Before I had my little girl, I had a group of around 7 friends who I could hang out with every weekend. When I got pregnant I seen less and less of them. I made two of them god mother & I think they've seen by daughter a handful of times since she was born. Still waiting for LOs Christmas presents (not that the gifts matter, but a visit over Christmas would have been nice) I don't get invited anywhere, and when I invite them they always have something better to do.
My social anxiety made it difficult for me to attend mother & toddler groups (I found a lot of mothers there were very judgmental & condescending! I was 23 when I had her but look about 14 *rolleye*) I stuck it out 'til it had to close. I enrolled my little girl in nursery a few hours a week so she had all the benefits of mixing with children. Now I have one friend really, and my cousin who I'm close with.
I sound like a right saddo, haha I recently met a girl at work with a daughter same age as mine who's currently pregnant, so I'm finally feeling what its like to have some understanding friends! But yeh people warned me and I never thought it would happen but it definitely did! Not nice. xxx