Lol thanks ladies. I know it's still early but it's hard not to worry x
I'm anxious as I have no real symptoms. Didn't have any with my first and i feel that I can't be that lucky that I have no sickness with this one either. Only 4+6 so I know there's still time but still worried x
Doesnt tend tostart till after 6 wks, so enjoy the no symptoms while it lasts lol xx
Sorry you ladies are starting to get the sick pregnancy isnt nice, mine has gone to afternoon sickness now, so i feel better in the mornings..
I swear cucumber is helping mine, ive eaten slot of it and it seems to settle my sickness.
Have you all got plans this weekend xx
I'm of swimming with the kiddies, haven't been in ages X
Im from Belfast, just sleeping today im working tonightin agony today my back is so achy and cant get comfy! Its okay to take paracetamol isnt it?
I'm of swimming with the kiddies, haven't been in ages X
That sounds lovely, enjoy!
I havent been swimming for ages now really must gohope u have a fab day xx