.. October 2016 Mummies - First Trimester ..

Lol thanks ladies. I know it's still early but it's hard not to worry x
Sorry you ladies are starting to get the sick pregnancy feelings...it isnt nice, mine has gone to afternoon sickness now, so i feel better in the mornings..

I swear cucumber is helping mine, ive eaten slot of it and it seems to settle my sickness.

Have you all got plans this weekend xx
Lol thanks ladies. I know it's still early but it's hard not to worry x

Let me tell you this, this is the first of worries haha when they are born its cot death, not breathing, not feeding lol..the worry is always there xx
I'm anxious as I have no real symptoms. Didn't have any with my first and i feel that I can't be that lucky that I have no sickness with this one either. Only 4+6 so I know there's still time but still worried x

Doesnt tend tostart till after 6 wks, so enjoy the no symptoms while it lasts lol xx

Yep, started dead on six weeks for me! Something to NOT look forward to! ;)
Sorry you ladies are starting to get the sick pregnancy feelings...it isnt nice, mine has gone to afternoon sickness now, so i feel better in the mornings..

I swear cucumber is helping mine, ive eaten slot of it and it seems to settle my sickness.

Have you all got plans this weekend xx

I've found drinking lots of fluid helps. I've bought a water bottle and I keep that at work and have around three bottles a day.. Def helps!

Today is my day off (woop!) We're popping to the shops to get a present for a friend who's just had a baby and will take some library books back. Just trying to enjoy my time with the toddler before working the next three days! X
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We are off sofa shopping, and then going on a dinner date in town to cosmo :) where are all you girls from xx
Im from Belfast, just sleeping today im working tonight :( in agony today my back is so achy and cant get comfy! Its okay to take paracetamol isnt it?
I havent been swimming for ages now really must go :) hope u have a fab day xx
I am 9 weeks on Monday and I haven't had many symptoms to shout about sore boobs have eased they just feel solid now and tiredness is horrendous but other than that I have had nothing really, I do want to eat a lot but I'm putting that down to the steroids for the natural killer cells ( I have put on 5lb already!). I had a bit of a crisis of confidence due to lack of symptoms so had tested to get a sign of anything and it had really faded so went into panic mode but who knew it's normal!! Have any of you heard of the hook effect? So I diluted my fmu and came up lovely result so can relax now!! Xx
I'm from Hampshire. We're off to a national trust place today for a freezing cold picnic and then I need to pop to Primark for some bigger tops and looser work trousers.
Hello everyone! I haven't been on in a while because I've been rather poorly. I am feeling better this morning but still got double earache. Although, for the first time in 3 days I can eat and drink!!

How is everyone?
I'm from the Scottish Borders in Roxburghshire. Hopefully they will understand, I will be questioning my personnel manager when I go back in xx
I really want to go swimming now! Lol haven't been in ages, youve inspired me (will be two weeks away cause of my rota though :()

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