****** October 2018 Mummies! ******

Ladies ive made a FB page for us for the ones who arent on here at much https://www.facebook.com/groups/829158587286572/about/
Its closed so no one else can see it it and its not got a obvious name!
Come and join me :D
As soon as everyone has joined ill set it to private so No one can see at all!

I'll request to join once I'm past 16 weeks if that's OK, trying to remain anonymous whilst none of my friends/family know as I'm convinced someone will see something lol.

I'm happy to run tri 2 but not til Fri when I'm in it as I'm too superstitious! :oooo: x
I’ve just requested to join the Facebook group too, I’m on there much more than here so should be easier to keep in touch than on here. Thanks for setting it up!
Hope you’ve all had a lovely Easter �� we had OH’s family round yesterday so didn’t stop all day, me and the kids have had a lazy day today to make up for it, we’re still in pjs!!
I keep thinking I can few teeny little flutters, but it just seems so early still so I’m not sure? I was around 20 weeks before I felt anything with my other two.
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Join whenever you like, it's you wouldn't even know what its for!
Ill head over now and accept you all into the clan!
Kj1 - I'm super nervous! I keep worrying about what if there is nothing in there? Or what if something is wrong? I'm going to be a wreck. Do you feel the same? I keep having very disturbed dreams about it all.
Lullabell - thank you for setting up the Facebook page - please could you keep it open for a while as I'd like to join after my first scan next week if all is OK? X
Of course Ill keep it open until everyone is ready, Plus even If I make it secret I cans till add people :D
Kj1 - I'm super nervous! I keep worrying about what if there is nothing in there? Or what if something is wrong? I'm going to be a wreck. Do you feel the same? I keep having very disturbed dreams about it all.

I go through phases...one minute I’m fine and the next minute I’m freaking out! As much as I’m looking forward to it I’m also ready to get it over and done with so I can relax a bit more and start telling people.

On that note, LullaBell just to be sure, no one can see our posts can they? X
I’ve requested to join. Great idea Lulla! :)

I’m not quite in Tri2 yet so not ready to go over. It’s funny though; we’re all desperate to get there and when we are we’re too nervous to leave tri1. :lol:
That’s me anyway. :)
I’ve requested to join as well even though I’m now due in September!!
Hi everyone,

I said hello at the beginning of the thread then went silent, probably because I’ve been feeling anxious and worried than something will go wrong! Silly, I know! I hope the next 6 months go quickly!!
I have had my scan and am now due on the 1st October (14 weeks today ��). The sonographer was confident that I am having a boy but I have booked a gender scan for next week as I’m too impatient!! Has this happened to anyone else?

How is everyone feeling?
My symptoms has eased but still feeling very tired and sick every now and again.
Please can I join the facebook group too?
Hi everyone,

I said hello at the beginning of the thread then went silent, probably because I’ve been feeling anxious and worried than something will go wrong! Silly, I know! I hope the next 6 months go quickly!!
I have had my scan and am now due on the 1st October (14 weeks today ��). The sonographer was confident that I am having a boy but I have booked a gender scan for next week as I’m too impatient!! Has this happened to anyone else?

How is everyone feeling?
My symptoms has eased but still feeling very tired and sick every now and again.
Please can I join the facebook group too?

Hey Wow congrats! And how amazing you found out so early! Your baby boy must be impressive! Hahaha!
Here is a link to the page <3 xx
Ha ha, he show a bit of a bulge between babies legs but I&#8217;m not convinced yet as it must be so easy to get wrong!
Great, thanks- I will join now xx
We had a scan yesterday, It was a private one so the sonographer flipped it to 3D for a second....
And it looked like a giant Penis! Hahaha
We tried our hardest not to laugh, But failed!
Baby is now nicknamed Lil Dicky!


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Is there someone here called Kirsty lawrence? It said she wanted to join the group but I cant accept her as its disappeared for some reason
Hey Ladies had a scan today,
Ive been dated forward to 10+4 which makes a lot more sense with how early I was getting positive tests!
Baby was jumping around moving its little arm and leg buds like crazy!
My Due date has been changed to 24th of october

Yayyyyy!!! Omg we are due date buddies! I’m 10+4 today too &#65533;&#65533; so glad it went well.

Am I the only one that hasn’t had my scan yet? I feel really behind, it’s not until Friday. Symptoms all dissapeared on Friday and have spent the last two days feeling fantastic, kinda wishing for them back now so I can ‘feel’ pregnant again.

Happy Easter everyone, I’m munching down on today’s tripple chocolate muffin creations x

I've not had my scan yet either, it's not until 11th April which seems forever away. This will be the first scan with this baby!!!
I've been feeling totally rotten since finishing work on Thursday. Full of cold and feeling so tired. I also had a lot of stretchy type pain in my abdomen yesterday. I just can't wait until the scan to see that everything is alright and I'm not just imagining it :lol: 6 months and we'll be in October....super excited!!xx
We had a scan yesterday, It was a private one so the sonographer flipped it to 3D for a second....
And it looked like a giant Penis! Hahaha
We tried our hardest not to laugh, But failed!
Baby is now nicknamed Lil Dicky!

Laughing so hard! This is the best scan pic I&#8217;ve ever seen :) <3
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We had a scan yesterday, It was a private one so the sonographer flipped it to 3D for a second....
And it looked like a giant Penis! Hahaha
We tried our hardest not to laugh, But failed!
Baby is now nicknamed Lil Dicky!

Oh wow, I can definitely see what you mean!! 3D is kinda creepy when they&#8217;re so small. I remember they switched to 3D when I had my 16wk gender scan with my daughter, she looked like an alien, bless her. Xxx
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Hey ladies! I have noticed that those of us who have EDDs in the beginning of October are now transitioning into the 2nd trimester :dance: I was wondering if anyone is willing to volunteer to start the second trimester thread?

I can't, waaaay to busy to get on here every day.


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