****** October 2018 Mummies! ******

I'm thinking I might book in privately for an early scan. I don't know why but I'm having real anxiety about my lack of symptoms and keep having awful dreams that I go to my 12 weeks scan and they tell me I'm not even pregnant or that sadly the baby has stopped growing/they can't find a heartbeat. I know I'm probably being over paranoid but it's really stressing me out. Is this normal? Is anyone else feeling as nervous as me? x

aw hun this is SO me after having a MMC and a couple of early MC

its so hard to relax and i have booked a scan for friday when i will be nearly 7weeks ish

im dreading it tbh as i darent feel too excited but a little part of me is over the moon to see a heartbeat

i know how you feel and its totally normal, just try as hard as you can to relax and enjoy things. if it will make you feel better though go ahead and book a scan! xx
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I'm thinking I might book in privately for an early scan. I don't know why but I'm having real anxiety about my lack of symptoms and keep having awful dreams that I go to my 12 weeks scan and they tell me I'm not even pregnant or that sadly the baby has stopped growing/they can't find a heartbeat. I know I'm probably being over paranoid but it's really stressing me out. Is this normal? Is anyone else feeling as nervous as me? x

I’m the same, or I was before my early scan. It’s hard not to worry when you have no way of knowing if everything is ok with baby.
I had a scan at 7+5 so saw heartbeat which was lovely. I heard heartbeat on my Doppler yesterday and this morning, so that’s given me the reassurance that I desperately need.
I'm thinking I might book in privately for an early scan. I don't know why but I'm having real anxiety about my lack of symptoms and keep having awful dreams that I go to my 12 weeks scan and they tell me I'm not even pregnant or that sadly the baby has stopped growing/they can't find a heartbeat. I know I'm probably being over paranoid but it's really stressing me out. Is this normal? Is anyone else feeling as nervous as me? x

I think it's normal to feel nervous like that. I remember my last pregnancy I tried to convince myself it would be a missed miscarriage when I went for my 12 week scan so if it wasn't I'd be ecstatic but if it was I would be expecting it.

That's a horrible thing to do to yourself really but it was self preservation. This time I'm not doing that, but I'm so hopeful that it's making me really anxious. I just want my baby to be happy and growing healthily.

Saying that though I've chosen not to pay for an early scan because what will be will be. Instead I want to pay for a private gender scan at 16 weeks on my husbands birthday!

Lovely idea to have the gender scan on your husbands birthday! Just worked out I will be 16 weeks on my husbands birthday too - might have to steal your idea!
Thanks guys and sorry to hear about you MC and MMC Netty. It's weird because I was feeling absolutely fine about everything up until this week. As it's my first, I didn't really know what to expect and didn't even know what a MMC was up until the other day. I think the more I have read up on pregnancy in an effort to get to know what is going on with my body the more paranoid I have become, I almost wish I hadn't gone searching.

I think the other thing is that I have just got my head around the fact that I am ACTUALLY pregnant, it has all felt really surreal up until recently! The more excited I become and the more I realize this is ACTUALLY happening the more nervous I get that something is going to go wrong. I'm not usually a worry wart so I don't know why I am feeling like this - I guess a combo of hormones and wanting to make sure everything goes right x
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I'm thinking I might book in privately for an early scan. I don't know why but I'm having real anxiety about my lack of symptoms and keep having awful dreams that I go to my 12 weeks scan and they tell me I'm not even pregnant or that sadly the baby has stopped growing/they can't find a heartbeat. I know I'm probably being over paranoid but it's really stressing me out. Is this normal? Is anyone else feeling as nervous as me? x

Completely normal and a lack of symptoms obviously makes us more worried, I am searching for anything and not getting much either, but if it will stop you stressing then you should book an early scan. How many weeks are you?

I had a scan at 7 weeks, all fine but it doesn't seem to have eased my worries and I have another scan this Fri at exactly 9 weeks as I cant wait until my next one at 13 weeks! I thought my husband wouldn't be up for it but I'm glad he was. Surely if all is fine at 9 weeks I'll start to worry less, wont be surprised if I don't though! x
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I might have to do the same Lyndsey, I think it will help ease my mind! Are you getting any symptoms? I feel exhausted and very emotional, and my boobs are very tender but still no MS at all which is what is worrying me the most I think.

I'm 7 weeks today. I have my booking in appointment on Saturday and don't have my scan until 11+2 on 6th April which seems soooooo long away still.

On a separate note, I have my best friends hen do this weekend. I'm a bridesmaid and - although she knows - no one else does and I'm really concerned as to how I am going to get away with not drinking. It would be easy enough if the whole evening was spent out and about as I could just order drinks that look alcoholic but the first 6 hours are being spent in her home and so everyone will be passing round the wine and shots. I'm not sure how I can get away with it, I'm never one to turn down a drink...! Any ideas?
I'm thinking I might book in privately for an early scan. I don't know why but I'm having real anxiety about my lack of symptoms and keep having awful dreams that I go to my 12 weeks scan and they tell me I'm not even pregnant or that sadly the baby has stopped growing/they can't find a heartbeat. I know I'm probably being over paranoid but it's really stressing me out. Is this normal? Is anyone else feeling as nervous as me? x

I think it's normal to feel nervous like that. I remember my last pregnancy I tried to convince myself it would be a missed miscarriage when I went for my 12 week scan so if it wasn't I'd be ecstatic but if it was I would be expecting it.

That's a horrible thing to do to yourself really but it was self preservation. This time I'm not doing that, but I'm so hopeful that it's making me really anxious. I just want my baby to be happy and growing healthily.

Saying that though I've chosen not to pay for an early scan because what will be will be. Instead I want to pay for a private gender scan at 16 weeks on my husbands birthday!

Lovely idea to have the gender scan on your husbands birthday! Just worked out I will be 16 weeks on my husbands birthday too - might have to steal your idea!

Not sure what it's like near you, but here the cost for a private gender scan is only £59. It's the cheapest of all the areas I've seen so far. Some were as much as £89! The company is Babybond through Ultrasound Direct.
I'm going to book it after the 12 week scan when I know all is okay.
I might have to do the same Lyndsey, I think it will help ease my mind! Are you getting any symptoms? I feel exhausted and very emotional, and my boobs are very tender but still no MS at all which is what is worrying me the most I think.

I'm 7 weeks today. I have my booking in appointment on Saturday and don't have my scan until 11+2 on 6th April which seems soooooo long away still.

On a separate note, I have my best friends hen do this weekend. I'm a bridesmaid and - although she knows - no one else does and I'm really concerned as to how I am going to get away with not drinking. It would be easy enough if the whole evening was spent out and about as I could just order drinks that look alcoholic but the first 6 hours are being spent in her home and so everyone will be passing round the wine and shots. I'm not sure how I can get away with it, I'm never one to turn down a drink...! Any ideas?

Just tiredness and mood changes, boobs have been OK but a little fuller. no MS either but lets just try to be glad about that!

For the hen do, since its a long day you could claim that you are pacing yourself and as bridesmaid need to keep your head on to look after the bride (and everyone else) so just make alcohol looking drinks and when it comes to wine pass as you aren't mixing drinks? x
Thanks guys and sorry to hear about you MC and MMC Netty. It's weird because I was feeling absolutely fine about everything up until this week. As it's my first, I didn't really know what to expect and didn't even know what a MMC was up until the other day. I think the more I have read up on pregnancy in an effort to get to know what is going on with my body the more paranoid I have become, I almost wish I hadn't gone searching.

I think the other thing is that I have just got my head around the fact that I am ACTUALLY pregnant, it has all felt really surreal up until recently! The more excited I become and the more I realize this is ACTUALLY happening the more nervous I get that something is going to go wrong. I'm not usually a worry wart so I don't know why I am feeling like this - I guess a combo of hormones and wanting to make sure everything goes right x

i think you are right here, these days we are all over informed/educated on risks/mmcs and it makes for a much more worrysome tri 1

what will be will be i guess, lots of sticky dust for all the girls here :dust: :love: we can do this!
I'm thinking I might book in privately for an early scan. I don't know why but I'm having real anxiety about my lack of symptoms and keep having awful dreams that I go to my 12 weeks scan and they tell me I'm not even pregnant or that sadly the baby has stopped growing/they can't find a heartbeat. I know I'm probably being over paranoid but it's really stressing me out. Is this normal? Is anyone else feeling as nervous as me? x

I've been a complete wreck esp as IVF pregnancy and I've already had a miscarriage! I was so scared for the scan on Mon I cried on the table and wouldnt look. But it was all perfect (and my symptoms been hit and miss too) I think you should go. The way I sorted it in my own head was that good news would calm me (and it has) and bad news isn't going away so best to find out asap. Xx
Hey just trying to catch up with everything as haven’t been on in a while. I agree that looking things up can cause more worry than anything else.

I had my midwife appointment today and she’s sent the forms off for my scan, can’t wait to get my appointment letter. She thinks that I may be due end of September rather than October but we will go off how far along seem to be on scan. It’s because my periods were irregular so it’s hard to know exactly when. At the moment she’s put me as 10+6 which would make me due 27th September. Will just have to wait and see. She said it shouldn’t take too long to get the appointment letter especially as we have opted to have the combined screening test.

Hope everyone is doing ok :)
I'm thinking I might book in privately for an early scan. I don't know why but I'm having real anxiety about my lack of symptoms and keep having awful dreams that I go to my 12 weeks scan and they tell me I'm not even pregnant or that sadly the baby has stopped growing/they can't find a heartbeat. I know I'm probably being over paranoid but it's really stressing me out. Is this normal? Is anyone else feeling as nervous as me? x

I think it's normal to feel nervous like that. I remember my last pregnancy I tried to convince myself it would be a missed miscarriage when I went for my 12 week scan so if it wasn't I'd be ecstatic but if it was I would be expecting it.

That's a horrible thing to do to yourself really but it was self preservation. This time I'm not doing that, but I'm so hopeful that it's making me really anxious. I just want my baby to be happy and growing healthily.

Saying that though I've chosen not to pay for an early scan because what will be will be. Instead I want to pay for a private gender scan at 16 weeks on my husbands birthday!

Lovely idea to have the gender scan on your husbands birthday! Just worked out I will be 16 weeks on my husbands birthday too - might have to steal your idea!

Not sure what it's like near you, but here the cost for a private gender scan is only £59. It's the cheapest of all the areas I've seen so far. Some were as much as £89! The company is Babybond through Ultrasound Direct.
I'm going to book it after the 12 week scan when I know all is okay.

There's a package on groupon/wowcher at the moment for several different scan packages! For £39 I think. Might be worth having a look if you're going to do it anyway!
Sweet Jesus, the nausea has hit me something chronic today, I've been retching all morning! I'm so happy haha :dance: !!!
@Writergem I feel like I will be crying with relief at my first scan too! It must be such a surreal feeling to finally see your little bean on the screen, I'd be a bag of emotions too <3 have you found out how to upload the scan pic yet? We are all dying to see!

@Kazz1n eek, how exciting that your EDD gets to be pushed forward!!! x
It's my scan tomorrow and I'm absolutely terrified. Sticky thoughts please ladies.

Thanks so much ladies. I keep testing because Im a bellend lol and my tests are super strong and the test line there before the control line is. I know technically it can mean nothing but its soothing me a little. Ugh I have had very little nausea which is worrying me but I am only just 7 weeks if that!

I do however have a very tight feeling in my stomach like ive done sit ups which I havent. I've been having twinges all around my navel area and my boobs kill! Trying not to read too much into it all but my brain is running at about ten million mph. Roll on tomorrow fml

I&#8217;m guilty of the continuous POAS too - it&#8217;s become a bit of a habit! It&#8217;s sooooo comforting to see that test line pop up as soon as the pee starts to travel up the stick lollllll xxx
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