****** October 2018 Mummies! ******

My mum had no ms with any of her three pregnancies! I am 7 weeks today and the morning sickness only started on Tuesday! I felt the same as you ladies and was worried as to my lack of symptoms, now I want to go back to how I was last week!!
Hi ladies. I have to confess to lurking a little - please can I join?
I don't know EDB yet as I have really irregular cycles, so anywhere between 9 and 29 Oct depending on LMP or when I think I O'd. Went to GP last week, so now just waiting eagerly for my midwife referral letter to come through.
This is my first, so its all so new, I don't know what to expect.
MrsBunny I was wondering when you would be joining us, congrats! This is my first - I think a few of the other girls are pregnant with their first too - so we can all go through it together :)

sarahlou7 glad you are in the same boat (if that's the right thing to say haha), that makes me feel a little better. Maybe we will be those lucky ones that get to skip the MS. Although I don't really want to be constantly throwing up, I feel like I'm going to stress myself out thinking about whether everything is okay up until my dating scan on 5th April (how slow is time going?! I feel about 5 years old again...)

hannahm987 eek...okay! Maybe it's still to come, time will tell. It must be pretty rough but can image that it is also quite reassuring.
thanks lasdies for puttig me at ease!

MrsBunny - welcome and congrats how excting it is lots of the ladies on here are having thier first.

Surv - same! this is one of my main sypton s along with the indigestion sicky feeling.

All of you ladies are very lucky with the MS. I havent had morning sickness as such just after 3pm i get like a sick feeling in my belly and no hunger. Also have such a conjested nose
Hi everyone, I’m a bit annoyed today as was supposed to have my booking appointment tomorrow but due to the snow it’s been cancelled. That would be fine except that my midwife thinks that I’m probably 10 weeks now rather than 9 as she thinks my long cycles were due to coming off the pill. The form for my first scan won’t be sent until I’ve had the booking appointment and can take a couple of weeks. This means that if not careful then I will miss out on the screening for downs, Edwards & Pateu syndrome which I want to have. She’s booked me in for Wednesday so only 5 days later but still annoying. On Wednesday I may be 10+6 weeks!! Just hoping that getting a scan doesn’t take long as would like to know when they think I’m due as bit uncertain of my dates and also want to make sure I can have the screening test done. Also my husband booked tomorrow off as annual leave so he could come but now he prob can’t cone on Wednesday.
You should be ok. I had my first scan at 11 weeks and it was too early, then I had a scan at 14+1 and they were able to do all the tests then. You should be alright. Fingers crossed that you get your scan soon x
Thanks for the welcome. So nice to e-meet you guys, and nice to see some of the familiar names from the recent ttc threads ��

@sev, I'm having awful anxiety dreams about getting to the scan and being told I made it up and was never pregnant, or other really horrible outcomes

I haven't really had any other symptoms to write home about. Was absolutely sure I'd get really bad MS, as I used to get sick with just the hormonal changes with my period as a teenager. I guess I may be just a bit early and yet to be hit with it.

I also have occasional really mild cramps like pre-af cramps - but google tells me this is normal as things stretch and grow to prepare - anyone else having it?
@kazz1n, that sucks. I hope this snow clears soon and you get in for a scan quickly
Just to give you some reassurance on the MS, I was really worried about not having it (or much else tbh) apart from sore boobs in evening. However it's now kicked in at 8 weeks exactly. Was talking to a friend before though who has 2 boys and she said she didnt feel sick once with either.
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Hey ladies. I got a letter today stating that I am. Rhesus negative, a negative d blood type. Has anyone else had this? The letter says I will need injections as will the baby and my reading tells me it can cause complications in the baby :(

I'm rhesus negative too A-. You'll probably just have an anti d injection at 24 weeks unless you bleed before or bang yourself. And when baby is born you'll both prob have another. My friend is a midwife and she said since anti d they don't ever see complications from rhesus neg pregnancies so don't worry xx
Hey ladies. I got a letter today stating that I am. Rhesus negative, a negative d blood type. Has anyone else had this? The letter says I will need injections as will the baby and my reading tells me it can cause complications in the baby :(

I'm rhesus negative too A-. You'll probably just have an anti d injection at 24 weeks unless you bleed before or bang yourself. And when baby is born you'll both prob have another. My friend is a midwife and she said since anti d they don't ever see complications from rhesus neg pregnancies so don't worry xx

Snap - I'm A-neg too.

I still remember from school days (longer ago than I care to admit) my biology teacher telling me I'd need anti-d injections
Had an early scan today - dated at 7+5 so due date currently stays at 13th aoxtober. Lovely to see baby and heartbeat ��
anyone else waking up super early, Wide awake only to be exhausted again in a hour! Today is my first day off in 10 days, Ive been gagging for a lay in, Yet I woke up at 6:30.
Not really been thinking about all the extra pee... Ive been super thirsty so I just put it down to drinking more! Hahah

Yes!! What is this?! I'm exhausted all the time but I struggle to fall asleep, then toss and turn all night and I'm awake bright and early, feeling like pants but not able to get back to sleep - gutting! I'm usually a big enjoyer of lie ins! :lol:
Had an early scan today - dated at 7+5 so due date currently stays at 13th aoxtober. Lovely to see baby and heartbeat ��

That’s lovely to hear. :)

Seems like all of you are having early scans! I want one. :(
No money to go private.
My sister in-law also has that. She got complications but they were totally unrelated to her blood type. Her baby is almost 5 months now and doing really well.


I had another of my crazy pregnancy dreams last night. I dreamt that I had a baby boy and that he was a premie (or just
very small) and I had forgotten to breastfeed him :oooo: what a strange dream. Anyone else been getting weird dreams? It was my only symptom before my BFP :)


My dreams nowadays aren't so much strange as really long and drawn out (a bit like a whole film, with loads of detail) but not actually very interesting or exciting haha! They've definitely changed, nights feel really long having to have such a protracted story-like dream each time :lol:
anyone else waking up super early, Wide awake only to be exhausted again in a hour! Today is my first day off in 10 days, Ive been gagging for a lay in, Yet I woke up at 6:30.
Not really been thinking about all the extra pee... Ive been super thirsty so I just put it down to drinking more! Hahah

Yes!! What is this?! I'm exhausted all the time but I struggle to fall asleep, then toss and turn all night and I'm awake bright and early, feeling like pants but not able to get back to sleep - gutting! I'm usually a big enjoyer of lie ins! :lol:

I'm afraid that is just pregnancy. You're shattered, but can't sleep!! I was the same with my son too!! It's horrendous. I swear it's our bodies way of getting us used to motherhood :lol: :lol: :lol:
Measuring 5+5 ish
Saw a heartbeat too :)
They said to keep original dates until my next scan in 2 weeks x


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anyone else waking up super early, Wide awake only to be exhausted again in a hour! Today is my first day off in 10 days, Ive been gagging for a lay in, Yet I woke up at 6:30.
Not really been thinking about all the extra pee... Ive been super thirsty so I just put it down to drinking more! Hahah

Yes!! What is this?! I'm exhausted all the time but I struggle to fall asleep, then toss and turn all night and I'm awake bright and early, feeling like pants but not able to get back to sleep - gutting! I'm usually a big enjoyer of lie ins! :lol:

I'm afraid that is just pregnancy. You're shattered, but can't sleep!! I was the same with my son too!! It's horrendous. I swear it's our bodies way of getting us used to motherhood :lol: :lol: :lol:

Haha yeh I'm trying to think of it positively - that I'll be a little prepared because my sleep has been so off anyway, but all I can really think is that surely I won't have a lie in ever again once bub comes so I wish I could just enjoy some now! I thought sleep only got bad towards the end when you get big and uncomfortable... :roll:
Anyone think they see any bumps yet? Is anyone going to post in the 'bump picture' thread? I'm definitely getting thicker/ more solid around the middle...

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