.. October 2016 Mummies - Second Trimester ..

Hey ladies... Sorry for not updating but I thought I'd give you an update on some dates Russell...

I have my 20 week scan on the 31st May (although I already know that I'm team blue!!) and I also have my 24 wk midwife appointment but no date set yet, need to get that booked in!

Has anyone been on maternity allowance rather than maternity pay through the employer? I've recently started a new job and I don't qualify for mat pay with them so therefore don't require a matb1 form, so wondered whether anyone knows the process? the form is ridiculous! x

Hi Ellsbells,

I've got my 20 week scan on the 31st too...I'm desperate to find out, it can't come quick enough. It was a surprise with my first but this time I need to know.

I think I may qualify for maternity allowance, I was looking at it on the gov website last night. I'm not working because I didn't go back to my job after mat leave with my son (was due back at the end of Feb) but we moved to the other end of the country at the beginning of Feb and then I found out I was pg again, so didn't even have a chance to look for a new job in my new home. But anyway, it says if you were in employment for 66 weeks before your due date then you qualify, but it did say if still need a matb1 form to apply.

These things are never simple though are they!? I'm sure they make it as difficult as possible to try and put you off!

Hope all you other ladies are well and are enjoying your bumps xx

Great stuff! Looks like we're both in the same boat in terms of MA allowance then! One less to worry about :)

Don't know about you, but my bump has certainly sprouted over the last week/week and a half! I'm only 18 weeks but look extremely pregnant! I'll try and post a pic later!!

Hope you all have a lovely weekend, I finish work until monday in 15 mins woooo! xxxx
So so sorry to hear of your loss Charm_er, can't imagine what you're going through. Love to you and your family x
Sorry to hear for your loss Charm_er - noone deserves to go through what you're going through xxx
I am so sad to hear about your loss Charm_er, lovely name, sending lots of hugs and wish you the very best the future xx
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Thank you for your kind messages. I'm going to see Hope tomorrow for one last cuddle. Words really cannot describe the pain I am feeling. Xx
Charm I am so sorry for your loss :hugs: must of been such a difficult decision to make. I'll be thinking of you.
I had my 20 week scan on Friday and baby is happy and healthy. I have a low posterior placenta but she said I shouldn't worry and I will be rescanned at 34 weeks to make sure it's moved. I filmed a 20 week update if anyone's interested: https://youtu.be/CKzYjlIKOb8

I'm staying team yellow so we didn't find out the gender xx


Oh lovely xlear pic! Im not finding out either but is it awful that i kinda hope its obvious cone 20 week scan lolol! Def gonna be watching your vids! :)
I have my scan tomorrow. Be good to confirm the sex.

4 weeks till VDAY for me too. Yay.

Ahhh going in so quick, im still a good bit away :( good luck for scan tomorrow Claire!
Thanks love. I think cause I had the gender scan the 20w has came in pretty quickly.

I went to a party last night. Felt like the Budha. Everyone rubbing the belly. (Attached 20w bump pic)

By 1am everyone was pissed and I wanted my bed. Changed times.



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You look fab Claire! Good luck in your scan tomorrow.
Lovely clear scan picture D3bbie! You look gorgeous Claire, haha I went to party the other week. I know now why I always end up puking with them lot now AMOUNT of vodka that was going in them cocktails hahah xx
Thanks girls I did feel massive last night. Somehow manage to hide it in my work clothes so everyone was all like your huge haha!!

Last night I didn't enjoy not drinking. I've been to nights out at dinners and the pub but last night was a party and was kinda odd seeing it from a totally different perspective.

On the plus side though no one let me put into the Kitty as I was on coke all night. So aside from my outfit and gift the night out was free. And I took full homage of the buffet haha.

I did get asked back to a house party. Which I'd have been totally up for had I not been 5m pregnant tired and unable to drink lol people started to get a bit heavy handed and I got bumped into during photos. One girl even fell on the cake and knocked it over. So funny I've never seen anything like it.

Glad it wasn't me anyway. It was a girl from works joint party with her mum and two of our pissed colleagues were dancing and fell on the mums big 50 cake :rofl: wonder what'll happen tomorrow at work and I'm not even in!!!

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Hey ladies... Sorry for not updating but I thought I'd give you an update on some dates Russell...

I have my 20 week scan on the 31st May (although I already know that I'm team blue!!) and I also have my 24 wk midwife appointment but no date set yet, need to get that booked in!

Has anyone been on maternity allowance rather than maternity pay through the employer? I've recently started a new job and I don't qualify for mat pay with them so therefore don't require a matb1 form, so wondered whether anyone knows the process? the form is ridiculous! x

Hi Ellsbells,

I've got my 20 week scan on the 31st too...I'm desperate to find out, it can't come quick enough. It was a surprise with my first but this time I need to know.

I think I may qualify for maternity allowance, I was looking at it on the gov website last night. I'm not working because I didn't go back to my job after mat leave with my son (was due back at the end of Feb) but we moved to the other end of the country at the beginning of Feb and then I found out I was pg again, so didn't even have a chance to look for a new job in my new home. But anyway, it says if you were in employment for 66 weeks before your due date then you qualify, but it did say if still need a matb1 form to apply.

These things are never simple though are they!? I'm sure they make it as difficult as possible to try and put you off!

Hope all you other ladies are well and are enjoying your bumps xx

Great stuff! Looks like we're both in the same boat in terms of MA allowance then! One less to worry about :)

Don't know about you, but my bump has certainly sprouted over the last week/week and a half! I'm only 18 weeks but look extremely pregnant! I'll try and post a pic later!!

Hope you all have a lovely weekend, I finish work until monday in 15 mins woooo! xxxx

Yes! I've definitely "popped" in the last week or so! Other people have said so too. I've also felt that baby was having a growth spurt because I've been exhausted despite getting a good nights sleep...like tri 1 exhausted! And I've had a few hormone surges and have cried at some very silly things lol.

Hope you had a good weekend....2 weeks to go until scan and counting!!! X
Morning ladies, hope you're all well! At work at the moment, but feeling very de-motivated! Trying to sort out maternity leave date etc, also feeling absolute knackered so trying to give myself some energy with cookies and a decaff coffee :)

Just a quickie... I have had a huge growth spurt over the last weeks and my bump is so noticeable now! (no stretch marks yet though! Touch wood!) However, I did feel as if I had a few flutters last week for a couple days, but I haven't noticed anything since? I'm only 19 weeks, but I thought maybe once I'd started feeling the flutters, I'd get them daily or more frequently?? I still have my sore boobies, peeing all the time, heavy discharge (sorry tmi) and of course my growing bump! But I have a niggling feeling of worry because of the no movement! Is anyone else in the same boat? Please share!!

P.S Russell you look fab! So glowing!!! xxx
Morning ladies, hope you're all well! At work at the moment, but feeling very de-motivated! Trying to sort out maternity leave date etc, also feeling absolute knackered so trying to give myself some energy with cookies and a decaff coffee :)

Just a quickie... I have had a huge growth spurt over the last weeks and my bump is so noticeable now! (no stretch marks yet though! Touch wood!) However, I did feel as if I had a few flutters last week for a couple days, but I haven't noticed anything since? I'm only 19 weeks, but I thought maybe once I'd started feeling the flutters, I'd get them daily or more frequently?? I still have my sore boobies, peeing all the time, heavy discharge (sorry tmi) and of course my growing bump! But I have a niggling feeling of worry because of the no movement! Is anyone else in the same boat? Please share!!

P.S Russell you look fab! So glowing!!! xxx

Hi Ells,

honestly don't worry about inconsistent movement just now. I felt a movement (like a whooshing?!!) at 16 weeks, im now 19 weeks and had about two noticeable movements since. It's frustrating reading everyone's stories of feeling baby and if you're anything like me you're questioning why you're not getting it to (i'm jealous!!) but it's completely normal xx
Aah thank you! I was starting to worry for a moment then! It is definitely disheartening to see that people are feeling their babies movements regularly and I haven't felt any movement for well over 5 days :( xx
Morning ladies, hope you're all well! At work at the moment, but feeling very de-motivated! Trying to sort out maternity leave date etc, also feeling absolute knackered so trying to give myself some energy with cookies and a decaff coffee :)

Just a quickie... I have had a huge growth spurt over the last weeks and my bump is so noticeable now! (no stretch marks yet though! Touch wood!) However, I did feel as if I had a few flutters last week for a couple days, but I haven't noticed anything since? I'm only 19 weeks, but I thought maybe once I'd started feeling the flutters, I'd get them daily or more frequently?? I still have my sore boobies, peeing all the time, heavy discharge (sorry tmi) and of course my growing bump! But I have a niggling feeling of worry because of the no movement! Is anyone else in the same boat? Please share!!

P.S Russell you look fab! So glowing!!! xxx

I think it's completely normal hun. I'm 20 weeks and only feel something at night but not every night. I had my scan on Friday and baby was definitely kicking away I just couldn't feel it. I've not felt any proper kicks yet.

I've just sorted out my maternity leave too. Going to take 2 weeks annual leave beforehand to make it longer xx
I watched your youtube vid yesterday D3bbie, I found it so interesting & informative! So I'm going to stay tuned and watch the previous weeks also! :)

I think we're definitely in the same boat. However I'm working in Sheffield and I live in Derbyshire, so around an hour commute there and back on public transport so I'm going to take early maternity at 29/30 weeks as I don't want my commute to bring on an early labour lol!

Did you find out the gender at 20 weeks or are you having a surprise? xx

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