Off to hospital *UPDATE*

hey girls thanks for all the well wishes. I'm just relaxing at home now. So far no change in the pain or frequency of tightnings. I'll let you guys know how i get on.

Thanks for updating the girls mamafy xx
Good luck hun.
Keep resting and fingers x'ed he stays put a little longer. :hug:
best of luck hope all goes well and baby stays put for a while longer xxxx
you'd best have your feet up mrs :hug: hope he stays put a little while longer for you hun xxxx
Hope everything stays the same for a bit hun. Keep resting xxxxxx
:hug: Hope you're ok sweets, and that the contractions stop soon x
Contractions seem to have stopped or at least there not regular anymore, more like BH now. Still really uncomfortable with cramp and lower back ache but i think for now he's decided to stay put. I have been resting since Jacob went to bed at 6.30 so it seems to have done the trick.

Thanks again for all your kind words xx
Do that every night hun :hug:

Last time I had to do that every night from about 14 weeks as my uterus was that dodgy and they told me to rest for at least 12 hours a night and more during the day :shock:
I must admit i'm not good at resting, you'd think it would be an easy thing to do but its really not lol.

mamafy, my iphone crashed and wiped all my contacts, can you send me a text pls so i can save it again xx
hope LO stays put a little while longer.... :hug:
oh a a bit worring for you Toonlass, we don't want him out yet!

Lost of rest please
I must admit i'm not good at resting, you'd think it would be an easy thing to do but its really not lol.

mamafy, my iphone crashed and wiped all my contacts, can you send me a text pls so i can save it again xx

Done, saw your FB status :thumbup:
Hi Toon , just read thread, glad your out and at home, lets hope those contractions stay at bay x
Morning lovelies, i had a great sleep last night :) woke up early this morning still crampy but no more pains so i think (fingers crossed) that everything has settled down now. I am doing nothing today except a few loads of washing and chatting to you ladies :) xx
Morning hon - glad u had a good night - have a relaxing day and fingers crossed he's decided to stay put a little longer xx

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