.. October 2016 Mummies - Second Trimester ..

Hey ladies... Sorry for not updating but I thought I'd give you an update on some dates Russell...

I have my 20 week scan on the 31st May (although I already know that I'm team blue!!) and I also have my 24 wk midwife appointment but no date set yet, need to get that booked in!

Has anyone been on maternity allowance rather than maternity pay through the employer? I've recently started a new job and I don't qualify for mat pay with them so therefore don't require a matb1 form, so wondered whether anyone knows the process? the form is ridiculous! x

Hi Ellsbells,

I've got my 20 week scan on the 31st too...I'm desperate to find out, it can't come quick enough. It was a surprise with my first but this time I need to know.

I think I may qualify for maternity allowance, I was looking at it on the gov website last night. I'm not working because I didn't go back to my job after mat leave with my son (was due back at the end of Feb) but we moved to the other end of the country at the beginning of Feb and then I found out I was pg again, so didn't even have a chance to look for a new job in my new home. But anyway, it says if you were in employment for 66 weeks before your due date then you qualify, but it did say if still need a matb1 form to apply.

These things are never simple though are they!? I'm sure they make it as difficult as possible to try and put you off!

Hope all you other ladies are well and are enjoying your bumps xx
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Had my 16 week appointment, not with midwife but with gp, got to hear the heartbeat! Also got my whooping cough vaccine, apparently from 1st may they can give it early, word of warning, my arm is aching, worse than flu vaccine!
Yeah itll be tender for a couple days after, or at least mine was and a bit stiff.

Just make sure OH doesnt punch it - my OH kept threatening to :lol:

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I haven't been offered my whooping vaccine yet! I might ask for it when I next see my midwife. I totally forgot all about it, although I think I was about 28 weeks pregnant when I got it last time.
I was about then too Ash.

I will prob either be next app as don't see me in at 28 w after going at 24w or if its later ill wait. Dont think im that keen for it early lol xx
I wasnt expecting it but im not complaining, one less thing to worry about.
Also Russell can you change my due date to the 11th Oct please x
I have my 20 week scan tomorrow and I'm full of nerves. I think I'm more nervous than I was for the 12 week scan. I don't think last nights one born every minute helped. At least I get to work from home tomorrow, although I don't know how much I'll actually get done before my appointment at lunch time x

I just watched that one born from last night and it got me all nervous about the 20 week scan too!
I can't wait to have mine and make sure baby is all well. Good luck for tomorrow, hope you sleep ok tonight, I'm sure all will be fine x
Morning ladies. How are you all? I am finally getting my energy back and able to do more things now. Starting to enjoy being pregnant. Although I thought i felt flutters a couple of times last week but nothing since so maybe it wasn't baby after all. Im 16 weeks tomorrow and I felt DD at 18 so hoping to feel baby soon :) xxx
Morning girls

Yay for flutters, youll feel kicks soon enough. I felt first flutters then I think about 3 weeks later it was kicks. :)

Good luck for your 20w scan today Debbie. Mind and post a piccie!

I have mine on Monday. I spose I am nervous for this one because its looking at everything in a finer detail as apposed to just height. But then its good to know everything is ok in there.

Hello everyone. I have been away from here for a little while. On 29th April I had a 16 week scan. At that scan I was told the baby has Hypo Plastic Left Heart syndrome. We saw many specialists and had a heart scan however with a heavy heart we decided the best thing for baby would be a medical termination. Hope Ann was born on 11th May 2016 at 21.05pm weighing 210g. She was perfect in everyway. I am going back to see her today before she goes to Oxford for a post mortem. This is the second baby I have had with this condition. The first was Joseph who is also an angel. Xxx

I hope none of you mind the photo I uploaded of Hope. Xx

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Hello everyone. I have been away from here for a little while. On 29th April I had a 16 week scan. At that scan I was told the baby has Hypo Plastic Left Heart syndrome. We saw many specialists and had a heart scan however with a heavy heart we decided the best thing for baby would be a medical termination. Hope Ann was born on 11th May 2016 at 21.05pm weighing 210g. She was perfect in everyway. I am going back to see her today before she goes to Oxford for a post mortem. This is the second baby I have had with this condition. The first was Joseph who is also an angel. Xxx

I hope none of you mind the photo I uploaded of Hope. Xx

So sorry that you had to make this tough decision, sending love and hugs for baby Hope and you & your family xxx
I'm so sorry to be reading this charm_er, what an awful situation for you all. Hope Ann is a beautiful name, best wishes to you all xx
Sorry to hear about your loss Charm_er.

I cant imagine what you are going through at this time. Big hugs.

So sorry to hear about your loss Charm_er. Sending love to you and your family xxx

Charm_er I'm devasted for you. I really don't know what to say besides life can be so cruel. May your precious angels rest in peace.
So sorry to hear that Charm_er. I can't imagine what you're going through. Sending love and best wishes to you and your family xx
Oh Charmaine i am so so sorry to read this. What a beautiful name for your little angel, im sorry for both your losses. Please talk to us if you need us, look after yourself xx

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