****** October 2018 Mummies! ******

Writergem, can you upload your scan pic? We are dying to see!
It asks for a URL when I try to do it on my phone and I don't know what the URL is as its just in my gallery?! Prob can do it from computer so will have a go tomoz. It's a 3d one and he/she is being moody with back to us and hands over face haha. 2d one is rubbish as he's upside down and its not great quality x
Hi All! CONGRATS on everyones scans and bumps!
Im just having major baby bloat!
Sorry ive not been on much, Im either working or sleeping.... Alot!
Hi, mind if I join you all? I started off over in September mummies, but my scan last week put me back 11 days!! So I’m now due October 5th :)
How are you all finding pregnancy so far?
I’m feeling pretty good this week, managing to stay awake until 9pm which is impressive compared to the earlier weeks when I was struggling to stay awake by tea time.
I already have a 3.5yo old son and an almost 2yo daughter. No idea what this little one is, I normally have a strong feeling by now but I keep changing my mind. We can’t wait to find out and see who needs to get used to the idea of sharing their bedroom!
Looking forward to getting to know you all over the next few months :) xxx
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Welcome jenni! :)

I didn’t comment but I followed your original thread in the ‘Am I Pregnant’ section as it was around when I got my BFP. :)
I’m due on the 8th.

Guess what I’ve done? I’ve officially booked the private gender scan! :D We’ll find out on Sunday 29th August!!! :dance:
:wave: hi jenni!!

eek how exciting Cornishgirl!!!!

SO ready for my easter break, i get 4 days off now! I am off to be pampered by my mum this weekend and i cannot wait!
Welcome Jenni!

I've felt great today, no nausea or anything! Super happy about it but also panicking that all my symptoms have gone...I'm sure it will be fine but you just can't help yourself can you.

Can't wait for a much needed 4 days off. Happy Easter everyone! x
Guess what I’ve done? I’ve officially booked the private gender scan! :D We’ll find out on Sunday 29th August!!! :dance:

You mean April, right? hehe. How exciting. I think we will be booking ours after tomorrows 12 week scan, so hoping for Fri 27th April.

I'm so nervous about tomorrow, I have really been unable to let myself believe that everything is OK even though I've seen twice already (7w and 9w) that it has been! I really hope they aren't running late but apt is 11.30 and I have a feeling we will be waiting..

Hope everyone is well, sorry to not comment on others posts, there's a lot to catch up on! x
hugs lyndseyB i will be the same at my 12 week scan! :dust: positive thoughts missus!
13+2 today - my scan moved me forward by 2 days, due date 2nd October rather than the 4th. When do we all start moving over to Tri 2? Will feel so strange to have finally got there! Not free from the nasty symptoms yet- I was sick this morning immediately after breakfast, makes it feel a bit pointless eating 🙄- but generally slowly feeling better. Hi from my little bean 👋


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Welcome Jenni

GL tomorrow Lyndsey, fx all will be fine

Hello Rosie's bean :)

Gender scan for cornishgirl - exciting!

Netty your weekend plans sound great. I'm fitting in a combo of spring cleaning (have been far too tired to do any housework since bfp, and bathroom/kitchen deep clean are long overdue for an ocd gal like me). Also seeing in laws on Sat (we haven't told them our news yet, so that'll be fun) and dinner with friends on Sunday. Plenty to keep me busy and distracted until scan on Tues

What's everyone else doing with the long weekend?
Wow Rosie, what an amazing picture! Hello little bean! 😍
Guess what I’ve done? I’ve officially booked the private gender scan! :D We’ll find out on Sunday 29th August!!! :dance:

You mean April, right? hehe. How exciting. I think we will be booking ours after tomorrows 12 week scan, so hoping for Fri 27th April.

I'm so nervous about tomorrow, I have really been unable to let myself believe that everything is OK even though I've seen twice already (7w and 9w) that it has been! I really hope they aren't running late but apt is 11.30 and I have a feeling we will be waiting..

Hope everyone is well, sorry to not comment on others posts, there's a lot to catch up on! x

I did mean April! Can I blame baby brain? :lol:

Massive good luck for tomorrow. I’m sure it will go brilliantly. :)

Rosie what a lovely scan pic. :D

I think Tri2 is from 13 weeks so maybe someone can start the thread and we can start hopping over as we reach 13 weeks?

I have no interesting plans for this weekend unfortunately. :(
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Hello ladies, I haven't been on here for a while. Feeling super tired and stressed with the work situation, but I'm now off for 2 weeks which is amazing!!! Got lots planned with my son and my 12 week scan too!!

I've stopped feeling sick, but my boobs look as though I've had surgery! They're not sore or anything, but they're massive!! I'm still tired, but not as bad as I had been. But I've started with a bad back and a pain in my right bum cheek, like a shooting pain! Don't know if they're pregnancy related or not, but I guess we'll see!!

Other than that I've been feeling good, I'm super bloated by the end of the day but I feel that's more food related at the moment than baby related. As some days it's really bad and others I'm fine. Perhaps I need to start making a note! :lol:

Scans all look great. Welcome to the newbies from September and can't wait for people to start hopping over to tri 2!! I feel like this pregnancy is going super quick and can't believe that I'm 10 weeks already!! Time flies when you're super busy!!xxx
Yay, enjoy your two weeks off Hun! It sounds like you deserve it.

Good luck today Lyndsey, keep us posted xxx
Lovely to start seeing some 12 week scan pics. Ours is next week (4th) and I’m very excited - it can’t clme soon enough!

My sickness and tiredness have really eased over the last week or so which I’m so thankful for as I was feeling so drained.

Hope everyone that has been feeling porky is starting to feel better.

Lovely bump pics too. I can’t work out how to upload a photo from my mobile otherwise I would post my sizeable 12 week bump!
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Hi everyone, loads of lovely scan pictures - mine isn't until the 10th, still feels like ages away! Am going to be so nervous for it as it will be my first scan.

I've still had hardly any nausea (maybe I'll get it late) but have just been so unbelievably tired, and am still gassy and bloated - can't tell if its that making my stomach big or if it is bigger!

Hope you all have a lovely weekend xx
wow thats gone huge!! haha. This is the 3d scan above. Little sod wouldnt look at us and had hands across face. Too cute though! PS we didnt ask for 3D it was 2D then he just flicked the 3D on for us. The 2D one below isnt great quality (and I flipped it round as baby upside down) haha
Lynsey i´m thinking about you today! It will all be perfect xx

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