OH Rant

Usually around every three months me and hubby have a little barney about him not pulling his weight around the house..... A bit like Carnats' OH, he does the dishes, the vacuuming, takes the rubbish out and the DIY.... I do everything else, I don't mind doing the rest because I am a perfectionist but I do take issue with hime not doing the things he says he will!

First Baby I agree it's so annoying that we have to get upset in the first place.... it's not like they don't help create mess/washing/etc in the first place!! x
My hubby isn't too bad to be honest.
He'd NEVER think to mop the floor though, or clear the coffee table (he makes a pile of letters, papers and magazines instead of throwing them away)

But he does quite a lot. I cook most nights, so he does the dishes. While I was making lunch yesterday, he swept all the floors. He doesn't let me hang the washing because he doesn't want me to stretch lol.
And the other day, he was on the phone to his friend, and cleaned the bathroom sink while he was chatting.

So I really can't complain. The only thing that bothers me is that he used to be in the army, and still has a habit of putting his boots outside the bedroom door, as if he's gonna have a boot inspection!
He doesn't do it as often now, but omg it really winds me up seeing a wee line of shoes in the hall!! X

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mine doesnt do very much at all. He does the dishes about twice a week (its his job, so I refuse so they tend to build up......eek)
He will hoover occasionally too. And he refuses to do the food shopping even though I have told him i shouldnt be carrying all of those heavy bags back in. And cause of my chicken aversion I cant go up the raw meat aisle!

I clean the kitchen, mop the floors, clean the bathroom, tidy and polish living room. He just doesnt see mess. Like just now the fridge could do with a really good clean, but he would never think in a million years to do it, even if something spills inside!

he is gonna have to buck his ideas up, cause at the moment its like i already have a child to look after. HIM!
he tells me to write lists for him of stuff I want him to do. But I think he is a grown man and should be able to look around and think, ok whats needs done? rather than having to get told what to do.
My oh does nth without being told and asked and asked again for like 100000000 times!!!! Worst of all is that he Dosent care if the house is like piggies live inside and we have piles of dirty clothes or not clean clothes to wear or you can't see the tv from the dust. Also he refuses to go to the supermarket without me because he is getting bored alone :shock:

The most outrageous though thing is that he gets upset when I get up to do sth (probably knowing that he should offer to do it instead) and he tells me that now is relaxing time not cleaning time:shock:
If it was after him the house would probably never get clean, not more than 2 per year or so anyway....
The week that I refused to do his laundry he bought new socks As he didn't have any clean ones????:shock:

Anyway since I al pregnant he does more things than before but not without whining....

Last nights row was because I asked him to go in the basement to get from the freezer some bread like 20 times and 5 min before we went to bed we still didn't have bread out of the freezer for the next morning....I also asked him to get down the basement the dirty clothes so today I can do laundry and guess what ofc he forgot to do that too....

This man will actually be a father in 5 months and take care of a newborn.... probably in a very very dirty house as i can barely do a couple of things anymore before I get super tired, never mind to clean a 3 floor house...

Ok rant over, I pray for some enlightenment for my oh.... If he could also have an opinion for what we plan to shop and do for the baby before its here t would be a huge burden to share but oh no he keeps saying yes dear, you can get whatever you want sweetie i don't have any opinion :shock: I swear I will kick him on his thingy one day to remind him that it's still there....
Oh hunnies!

I can relate to you all lol.
However, when we both lived at OH's parents house, he did everything, as it wasn't my house to do stuff in and I felt rude!
When we moved out, I do EVERYTHING!!!! I cook, I clean, I wash up, I do the washing. I get him drinks if he asks, I do wait on him hand and foot really. Does piss me off sometimes but still, if you want a job done properly do it yourself ;) is what I say!
I've taken it on in my little head, that if I do everything now, he has NO RIGHT to complain when I ask him to do stuff when I'm heavily pregnant and after babys born, I can almost use it against him heheh :P

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