Bleeding and refused scans for checks

Has anyone else experienced this and shoudl i do something about it?

I have seen my GP twice now as i have had on off light bleeding for the last week and a half although not bad tummy pains often, and my GP said there is no point sending me to an ultrasound till I am 9 weeks as they won't be able to see anything. Yet in my last m/c they did a scan at 6 weeks (was too late by then).

Can I request one? I am very worried because of my history but feel like I am being a pain. i see my GP most weeks because of other health issues so i feel like I am a resident and don't like to bother him :(
Hi Sami,

It's a load of bollocks. The problem is he has to refer you. I had the same scenario when I booked in to see my GP as soon as I found out. The receptionist basically told me not to bother coming in as he won't really do anything - the tests you do are what we do here.....yes I know women have children every second of every day but I'm sick of some of these people being blaze about the whole thing.

My thing is, if you have a problem - it IS your right to check it out.

And I know - years ago I had a termination and they sent me for an ultrasound no problem early on, and might I add that the radiologist didn't even know that it was for a termination.

Hang in the Sami and don't give up......can you book direct with the ultrasound people?

My local hospital requires you to be reffered by my doctor but I still have not yet chosen my birthing hospital (which will not be my most local - I have 3 nearby). Either way, I can't just walk in for one. Last night I ended up in A + E because I started cramping and it got steadily worse (only just got back). Saw a brilliant Gynea there and I have a scan booked in for tommorrow at 10:35am. It's jut a shame I had to go through this to get somewhere. They are now worried about eptopic and am on strong painkillers :( I'm trying not to take them though.

This pregnancy is gonna send me grey at 19!
I had a scan at 6 weeks and there was a white blob with a heart beat, so they'd definately see something!
So sorry you're having problems with your GP but it sounds like A&E have got you sorted now.
My GP was the same - it's taken me two weeks to get an appointment to see him about the pregnancy.
I had cramping too so went to A&E and they've been brilliant. I'm having a scan via them next Wednesday to make sure the pregnancy is not ectopic.
Thinking of you and hoping all is ok.
rosieroo said:
I had a scan at 6 weeks and there was a white blob with a heart beat, so they'd definately see something!

That's definately reassuring. I'm only tiny with not a lot of body fat in that area so I'm hoping they will be able to see a lot of my baby too.

I am really scared about the scan now though :cry: the closer it comes to it the more I'm panicking

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