Oh no not again please!


Well-Known Member
May 9, 2008
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Hey guys, I so so wanted this pregnancy to be a goer but I have been bleeding today and after talking to my doctor we think I may be m/c again.

I have an apointment with the doc tomorrow morning, but I wont be able to have a scan until Friday so I dont knwo what the doctor can do without a scan but I am going anyway. I am so gutted I am praying its not but I just have a feeling it is

I will update tomorrow and let you girls know what the doctor said and alo again on Friday after the scan but I dont have my hopes up

to top it off I am so cross with the maternity ward at my hospital, my GP originally gave me the number of the ward so I could talk to someone that specialises in this and when i got in touch with a Gyn there they told me there was nothing they could do as I am not registered with a midwife yet and I am only just over 6 weeks gone so I should talk to my GP, after explaining the GP gave me a number to talk to someone in the ward she then said well I cant help you and left it at that. I told her my history and asked her to check my history on her PC but she refused. I called the GP back up and they were disgusted, the Gp checked my notes and thats when we have the hour long chat on the phone and he shared my fears, my GP was so good this time round did everything he could and was fuming the hospital would send me away, hes made an official complaint on my behalf and hopefully something will come of it, I wonder how many other woman have been made to feel like complete crap by that woman.
I'm so sorry to hear that things aren't going so well.. I'm keeping my fingers crossed for you. Please please let us know how things go! Thinking about you.. hope all is well..

I dont know what to say, and im guessing nothing I can say will be a comfort to you at this time. But i am keeping my fingers crossed for you and hoping all is okay with you both.

Will be thinking of you, sending hugs too. Scarlett
Im so sorry to hear you had such a bad experience at a difficult time
sending you some :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:
Oh hun Im hoping so much for you that this isnt happening, hang in there hunni xxxx

all my best thoughts for you. hope everything is ok.
Hun I hope everything is ok, thinking of you :hug: :hug:
:hug: let us know hun, hope everything is ok and sorry to hear your hospital was so unhelpful - sounds really insensitive to me.
Im so sorry you are going through this - I really hope everything is ok, get plenty of rest :hug:
Really hoping everything is OK, got everything crossed for you :hug:
Keeping everything crossed for you and sending you lots of :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:
hey guys, I had an appointment at the drs this morning and it doesnt look good, they have taken bloods and had a chat with me about my symptoms etc, they actually think I am ment to be further along than I thought so I am going for a scan on Friday to see if the bean is still alive. Aparently a heartbeat should be heard now and more than a sac should be seen so I am crossing my fingers.

If its the worst I will be having a d & c that day straight after the scan so they can do some tests (will be third miscarriage) and find out whats wrong with me, I so hope I am just bleeding for no reason but I think that I am not

will update again on Friday, keep your fingers crossed for me girls and thankyou for all your wellwishes and prayers
cyclura said:
hey guys, I had an appointment at the drs this morning and it doesnt look good, they have taken bloods and had a chat with me about my symptoms etc, they actually think I am ment to be further along than I thought so I am going for a scan on Friday to see if the bean is still alive. Aparently a heartbeat should be heard now and more than a sac should be seen so I am crossing my fingers.

If its the worst I will be having a d & c that day straight after the scan so they can do some tests (will be third miscarriage) and find out whats wrong with me, I so hope I am just bleeding for no reason but I think that I am not

will update again on Friday, keep your fingers crossed for me girls and thankyou for all your wellwishes and prayers

:hug: i hope everything is ok, I can't imagine how you feel right now
first of all, a big :hug: for you.

all the best for friday
I've been looking all day to see if everything was okay! I was nearly crying when i saw your reply, i can't begin to imagine how you feel :hug:

You have my fingers and toes crossed for you, hope u'll be ok, good luck.

Massive hugs and thoughts to you at this difficult time I am thinking of you XXXXX

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