****** October 2018 Mummies! ******

Not got any symptoms over here. Other than throwing up at the weekend (alcohol induced) I've been fine. Just shattered, although I put that down to a busy weekend away and bring on half term!! Super tired!!

Hope everyone's ok?

We didn't find out with the first and I don't think we will this time. We had that discussion tonight about keeping it a surprise!! We loved the excitement of It! Xxx
I wasn't expecting to be pregnant as we had put 'trying' on hold as we we'd booked to go away on 21st October. That plan has been foiled ����
Hi everyone! Congrats to you all on your BFPs :-) I got mine last Friday. Have been lurking a bit the last few days but was scared to join in case I tempt fate! I had a miscarriage in November so am constantly worried about it happening again but keeping everything crossed! Already have a gorgeous little girl who’s 2 and a half. I met the most amazing bunch of ladies on here when I was pregnant first time around and we’re still good friends now, it’s lovely to go through all of this together! Fingers crossed for healthy pregnancies for us all :-) Xxx
Hi everyone! Congrats to you all on your BFPs :-) I got mine last Friday. Have been lurking a bit the last few days but was scared to join in case I tempt fate! I had a miscarriage in November so am constantly worried about it happening again but keeping everything crossed! Already have a gorgeous little girl who’s 2 and a half. I met the most amazing bunch of ladies on here when I was pregnant first time around and we’re still good friends now, it’s lovely to go through all of this together! Fingers crossed for healthy pregnancies for us all :-) Xxx

Congratulations Lola! :)
How are you feeling? This first 12 weeks are so slow!
Hi everyone and congratulations on your bfp from an October 2017 mom ! For some reason seeing this thread brought back so many memories . I was 4 weeks preg when joined here and it didn ‘t seem even real , now I am looking at my son while writting here ! Wish you all a healthy 9 months of pregnancy and healthy bubbas later in October xxx
Congrats Lola and welcome! When is your EDD? X
Congrats Lola! So happy to see this thread is filling up :dance: October is going to be a great month :D

I gagged for the first time ever brushing my teeth this morning. Yay (not)! :lol:
Hello ladies, I hope you don't mind me joining the party a little late. EDD is 12th October.
I've not been letting myself get excited or let this sink in as we've had a tough couple of years starting with a miscarriage in 2015 and infertility since then (and you know, a lot of friends and (single!) sister getting pregnant and giving birth meantime..), did our first cycle of IVF between Dec/Jan and got the good news from a blood test on 2nd Feb :)

After having some pains for the last few days I called the clinic today who wanted to see me right away (panic!) and I am not long back from seeing my tiny little embryo on the screen and its heart beat flickering away :) <3 - it really has not sunk in! Measuring bang on and we have a 7 week scan next Friday which is when the clinic then discharge us into NHS care, next week should be lovely since my husband will be there, I felt bad for going without him today but I am just around the corner from the hospital and I decided that if he wasn't there then they wouldn't be able to give me bad news, haha.

Oh and the pains are because I've been left with an enlarged right ovary with a cyst on it, joys, it should settle down on its own.

Sorry for the random spillage of info, looking forward to getting to know you all over the next few months!
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Hello ladies, I hope you don't mind me joining the party a little late. EDD is 12th October.
I've not been letting myself get excited or let this sink in as we've had a tough couple of years starting with a miscarriage in 2015 and infertility since then (and you know, a lot of friends and (single!) sister getting pregnant and giving birth meantime..), did our first cycle of IVF between Dec/Jan and got the good news from a blood test on 2nd Feb :)

After having some pains for the last few days I called the clinic today who wanted to see me right away (panic!) and I am not long back from seeing my tiny little embryo on the screen and its heart beat flickering away :) <3 - it really has not sunk in! Measuring bang on and we have a 7 week scan next Friday which is when the clinic then discharge us into NHS care, next week should be lovely since my husband will be there, I felt bad for going without him today but I am just around the corner from the hospital and I decided that if he wasn't there then they wouldn't be able to give me bad news, haha.

Oh and the pains are because I've been left with an enlarged right ovary with a cyst on it, joys, it should settle down on its own.

Sorry for the random spillage of info, looking forward to getting to know you all over the next few months!

Congrats to you and your partner! A happy and healthy 9 months to you. Relax now and just enjoy it. You are having a baby!!!
TMI I know but is anybody else&#8217;s stomach wrecking havoc on them :(
I gagged for the first time ever brushing my teeth this morning. Yay (not)! :lol:

Haha I'm really 'gaggy' too - I feel mildly nauseous pretty regularly now, but not like I'm gonna vomit, but I keep randomly gagging a lot - so attractive :shock:
Is anyone else finding they need to ‘go’ more often? I’m usually a once-a-day type but I’m finding I need to go at least 3 if not 4 times a day at the moment. Also still religiously poas everyday just to make sure ;) my line is seriously dark on a cheap dipstick now! Who’s finding out the sex of their baby and who’s opting for a surprise? X

Ooh I'll definitely find out the sex - I'm so keen to start getting to know my little person and I feel like knowing the gender will help. Also, I'd like to start preparing and buying things around then, and start thinking of names :dance:
Evening ladies, just catching up! Congrats on the new BPS&#8217;s! There&#8217;s so many of us :)

All good here, tired and back ache but not sure if that&#8217;s pregnancy related or 5 and 1 year old related!

CG- so weird, I&#8217;ve sent my partner out 2 nights in a row for strawberry yazoo milkshake. Hope the milk=girl theory is right :)

Had a text from (what will be) my midwife today she&#8217;s doing my booking app on 6th March which would make me 8w1d. I&#8217;ve got a private scan booked next Saturday (6w5d) so hopefully all will be well!

Oh and we dtd valentines, glad the first time since finding out is out the way!

Thanks ladies! Exciting times :-) I&#8217;ve been having little bits of nausea and feeling quite crampy which happened a lot with my first pregnancy so that&#8217;s reassuring. Otherwise I&#8217;m feeling OK at the mo.

Congratulations Lyndsey! Fingers crossed it&#8217;s all plain sailing for you from here xxx
Evening ladies, just catching up! Congrats on the new BPS’s! There’s so many of us :)

All good here, tired and back ache but not sure if that’s pregnancy related or 5 and 1 year old related!

CG- so weird, I’ve sent my partner out 2 nights in a row for strawberry yazoo milkshake. Hope the milk=girl theory is right :)

Had a text from (what will be) my midwife today she’s doing my booking app on 6th March which would make me 8w1d. I’ve got a private scan booked next Saturday (6w5d) so hopefully all will be well!

Oh and we dtd valentines, glad the first time since finding out is out the way!


Ooh we finally managed to DTD last night after all this time! :lol: I forgot to say. Haha.

Congratulations to the new BFPs. :)

To the question before about needing to ‘go’ a lot, yes, that’s me. I used to go once every 3 days (bad I know) but it’s like 3 times a day at the moment.

I’ll 100% be finding out the sex. I’m considering a private gender scan at 16 weeks as that’s around my husbands birthday! :D
Is anyone else quite crampy?? Please tell me this is normal
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I&#8217;ve not experienced any cramps as such.. maybe keep an eye on it, warm bath? I&#8217;ll be honest the only thing similar cramp like related has generally been followed by some rather ... loud.. wind.. much to my partners amusement!

CG- glad you dtd! When&#8217;s yours husbands birthday? Was looking to do the 16w gender one for my birthday I&#8217;m april 13th xx

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