****** October 2018 Mummies! ******

All went perfect!! Phew. But baby was upside down and had legs crossed haha. Still not sure how to upload pic. How do I do it from an android phone? Will set it as my profile anyway xx
Yay thats awesome so pleased for you. To add a pic just go to type a reply and there should be an option for an attachment like a paperclip symbol at the bottom

All went perfect!! Phew. But baby was upside down and had legs crossed haha. Still not sure how to upload pic. How do I do it from an android phone? Will set it as my profile anyway xx

Yay!!!! <3
Really good news Writergem! :D
Looking forward to seeing the pic. He he

Now I know how to upload a photo as well I thought I would post mine from last Thursday. Baby was measuring 13+2 at the scan
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So I&#8217;ve been really ill now for a short while and haven&#8217;t really been getting better. In fact yesterday I was a lot worse and ended up calling 111 for advice. They told me to go to a GP within 24 hours. So I went this morning and they think I either have a viral infection or a strain of the flu. :( I know, I know, I should have got the flu jab when the midwife told me to. :(

It&#8217;s too late now though. I&#8217;ve been prescribed rest, plenty of fluids and can be signed off work until I&#8217;m better.

Rest is easier said than done with a toddler but we&#8217;ll see.
Oh no hopefully you&#8217;ll feel better soon CornishGirl. Hopefully your toddler will let you rest a little bit!

I have a feeling baby is a girl but hubs thinks a boy but that&#8217;s mainly because he mostly has boys in his family! I can&#8217;t wait to find out as I don&#8217;t mind either way.
Great pic - I think boy too Kazz1n!

Rest up CornishGirl, you really are in the wars at the moment aren't you! Hugs x
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aw feel better soon Cornishgirl!

I feel hungover today! I have an awful dull headache that won't shift! I just want my bed hmph!
aw feel better soon Cornishgirl!

I feel hungover today! I have an awful dull headache that won't shift! I just want my bed hmph!

Have you tried using 4head? It’s like a menthol stick thing that you rub on your head I think it helps so much with headaches and even eases migraines slightly. I live it and you can use it as often as you want as you just rub it on. It has a kind of tingly effect but it really works. Sometimes you need painkillers as well and others times it works on its own. I have been getting really bad headaches recently and it helps so much. Also perfectly safe in pregnancy. If you google 4head you will see what it looks like. It’s in most big supermarkets and pharmacists.
thanks Kazz, it feels like a hormone headache tbh i used to get them on my pill free weeks previously.

I think i just need a nap! baby must be having a growing party in there or something

i am peeing way more this week and as a result drinking more as i am so thirsty - so i am trapped in a constant peeing cycle lol its waking me up at night too!

Is anyone else big for 8-9 weeks, i am almost embarrassed at my stomach and how much its protruding for how far i am, i've weighed and I have only gained 5lbs so its definitley not a food belly. I am very bloated still though
I look massive compared to the start!!!


And thank you for the get well wishes. :)
Wow you're huge!!! I thought I was showing but I'm really not compared to you! X
Oh my gosh CornishGirl, I’m so jealous of your bump! Mine looks ridiculous in comparison but there is definitely something there...here’s my 5 weeks v 10 weeks. Sorry about the underwear situ!


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Oh my gosh CornishGirl, I’m so jealous of your bump! Mine looks ridiculous in comparison but there is definitely something there...here’s my 5 weeks v 10 weeks. Sorry about the underwear situ!

Wow I wish I was your size. Ha ha. You look amazing even at 10 weeks pregnant!
Ahmahgad kj1 you little fitty! You look fab. I think your body is the size of my leg haha!


Not the best picture but I'm huge!

Hi ladies

I've been feeling rough as anything this week, the nausea has kicked up a notch together with reflux/hiccups, which peaks on my journey home. Very nearly threw up on a guy on the train on Monday as we were so crammed in, and his bo was pretty ripe. Also finding my ibs is quite affected, so I've been mega bloated.

Anyway, enough moaning. So glad to hear of healthy bubs at scans, and see some gorgeous pics of babies and bumps - you've cheered me up :)

Writergem, I can't believe they make you wait for so long for a scan there, it must be torture. I'm counting down the days to my scan next Tue.
Thanks ladies, but would much rather have bumps like yours!

MrsBunny, a 4 day weekend followed by your scan - you lucky girl :) I have mine next Friday, eek!!!
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Well it would be torture only I practically live at the private hospital paying them for scans haha.
Cramps are back today. Like mild period pain. I know its normal bur it still freaks me out! X

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