuendo about what happened. Scary movies leave me scarred for days, I get scared so easily.
meg_bellamy said:
I can't watch the ending in this movie... it's too creepy... it's the innuendo about what happened. Scary movies leave me scarred for days, I get scared so easily.
i know what you mean the ending messed me up for weeks after i would never watch it again even though it wasnt scary it messed with my mind.
I normally get scared by horror films pretty easy but this didn't scare me at all :?
I went to watch it at the cinema too! I was so excited then felt a little let down! Maybe because of all the hype at the time?

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