****** October 2018 Mummies! ******

Is anyone starting to show yet? im 10weeks today and have what is a well defined bump 8-/ its cute but since not many people know i am pregant i just look fat!!!

I’m 9 weeks and my bloat definitely looks like a bump but I mostly just look fat!

Also got my scan date through for 26th March! :)
Definitely feeling the bloat today, but am sure a lot of it is psychological at this point.

My scan date came thru - 3rd April. Feels like forever. We're seeing OHs family over Easter, and hoped to be telling them with scan pics by then.
I'm 7 weeks today!! Defo feeling it today. Seems like all the symptoms have arrived today :lol: cheers!! Currently sat here with a brew and dark chocolate covered ginger biscuits!!

Scans can be anything between 11 weeks and 14 weeks. Sometimes at 11 weeks babies are too small to do the genetic tests and they won't do them beyond 14 weeks. This is what happened to me last time. My son was only 11 weeks at the 12 weeks scan and was too small for them to do all the tests they needed to, so I had another scan at 13+6 as it was the nearest date after Christmas they could get!! I'm hoping pur scan will be when were on holiday!!x
My boobs have gone up two cup sizes and my nipples have doubled in size. It’s soooo painful to even walk around, I’m trying to float! Anyone else???
Also, my sex drive has completely disappeared...(unusual lol!)
Is anyone starting to show yet? im 10weeks today and have what is a well defined bump 8-/ its cute but since not many people know i am pregant i just look fat!!!

I’m 9 weeks and my bloat definitely looks like a bump but I mostly just look fat!

Also got my scan date through for 26th March! :)

Snap I am in that awkward phase just before you look pregant liike i have gained 2 stone all on my stomach.

I cant wait till the 22nd so that I can finally spill the beans
We went for a private scan yesterday at 8.5 and saw an actual baby looking human 😃 was so beautiful! Cried good and proper. Also heard heartbeat x
Hello, sorry I am a bit late to the party. Got my BFP on the 8th Feb and my EDD is 20th October.

I'm currently 7wks+3 and feel like absolute dogshit, have done for a couple of weeks now :)
Hello, sorry I am a bit late to the party. Got my BFP on the 8th Feb and my EDD is 20th October.

I'm currently 7wks+3 and feel like absolute dogshit, have done for a couple of weeks now :)

[FONT=&quot]Hi and welcome! I feel rough as arses today and did last night too and I am only 6 weeks ish I think. I have a horrible headache and I am absolutely shattered, really surprised to feel this way so early.[/FONT]
[FONT=&quot] [/FONT]
[FONT=&quot]It’s all good though I’d rather feel like this than feel nothing at all![/FONT]
Hello, sorry I am a bit late to the party. Got my BFP on the 8th Feb and my EDD is 20th October.

I'm currently 7wks+3 and feel like absolute dogshit, have done for a couple of weeks now :)

[FONT=&quot]Hi and welcome! I feel rough as arses today and did last night too and I am only 6 weeks ish I think. I have a horrible headache and I am absolutely shattered, really surprised to feel this way so early.[/FONT]
[FONT=&quot] [/FONT]
[FONT=&quot]It’s all good though I’d rather feel like this than feel nothing at all![/FONT]

True, it is a good sign that symptoms are there. I've got 24/7 nausea, which is pretty debilitating. I can keep food and water down, and haven't actually thrown up (yet?!) but the thought of most foods turns my stomach and smells are just atrocious. I have this spontaneous dry heaving thing that seems to strike at random!! And totally with you on the shattered thing, I am exhausted but finding myself waking in the night around 3am??? Thankfully there is a period of strike action at work which means I can spend time lying in bed instead of being in the office, so trying to take advantage of this.

Ah, the joys! Looking forward to the 'glowing' phase....please hurry along, now :)
Hello, sorry I am a bit late to the party. Got my BFP on the 8th Feb and my EDD is 20th October.

I'm currently 7wks+3 and feel like absolute dogshit, have done for a couple of weeks now :)

Congrats & here here i feel blooming awful to :(
Hello, sorry I am a bit late to the party. Got my BFP on the 8th Feb and my EDD is 20th October.

I'm currently 7wks+3 and feel like absolute dogshit, have done for a couple of weeks now :)

Congrats & here here i feel blooming awful to :(

Thanks love! Sorry to hear that you feel poo, but it seems there are very few of out there who don't! :)
My boobs have gone up two cup sizes and my nipples have doubled in size. It’s soooo painful to even walk around, I’m trying to float! Anyone else???

I feel the same. I'm naturally flat chested, but definitely developing cleavage. Painful to run too (never had that before), so gonna have to get a better sports bra!
Hi ladies! Sorry been awol for a while!

Felt so rough this bloody nausea feeling is torture. I’d rather just throw up and be done with it! I’m starving but don’t want to eat then I feel sick. I’m bored of myself actually talking about it!

Lovely to see some new BFPs and early scans! We’ll be hoping over to tri 2 before we know it!

Had my booking app today, went well. Feel nervous im giving birth in a different hospital than my other 2 and it will be a section around 38 weeks (current due date 16/10 which would have been my nans birthday :))

One thing is bothering me is reactions. We’ve told our families and then even the midwives today ‘oh twins? You’re going to have your hands full!’ ‘Wow 3 under 2’ ‘this time last year you were pregnant and now you’re having twins?!’
I know it’s going to be hard work. In fact I don’t know how bloody tough it will be because I’ve never done it before but I’m under no illusions it’s going to be a walk in the park! I didn’t ask for twins! But here we are figuring it out or at least trying to! Rant over!

Much love xx
My boobs have gone up two cup sizes and my nipples have doubled in size. It’s soooo painful to even walk around, I’m trying to float! Anyone else???

Yes to the boobs! Mine were bigger from the week I tested! And nips too! X
I’m 8+3 and found baby’s heartbeat with my Doppler this evening. Tried yesterday and didn’t find it but today it was there! Beating at 176 bpm so I know it was baby’s and not mine. Very happy to hear!
I'm thinking I might book in privately for an early scan. I don't know why but I'm having real anxiety about my lack of symptoms and keep having awful dreams that I go to my 12 weeks scan and they tell me I'm not even pregnant or that sadly the baby has stopped growing/they can't find a heartbeat. I know I'm probably being over paranoid but it's really stressing me out. Is this normal? Is anyone else feeling as nervous as me? x
I'm thinking I might book in privately for an early scan. I don't know why but I'm having real anxiety about my lack of symptoms and keep having awful dreams that I go to my 12 weeks scan and they tell me I'm not even pregnant or that sadly the baby has stopped growing/they can't find a heartbeat. I know I'm probably being over paranoid but it's really stressing me out. Is this normal? Is anyone else feeling as nervous as me? x

I think it's normal to feel nervous like that. I remember my last pregnancy I tried to convince myself it would be a missed miscarriage when I went for my 12 week scan so if it wasn't I'd be ecstatic but if it was I would be expecting it.

That's a horrible thing to do to yourself really but it was self preservation. This time I'm not doing that, but I'm so hopeful that it's making me really anxious. I just want my baby to be happy and growing healthily.

Saying that though I've chosen not to pay for an early scan because what will be will be. Instead I want to pay for a private gender scan at 16 weeks on my husbands birthday!

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