****** October 2018 Mummies! ******

Awww Lulla, look at that little bean! How exciting!!!!!!

RosiePosie90 I can definitely see that my stomach is getting a little 'soft', but all in all not much has changed. When is it that you start properly showing? I heard around 12 weeks?

I think I had the worst night's sleep I have had in a very very VERY long time last night, I just couldn't get comfortable! TGIF...
anyone else waking up super early, Wide awake only to be exhausted again in a hour! Today is my first day off in 10 days, Ive been gagging for a lay in, Yet I woke up at 6:30.
Not really been thinking about all the extra pee... Ive been super thirsty so I just put it down to drinking more! Hahah

Yes!! What is this?! I'm exhausted all the time but I struggle to fall asleep, then toss and turn all night and I'm awake bright and early, feeling like pants but not able to get back to sleep - gutting! I'm usually a big enjoyer of lie ins! :lol:

I'm afraid that is just pregnancy. You're shattered, but can't sleep!! I was the same with my son too!! It's horrendous. I swear it's our bodies way of getting us used to motherhood :lol: :lol: :lol:

Haha yeh I'm trying to think of it positively - that I'll be a little prepared because my sleep has been so off anyway, but all I can really think is that surely I won't have a lie in ever again once bub comes so I wish I could just enjoy some now! I thought sleep only got bad towards the end when you get big and uncomfortable... :roll:

I can't remember this lasting long. 2nd trimester was fine (I think), so there's That!! Crazy that I now class 8.00 as a lie in :) x
Has anyone told work yet? I rang today for booking in appointment and the midwife only works mon-weds! I've booked my appt for 13th March when I'll be 8wks. My issue is that I wasn't going to tell work until after the scan, but it's smack bang in the middle of my working day. Doing the job I do I can't book any time off so I'm not really sure what to do! Anyone else have the same dilemma?x
I told my work at 4 weeks but I’m friends with my manager.
I told them as soon as I got the positive as I had to have a risk assessment! :/
I also had to tell work as soon as I got a positive, because of risks at work.

I'm not sure when to tell work. Probably after the scan. I have a pretty standard office job, so no particular reason to disclose early, though have close relationship with manager, so don't know if she'll feel betrayed by me keeping it from her.

Twinkletoes can you get away with saying you have to go to a hospital appointment? They shouldn't ask you what its for, and if they get pushy, just say you didn't have an option to schedule it for when you're not at work.
The nausea finally hit today. Right in the middle of a gym class this morning, and pretty much constant all day.
I'm not sure when to tell work. Probably after the scan. I have a pretty standard office job, so no particular reason to disclose early, though have close relationship with manager, so don't know if she'll feel betrayed by me keeping it from her.

Twinkletoes can you get away with saying you have to go to a hospital appointment? They shouldn't ask you what its for, and if they get pushy, just say you didn't have an option to schedule it for when you're not at work.

Yeah try that and if they do ask just say Vagina stuff and stare at them until they say yes/walk off
Works a treat with my work, Mainly because my manager is scared of anything ovary relate haha!
Helps having a male boss sometimes!
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My only issue with that is that I'll then tell them a few weeks later that I'm pregnant!! I just hope that my scan can be booked when I'm on holiday for 2 weeks. It's really stressing me out! The reason I don't want to tell them yet is I'm waiting to see if my job is going to be permanent, and I don't want the fact that I'm pregnant to skew that decision! I dunno. Just worries me financially x
I stupidly went to bed late but now I’ve woken at 5am and can’t sleep! :cry:
I had a 'nap' at 5pm yesterday woke up at 8 thinking brill now im going to be up all night!
Fell asleep again at 10pm and woke up at 12 this afternoon!!
did the last coat on my bathroom and now im fucking pooped again! Its safe to say The exhaustion has hit!
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netty would like to be added to our EDDs please at the 30th October. :D

And wow Lulla. I’m jealous of all that sleep! :shock:
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Hello everyone, can I join too please due around 30th October with my third bambino - feels like the first time again as I seem to have forgotten everything!! Xxx
Just wondering if anyone else has had brown discharge I am 7 + 3 and when I went to the toilet I had some brown discharge but have had nothing since. I still have tender breasts and have been sick every morning since Wednesday
Just wondering if anyone else has had brown discharge I am 7 + 3 and when I went to the toilet I had some brown discharge but have had nothing since. I still have tender breasts and have been sick every morning since Wednesday

This time I haven’t but in my first pregnancy I had it on and off around 7-8 weeks. I was told it was a bit of breakthrough bleeding from when you’d have had your period. It should stay brown. :)
Anyone have advice on telling my friends. We're meeting soon, and it will be very obvious (plans are for wine and cheese evening). Im on the fence whether to make excuses to miss the evening and tell them all after scan. It will only be close friends, so I think they'd be people I can trust to keep it quiet, but obvs the more people you tell, the more you have to inform (and relive the pain) if anything goes wrong

I'm also concerned about telling one friend in particular who is having ttc difficulties / waiting for ivf. Better to tell her first before announcing to them all? We are close and I know she'll be happy, but wonder if she might prefer to process the news rather than react in the moment.
From experience I would tell her first, when we announced our second pregnancy to the family sil was going thru ivf (we didn't know at the time) but she found it so over whelming that she burst into tears and ran out which was obviously horrible for everyone. This time round we will tell her privately and most definitely before announcing it publically. For the night itself could you have to drive, be on antibiotics... xx
I've only told a few people so far. I always think it's a need to know thing. If something happened who would notice/need to know early on? If I lost the baby my closest friends would know something's up, so I've told them. I think it's completely up to you! My friend found out she was pregnant before Christmas. Every year we have a Christmas get together where we drink lots. We've done it for the last 5 years and every year (apart from the first one) one of us has been pregnant. This year she said that she had to take anti-biotics (I didn't think anything of it). I think it's one of those personal things that only you can decide. Not really much help at all I'm afraid. Feel like I'm just rambling!x

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