.. October 2016 Mummies - Second Trimester ..

It's completely normal Hun. I know first time I didn't feel definite movement/flutters until I was 20 weeks and then it was just the odd bit flutter here and there. I'm sure they say it's only from 28 weeks you'll get a regular pattern of movement/kicks.

My son used to kick me between 10.30 and 11 each morning...I got worried a couple of times he had a "lay in" lol. This one I've felt flutters from 12 weeks but a week or so can go between each time i feel it. I was out with friends 2 weekends ago and there was awful karaoke and baby wasn't keen and was jumping around ha! I then didn't feel anything again until the other night x
I was beginning to worry cause i hadn't felt anything in a few days but have felt loads today! Cant wait to feel proper movements. I think my mat leave will start at 37-8 weeks but witg a week annual leave beforehand. Dont know how long to take though. Maybe 30 weeks, cant afford to take more tbh.

Claire you look great! You can tell im pregnant but my bump isnt neat, its just vast lol, round my whole middle!
I watched your youtube vid yesterday D3bbie, I found it so interesting & informative! So I'm going to stay tuned and watch the previous weeks also! :)

I think we're definitely in the same boat. However I'm working in Sheffield and I live in Derbyshire, so around an hour commute there and back on public transport so I'm going to take early maternity at 29/30 weeks as I don't want my commute to bring on an early labour lol!

Did you find out the gender at 20 weeks or are you having a surprise? xx

Thank you for watching! I work in social media and tell people it's easy to film themselves, so thought it was about time I did it myself.

That sounds like a horrible commute while pregnant. I work about 15 mins drive away so it's really good. My work is also quite flexible in that they'll let me work from home some days if I need to. I have so much holiday to take so will probably do 4 day weeks from 26-36 weeks.

We didn't find out and didn't see anything to give it away. Hubby wants a 4d scan at 30 weeks so I hope I don't see anything then. Are you going to find out? Xx

We went for our 20w scan today.

Still having a boy! He's fit and healthy and was kicking away and waving.

Measuring good the waist is above average but not worrying. He's probably going to be bigger than his brother.

We got all these pictures to take. She printed to many so we got the rest.

Love the ones with the little feets!!



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Hi girls had our gender scan today and we are TEAM......

Im to go bk in 4wks for another scan as they could get all measurements and my placenta in on my belly wall so i cant feel the kicks xx
I honestly think October should be boys month!! Ill need to start keeping count!

I wonder if all the team yellows will have girls lol.

Ahh congratulations, i know anotger boy, we should have a count! Id love a wee boy but i think girl, have to go to Oct to find out, hopefully its my push motivation!
I know. Boys are back in town! Haha.

Thank you.

Cant wait for the hd one now, we won't have that till later on but he already looks so much like Jackson.

Congrats Russell & Wilson on finding out your team blue! (I know Russell you said you had a 16 week gender scan like me that you're team blue, but at least now it's properly confirmed!) scan photos are so clear!! Eeek everything is going so quickly ladies! xx
I watched your youtube vid yesterday D3bbie, I found it so interesting & informative! So I'm going to stay tuned and watch the previous weeks also! :)

I think we're definitely in the same boat. However I'm working in Sheffield and I live in Derbyshire, so around an hour commute there and back on public transport so I'm going to take early maternity at 29/30 weeks as I don't want my commute to bring on an early labour lol!

Did you find out the gender at 20 weeks or are you having a surprise? xx

Thank you for watching! I work in social media and tell people it's easy to film themselves, so thought it was about time I did it myself.

That sounds like a horrible commute while pregnant. I work about 15 mins drive away so it's really good. My work is also quite flexible in that they'll let me work from home some days if I need to. I have so much holiday to take so will probably do 4 day weeks from 26-36 weeks.

We didn't find out and didn't see anything to give it away. Hubby wants a 4d scan at 30 weeks so I hope I don't see anything then. Are you going to find out? Xx

Definitely :) I'd love to start blogging/vlogging etc but I feel like my life is way too boring lol!

It's definitely not the most fun, luckily I'm not too round yet so the commute isn't too bad, but I can tell when I get in to 3rd tri and get a lot bigger it's going to get a lot harder than I realised! But I can take maternity any time from 29 weeks onwards! I'm not planning on going back to work after either, OH luckily is self-employed so I'm going to be a stay at home mum for a while until I find a job similar as to now but in a more suitable area!

Ooh thats good, I'd love to stay team yellow but I couldn't help myself! Good on you though! :)

I'm having a baby boy :) I had a 16 week gender scan bought as a birthday present! Yet to be confirmed at 20 weeks though on the 31st! xx
I used to get 3 busses to work and 3 home and 15 mins of walking and it got far.too much once I hit tri 3 last time.

This time I can see the train station and the one I get off is joined to my work so I'm not huge commute last time.

I think they tend not to get boy genders wrong. I was told the only reason my friend found out so early is because it was a boy. She found out at 15w. The sonnographer went on to say the boys are generally harder to mistake. Obviously. Lol.

Jackson's Winkle was huge to the point we seen the gender. This time Jackson told us at the 16w scan but today it wasnt as big or noticeable as last time. Must have been the angle but she checked 3 diff angles lol.

Sorry i dont get on here much girls, our facebook grouo we have is easier to access and i remember nsmes better haha xx

Congrats Russell & Wilson on finding out your team blue! (I know Russell you said you had a 16 week gender scan like me that you're team blue, but at least now it's properly confirmed!) scan photos are so clear!! Eeek everything is going so quickly ladies! xx

Thank you!!

I know, I haven't gotten anything blue yet, just in case but can rest now lol.

We got right up close to his face and lips it was so clear he's so like his brother. I still can't believe how many she gave us :rofl:

Wondering what you think ladies. I've been coming out in alot of bruises lately, mainly on my legs but I've not knocked or hurt them atal! I'm not back to see the midwife until 6th June, but they said if I wanted to speak to them before that I've just to phone in. I'm unsure whether u should call or not? It doesn't seem like a huge problem but just incase its an underlying problem x
Definitely something to get checked out but go to your GP x
Wondering what you think ladies. I've been coming out in alot of bruises lately, mainly on my legs but I've not knocked or hurt them atal! I'm not back to see the midwife until 6th June, but they said if I wanted to speak to them before that I've just to phone in. I'm unsure whether u should call or not? It doesn't seem like a huge problem but just incase its an underlying problem x

Hey love,

This might help:

What is easy bruising during pregnancy?

Some women notice more bruises than normal during pregnancy or find that the tiniest bump causes a major black-and-blue mark.

What could be causing my easy bruising during pregnancy?


Sure, it could be nothing. But there’s a chance you may have developed gestational thrombocytopenia — which means a low platelet count caused simply by being pregnant. Platelets help blood to clot, and clotting is important both in anesthesia (for labor) and in surgery, such as a c-section.

When should I go to the doctor with my easy bruising during pregnancy?

It’s worth mentioning to your doctor or midwife at your next appointment. Your platelets will be checked throughout your pregnancy, anyhow, but it’s worth bringing it to her attention just to be extra-cautious — especially since low platelets are one of the symptoms of HELLP syndrome, a serious pregnancy complication.

What should I do to treat my easy bruising during pregnancy?

It all depends on the cause. If it turns out you do have a low platelet count, your provider will continue to monitor your platelets throughout the pregnancy. If they dip too low, you may be recommended not to have an epidural, and your provider may do everything possible to try to avoid a c-section, since trouble clotting could make the procedure more risky. Tell your provider about any other weird symptoms you may have, including headaches, swelling, vomiting and bleeding, which could be signs of HELLP syndrome.

Took this in the bath last night as I realised how large I'm starting to look! Hope you ladies don't mind a bit of bottom boob!

Anyone else care to share their bump? Love seeing all of our progress :) x


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Nice and neat.

This is me on Saturday. I keep all my nakey bumps for OH and I but I'll perhaps get the belly out tonight n post one.

I'm on my second baby so my belly has a road map of britain on it lol.



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